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Everything posted by Smooge

  1. Player name: Staller Showdown name: Smooge Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 11
  2. Username: Staller Server: Silver Season you were Top25: Past 3 seasons Your voting: Allow them Your reasoning: These gems don't change anything and only allow for more diversity. If banned, Normal Gem should be allowed as it already is in Gen 7.
  3. 950k on ferro
  4. Player name: Staller Showdown name: Smooge Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 13
  5. insta, contact me in game pls
  6. Player name: Staller Showdown name: Smooge Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 3
  7. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/482467118860992522/584156873842884608/unknown.png http://prntscr.com/nw4a6g big rip. Don't know what caused it, nothing strange happened beforehand or during the match, I simply just lost and it was all gone.
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  8. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303742221407223808/584038065723670532/unknown.png Woke up with 340, posting here to have them removed. I had around 7 or so in my bag before this.
  9. Hello. If 2 players decide not to play a match, and you enter the battle queue right after the timer ends and find someone, the team preview does not show up. Which means you cannot choose a Pokemon and you will lose :P https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303742221407223808/581657055379587073/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303742221407223808/581657233587437568/unknown.png
  10. NAME CHANGE Username: Smooge New Username: Staller Server to charge the money from: Silver
  11. Player name : Smooge Showdown name : Smooge Server : Silver Rank on ladder : 19
  12. Electrode and Ninjask are both faster. You should really do your research before assuming. Even if you’re basing this off of gen 6, Ninjask is still faster.
  13. Smooge, good luck in your future endeavors.
  14. Title says it all. http://prntscr.com/my926y I can assure you I didn't buy this many, nor did I abuse anything to get them. They just kinda appeared afaik. It's not a visual glitch either, already tested that.
  15. Player name: Smooge Showdown name: Smooge Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 18
  16. IGN: Smooge Server: Silver Question: With the new battle system thats coming, and assuming everything works and is intended to now include everything, how would Mega Stones be distributed? And would it be something released with the system, or would it take much more time to fully implement? I just hope there is no ridiculous requirement to get them, as that would put anyone without those requirements at an enormous disadvantage. Staff Team Directed To: CS/Dev's
  17. Smartest: Teerav Friendliest: Squad Funniest: Nanoluck Coolest: GlogS Comeback Player of the Year: Farzeen Most Talkative: Fallen Most Trustworthy: ShinyCelebi Most Helpful: Fallen Most Missed: Strategist Most Influential: Walrosskastanie Most Intriguing: Kwekkwek Most Experienced Player: GlogS Best/Funniest Username: Kricketunez Most Professional Guide Maker: PreHax Most Professional Discord Moderator: Fallen STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Skuid Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Shaui Best Moderator: Elleaf Best Trade Moderator: SaltySully Best Game Master: Letrix Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: SaltySully Most Professional Staff: Eaty Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty Funniest Staff: Eaty Friendliest Staff: Eaty Most Honorable Former Staff: Toothless Most Missed Former Staff: Toothless
  18. Player name: Smooge Showdown name: Smooge Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 16 sent
  19. At first i thought this was kinda pointless and stupid, but after thinking about it... While it is kinda pointless, it is the little things like this that make some games so good. That being said, im not really for or against this, but there’s probably a ton of people who would love this as a feature l.
  20. Smooge

    PVP Council

    +1, just need to make sure the right people are on the council. Also, PRO needs its own council because the metagame isn't the same. On showdown you have things such as Kyurem-Black and Hoopa-Unbound and other things PRO may never have just running around the tier, causing their own influence on the metagame. It doesn't take much for a metagame to crumble, just 1 pokemon can make or break the game. For example, if Landorus-t were to disappear from gen 7 OU, the entire tier could potentially fall apart due to the amount of Pokemon it keeps in check. In PRO, I can't really think of a Pokemon that does the same, but I guess Ferrothorn is somewhat similar; being able to check a few things that could potentially be meta-breaking.
  21. +1, i even disagree with the "easier bosses" con, the only one that would make bosses "easier" is suicune, which 90% of people chose anyway.
  22. Vote: No Reason: Having a dugtrio on your team IMMEDIATELY puts you at an advantage over your opponent, preventing them from switching around freely like you can. It also causes 50/50’s which are uncompetitive. Theres a reason why its banned in gen 7, the attack boost made it able to pick off so many more pokemon than it should and its just a stupid pokemon. Rating: was #10 2 seasons ago and was #1 on blue in December
  23. Time: 20 seconds (or more) Picking a lead can be the most important turn, if im being honest i think 30 seconds would be most reasonable.
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