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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. Hello, unfortunately KATowiczanin has already said he was buying. But I have a few others if you want to take a look. I will show you in your discord directly.
  2. Hello KATowizanin, 280k for slowpoke + durant ? Also I have to tell you I'm leaving for a few days with no access to pro. As a consequence I won't be able to make the sale before monday evening. If you are ok with the price I stated here and want to proceed to a trade before monday, please feel free to contact a trade moderator to enforce the trade with the present message from me as a basis. Else let's meet on monday when I am back. Thank you for your interest in my shop. Have a great day.
  3. Thanks Tifus for your purchase
  4. Hello miko, the mantyke is still available. I will come back to you as soon as I am able to proceed to a trade with you. If you have any concern about my time response or my ability to proceed to the trade, I invit you to contact me by any means (forum, in game, discord) so we can discuss about it, unlike some others players that I won't name...
  5. Thank you Tifus. (Coin capsule - 225k = 175k)
  6. Added Alolan Ninetales (x2)
  7. Added Meditite (x4) and Durant
  8. Updated shop. Reduced all prices.
  9. To be deleted please
  10. Added Nidoran M (x2), Golbat (x2), Zubat, Joltik (x2), Duskull (x4), Emolga, Shuppet
  11. Added Tepig & Slowpoke (x2)
  12. Welcome in my Shop ! Shop rules: All trade rules must be followed, fake offering will be reported. All prices are negotiable, message me on the thread, via my discord or ingame. Payment methods: Pokedollars. Coin Capsule. (420k) IV Re-roll Ticket. (525k) Nat Re-roll Ticket. (250k) PvP items (on demand) Rare candy. (7k) Any questions, and or for sales you can post or message me in game. Venusaur : 125k Infernape : 200k Salamence : 250k Bisharp : 250k Diggersby: 400k Galvantula : 400k Volcarona : 400k Altaria : 500k ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trick Room Pokemons ! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A-B-C D-E-F G-H-I J-K-L M-N-O P-Q-R-S T-U-V W-X-Y-Z Alolan counterparts Rare counterparts Ultra Beasts Many other pokemons will be added very soon. Contacts : In game : Dorade Discord : .dorade
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