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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. Ty Reyc0ringa !
  2. Great choice ! I'm available right now. Else please contact me on my discord when you are ready
  3. Hey ! Sure ! I am online right now if you want. Else contact me on my discord when you are ready ;)
  4. Added 2 hp fire magnemite
  5. Added bold magic guard valentine clefable
  6. Added defiant pawniard x3, mudkip, event forms and Magnezone hp fire
  7. Amazing garchomp
  8. Ty shadowkiller
  9. Hey @Voos I didn't hear from you. What is your discord # ?
  10. +1 top 3 seems tough... not sure it will benefits to many people... For instance one of the top 3 guild on dungeon ladder board today is frozen which have 28 players... So what does it mean ? I need to join this guild to get shadow poke ? While i would have not even participated in doing the dungeon... how fair is it compared to people that went into dungeon and get no reward cause not top 3...
  11. Sure ! Contact me on my discord so that we can arrange a meeting I am online right now.
  12. Dorade

    Eternity guild

    For sure we are my friend !
  13. New pokemons and price update !
  14. The pokemons you've for lend are fire bro !
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