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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. Hello are you still looking for a manectric ?
  2. Thank you Antani 1 !
  3. Sure ! Let me know when you are online via discord please
  4. Arrival of new pokes in shop - Halloween garchomp - pink primeape - alolan sandslash - halloween vivillon - valentine slowbro and more !
  5. Added some Hippopotas
  6. Ty Jarimin for benefiting our sales on lillipup
  7. Thanks Theshadowbeast
  8. Thank you Wrathhh !
  9. Added pvp ready hp fire magnezone
  10. Bump ! And if what you are looking for is not in the shop let me know ! I've plenty others waiting in my pc
  11. Hey dextrax, i don't know if that's your pictures or me but i can't display any of them. Just to let you know people can have trouble checking your store
  12. Brand new poke in shop : trick room gods !
  13. Hey Medusa, sure. I'm available right now if you want
  14. Added some poke. Notably Rockruffs.
  15. Now ! Don't miss our sales at -50% on all Lillipup and -25% on all Yamask !!!
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