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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Hello, players are able to get free mounts via quests and bosses or can buy them from other players via pokedollars.

    We do not plan to add more options to obtain them outside the Coin Shop and already existing methods.



    • Like 2
  2. Heyho, I am against it for already mentioned reasons but also cause we'd need to save the steps left or users might lose many used repels once they disconnect from the server.

  3. Heyho, I am not sure if you are aware of it but it's not only intentional that it's not possible to bind it but the window even has a random factor where it appears to make it harder for macro users to automate it. Right now, I am not a fan of it but I am not totally against in the future since I plan to add full controller support.

    • Like 1
  4. Heyho, that's more or less already on our to-do list but we need several improvements before we can add it.


    1. Scripters need to be able to add status and move immunities (such as Poison, Endevour and Destiny Bond).

    2. An AI improvement is badly needed for this.

    3. Multi-player battles need to be added first. Even though it's also possible without right now (several single-player battles at the same time).



    • Like 1
  5. Heyho.


    1. I am not really a fan of it.

    1.1 First of all, it would increase the client size by a lot. Audio files take the most space within the client already. 

    1.2 It would be a lot work to implement and to maintain it.


    2. Theoretically possible but definitely not going to happen.

    2.1 The biggest issue are our forms. We'd need a custom 3d sprite for every form and we have many. That's waaaay too much work.

    2.2 Without a GUI update it would look really, really mixed up and bad.


    3. That's already on our to-do list: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/


    4. Double battles aren't on our official to-do list yet as we need to implement a target system first.

    Once we did that we can somewhat estimate the workload and decide if we implement it.

  6. Hey, I might add a way to delete pokes you caught in the preview window for a small fee. Probably 100-200 Pokedollars for each deletion.

    It would also only be possible for pokes that go straight to your box. Caught Pokemon that stay in your team wouldn't be deleteable.

    I am not entirely sure yet but it would definitely be a good money-sink, so I consider it.



    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Bash said:


    If you want reasons and arguments against it, why dont you give some in favor it? Because I dont really see some.


    I cant think of a reason to make this time change at all. It would have like none impact on anything. Therefore I also wouldnt mind that tbh. But still: ?!?!


    What made different Pokemon on different handheld versions cool, is that you can trade with ppl who also play the game. We already have that tho - even on a whole different level beeing an mmo. Besides that, noone really cares much about Minum and Plusle too. It makes collecting unnessesary complicated imo. Because its no extra fun to make a server transfer, trade or hunt all mons, and transfer back.


    Maybe it would be cool to have different stuff on servers, but that what you suggested is weird and doest make the game more fun imo.



    Splitting up legends is also a bad idea because beeing able to have all legends is cooler than just beeing able to have half of them - because some bring that up.


    Of course, we can implement it in a way users also "profit" from it. I am not saying you will never ever be able to catch certain pokes on a server. We could take already implemented mechanics such as the rotated starter spawns we had before that change every month and use a reverted order on one server. This way both are hunt-able at any time but not at both servers the same time.


  8. Just now, Zeskyr said:



    I'm totally fine with this, even more, why not make an exclusive Quest on each server (Don't know if it's possible), on Silver, you will be able to catch Lugia, on gold, you will be able to catch Ho-oh.

    This would be crazy but i don't know if it's do able. 


    Hello. It is possible for scripters to do this.

    • Like 1
  9. Hello, this is just a thought that I've been thinking about for a long time. It hasn't been discussed with the spawn editor and is not set in stone yet.

    Currently there is no difference between silver and the gold server, and I would like to change that slightly. Of course, the server transfer remains free every 30 days!


    I would like to have a time difference on both servers by 12 hours. So that, for example, it is 12 AM on silver while it's 12 PM on gold.
    Furthermore, I would like to follow the handhelds and add individual spawns only available on one of the two servers. So you can only catch Minun on silver and Plusle on gold. Through the server transfer and trades it would still be possible to catch all the Pokemon.


    What do you think about this? I am sure there are users that absolutely don't like the idea but please follow our forum rules and give reasons.

    • Like 14
  10. Heyho.

    1. Create a shortcut for the PRO.exe and name it whatever you wish.
    2. Next, right click your shortcut and go to properties. After you got there you will find a textbox that says Target and then the location of the PRO.exe.
      1. Now type -force-glcore. (Add a space between .exe and -force)
    3. Hit Apply, and then run the shortcut you created.


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