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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. Added Kecleon, Taillow, Jangmo, Rotom x7 and snivy
  2. +1 as I know for sure i've deleted some event form pokes from my pc as I was cleaning after a long hunt. I always take the example of valentine nidoran F or valentine spearow.... even when clicking on the mon and displaying the stats you can easily not notice the event form.
  3. - 1 I am sorry but i'm what I consider a newbie in pvp with not a lot of free time and I've never even once had to wait for this cooldown... maybe we should suggest a team building tool to avoid people finding out too late their team is trash... Because obviously if you have to suffer from this cooldown too often, the problem is somewhere else.
  4. Addition of various untrained pokemons.
  5. Big price drop on all shop. Check the new prices.
  6. Thank you Crazy00love
  7. The jolly garchomp is still for sale ?
  8. Lillipup sold to Lasss
  9. Added Scyther x2 (impish + ada)
  10. Added Phanpy x4, Donphan + Pancham
  11. Added PvP ready froslass
  12. Thanks Kato for your purchase !
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