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Everything posted by Lifeguard

  1. start bid 1m. min rise 100k. 72hs auction. no insta atm.
  2. +1 great
  3. Well, as the auction continued with such certainty, I thought that was how it was done, let's wait for pipsi. I hope I have not generated inconvenience, greetings
  4. I do not know if it is in the rules, that if someone offers their insta, and then it does not appear, the auction continues, is it so?
  5. i insta, if this can be done, i am not sure if i win pipsi or not, u can come to silver for the trade? i give u a cc for the transfer
  6. if u can come to silver, i pay 2m. I give u a cc too for the transfer.
  7. Well, nice nape, gl Piproom
  8. -1 . Adding insta later gives the seller an idea about how much would be a reasonable insta to set based on the current offers.
  9. -1 , rerolls have to be only lucky.
  10. 6m if u can come to silver
  11. -1, do evo data is a pain, so bad idea.
  12. 25m. accept cc, 380k each. At least 15m have to be in cash.
  13. update on price.
  14. hello, thanks for your interest, at the moment I am not interested in other pokes, only cash and cc
  15. Hello everyone, here I present this wonderful shiny I think that in its price it should be considered: good nature, correct skill, both for pvp or pve good ivs, tier 7 pokemon, and being a popular pokemon, after the starters in general, I believe that munchlax / snorlax is one of the most loved pokemon by pokemon lovers in general. the price is 25m. I accept cc = 380k each at least 15m have to be in cash, the rest can be cc. ty all.
  16. 800k. accept cc 400k each
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