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Everything posted by Saruron

  1. Please DM me for the trade. Will be online today in the evening.
  2. I'm online now! @Flash001 EDIT: Skar sold to Flash
  3. Hey @Flash001 thanks for the offer, msg me for the trade. I will be online later today.
  4. Kommo-o sold to @Varun9696
  5. Yes, msg me please when you are able to trade!
  6. Hey thanks for your offer! I will msg you later when im online!
  7. Hey @Pokehunting msg me for the trade please. EDIT: Skar sold to @Pokehunting
  8. np, here is the link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/223688-changes-during-halloween-event/
  9. I'm looking for the following Halloween Event Cosmetics: - HLW Pinsir Horns - HLW Water Shuriken - HLW Greninja Clothes If you have any of them message me please and we will figure out a deal! If you are on Silver Server i'll transfer. Thank you & good luck with the contests!
  10. cute mon and good drawing
  11. Hey i'd buy both 70k Deinos for 120k total Let me know if you accept!
  12. Generally like the idea if it will be like the Secret Base System in the original Pokemon Games in Gen III and Undergrounds in Gen IV. This may be a good blueprint on how to implement it in PRO. +1
  13. Sure, msg me for the trade and lets hope Server comes online fast EDIT: Lop sold to @Straizmann
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