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Everything posted by Raika

  1. So did you manage to find one?
  2. There's nothing to fix, nothing is broken, quite literally, just get good.
  3. A better suggestion would be to rework rerolls and how rerolling legendaries work, not go back on something the staff team are trying to improve on. This suggestion has got to be the most selfish idea i've ever seen. Nikola isn't supposed to be used as a free reroll. Heck, now that newer legendaries respawn in the same area, I hope they implement that to all the older legendary Pokemon and make Nikola a regular boss.
  4. What, who said that Nikola is supposed to be used when your legendary has bad IVs? Norex literally said what Nikola is supposed to be used for. If your legendaries have bad IVs, use a Reroll Ticket.
  5. What? I don't understand how you think it's unfair that you don't have to battle a boss that has a cooldown of 21 days to get another chance at catching the newer legendary Pokemon, if anything, that's the step in the right direction. I'm really struggling to see why you think that's unfair, really curious as to why you say that.
  6. Bosses are a fun challenge imo. Copying a strategy shouldn't be a headache for you anyways. You have to remember that choiced items now effect boss Pokemon. That alone is an advantage you can use, but I understand though, making a fuss is easier than making a boss team. Change is hard and it's not for everyone.
  7. Sayonara.
  8. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  9. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  10. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Progameruluhalo @Lofiyu Hi, thanks fornapplying to out guild. I'll send you a message soon.
  11. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  12. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Swarnim Hello, i'll send you a message soon.
  13. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @iceskater @Nyex Thank you for applying. I'll send you two a message soon.
  14. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @XxHasanxSolimxX @PROMasterFai @Riddoe Hi, thanks for applying to our guild. I'll send you a message soon.
  15. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @samad528 @Antonio56 @Maligna Hi, thanks for applying to New Leaf. I'll be sending you a message soon.
  16. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Vers Hi, thanks for applying. Sending you a message right now.
  17. "Makes game unfair." -1
  18. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  19. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Epoch6304 Hi, thanks for applying to New Leaf. I'll hit you up with a message soon.
  20. Ign: Raika Discord: Raika#4020 I'd love to join the server as a friend. Thanks!
  21. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    @Soul5niffer Thank you for applying to New Leaf. I too, enjoy standing in the middle of Vermilion city, admiring the sea. (I'll send you a message soon.)
  22. Raika

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  23. Raika


    Do you have a Pokemon with Magnet Pull in your party?
  24. Bump.
  25. If you don't mind, can you share your findings? How did you come to the conclusion that approximately 1-2% of the playerbase use Nurse Joy's services? Where is this survey you made?
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