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Calahan last won the day on November 24 2018

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About Calahan

  • Birthday 04/25/1994

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  1. Hey, The rule itself doesn't sound like it covers those disconnections, let alone the attempted bribing, as the condition stated is "Intentionally queuing against a user". Moreover, it also states "to gain any unfair advantage", yet even the feeding accounts (thus the ones giving advantage) are facing punishment ‒unless that has changed. Also, the detailed example doesn't state either that attempting boosting is already against the rules, as it clearly states both of the conditions "Disconnecting on purpose and receiving payments for it". Maybe it did change in those ways, though I wouldn't get the gist of it; or maybe it's just confused wording. In either way, I am confused about this new rule's boundaries, and if I am, I believe at least some others would be as well, so I figured I'd ask to clear it up. Apologies if it's only me, I did wake up only recently. :]
  2. Hi, Note that this is solely among the items I own, and even then I haven't checked them all, so there might be more. If you do know any other, feel free to post them below. However, these are my findings of last night: -[/hr] Both Xmas Mareep and Xmas Stantler mounts have failed copy/pasta descriptions: -[/hr] Both Halloween Rapidash mount and 2017's Halloween event's reward Houndoom mount have twice the word "during" in their respective descriptions: (only ss'd one, no need to spam the thread of pics either) -[/hr] Xmas Hat - Beard is missing a space between the words "with" and "a" : -[/hr] The HM02 - Fly is stipulating that one can use it to fly to any known city, which never has been nor ever will be the case, making the description wrong and deceiving: -[/hr] The GS Ball seems to have a copy pasted description from Nuggets. It's however not sellable, nor is it a nugget of pure gold, making it unfit of a description: According to its Bulbapedia page, the description should be the following: "The mysterious Ball." -[/hr] The Basement Key is missing an e in its name:
  3. Hey, I second this, even asked myself about it a month ago or so, as it was possible, suggested, and an option widely wanted, as the strawpoll made by Eaty at the time he asked shows: https://www.strawpoll.me/16769458/r For the time being, it makes me disable music overall as it's just annoying to hear the same first 6 seconds of two different musics alternatively, in an infinite loop. Which makes adding all the different musics on each maps a vain effort, sadly. However, it solely depends on him and him only whether to implement it or not, so who knows if it would ever be a thing. About fading though, I feel it blending better, smoother, rather than abruptly switching between two musics would be.
  4. important* -[/hr] will work* -[/hr] we are* and ship's*
  5. Aw :( Good luck in your future endeavors, hope you'll have fun where you'll go! Though... '-' xD Take care!
  6. Hi there, and sorry for your inconvenience! Since your progress was on Red server and that it has merged with Blue server, it will now be on Silver server. Moreover, Gold server is simply a rename of the server formerly known as Yellow. You can learn more about the merge and how to proceed here: Server Merge FAQ And you can find the common merge errors solutions here: Common Merge Errors FAQ Please read both these topics thoroughly and you will be able to log back in-game; do tell me if you need further assistance. Until then, I wish you a nice day :)
  7. Hi there, and thanks for your report! It has been forwarded to Developers and should be fixed next server restart, for which there is no ETA; in the meantime, I would advise trying to interact with NPCs at a slightly slower pace, as so far it seems to have happened when trying to go through dialogues too fast. Apologies for the inconvenience, I will leave the topic opened for now until being sure it's fixed. I wish you to have a great rest of your day :)
  8. Locked as solved. Thanks Keita for your fast and on-point answer. I wish you guys a great day! - Locked -
  9. Hi there, I have tested them myself, and asked some others as well; no one else seem to have this issue. Would you have a mean to record yourself next time you'll do dig spots? Otherwise, could you screenshot every reward's dialogue you get when digging and show them to me here? You can check out the Forum Images Guide here to see what to use to do screenshots, and how to post them on the forum. I'm looking forward to your reply, and thanks in advance for your cooperation
  10. Hi there, As the questions have been answered accurately -and thank you both @LucasMC and [uSER=1837673]@Heiwajima[/uSER] for your replies-, I will set this topic as solved. I wish you all a great day, and good luck on your adventures :) - Locked -
  11. Hi there, If you're sure that's what happened, could you mention which spot in particular it was? I'm looking forward to your reply, and wish you a nice day in the meantime
  12. Hi there, and foremost, sorry for the inconvenience. It has been forwarded to forum admins, however in the meantime, you may download the current version of the client on the official PRO wiki, here: > http://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Client_Downloads#Mac_Version < It should be the latest, however, as I don't own a Mac, I cannot double check myself; do tell me if you still encounter issues. I'm looking forward to your reply, and wish you to have a nice day in the meantime
  13. Hi there, Indeed, as stated by [uSER=1837673]@Heiwajima[/uSER] and @Lightwaves -and thank you for your replies-, your current pokémon both don't have enough happiness to use Headbutt outside of battle. Check out the All information for the happiness of a Pokémon guide to know how to get happiness effectively: - Quote for visibility - With this being said, I wish you to have a nice day! - Locked -
  14. Hi there, As your question got answered accurately -and thanks again, [uSER=1837673]@Heiwajima[/uSER] -, I will set this topic as solved; happy Halloween and great day to you as well! - Locked -
  15. Hi there and sorry for your inconvenience. It's due to the merge re-ordering your pokémon randomly, they were supposed to be locked in your PC as you're doing Sinnoh's storyline, hence why you couldn't move them. We have moved them to your last slots of your PC Storage; enjoy, and have a nice day :) - Locked -
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