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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. I changed the overall shop appearance to make it better for you
  2. Mimikyu Tropius Arcanine
  3. Hello Zeithh, sure. When can we meet. I am online right now and sent you an email in your forum box.
  4. Added some treeko (1 hp fire and 1 hp ice + 4 others)
  5. Thank you Ashvanth
  6. Updated. Several Bagon, Riolu and Chimchar added + PVP ready blastoise.
  7. SUMMER SALES ! All prices went down ! Check it out !
  8. Hello Mango, It worked ! No idea what was difference since i'm pretty sure I did the same procedure before. Maybe I didn't restart the client at the same point in the process. Well anyway it worked and I thank you for that.
  9. Sold this wonder to Boomsmoke !
  10. Updated with huge discount on all trained mons.
  11. Hello I write here on the advice of Norex (Discord Moderator) that couldn't find any explanation nor solution to my problem. I trained an alolan meowth to the level 96 and was expecting to make it evolve at that point. I know that with the evolution by happiness you sometimes have to let the pokemon faint and regain happiness afterward in order to make it evolve. I did that. Twice. The second time I restarted pro client completely and here is a screenshot : At 14:59 I check happiness after making the meowth faint vs a wild golbat. At 14:59:25 I check happiness after reviving the meowth in pc. At 15:01:31 I check happiness after fighting a bunch of wild mons in order to regain full happiness. And to complete the process I feed the meowth 1 rare candy to make it evolve. But nothing happened. Now my meowth is lvl98 with full happiness and I've no clue how I will make it evolve. Therefore I ask for your help. Thank you in advance for your support !
  12. Thanks Forgiveme !
  13. Hello HaAyDen, Feel free to contact me on my discord so we can arrange the trade in game.
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