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Amanpokemontrai's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Is amoongus still available ? Can i see it (Aman AK#5495
  2. Wtb epic hp fire sassy amoongus H.a digby ada max atk good spd Contact me (Aman AK #5495) Ign-Amanpokemontrai
  3. Wtb epic hp fire sassy amoongus H.a digby ada max atk good spd Contact me (Aman AK #5495) Ign-Amanpokemontrai
  4. Wtb gentle foongus hp fire
  5. Its very sad, to see u leaving but i hope u have happy future .
  6. Playername : Amanpokemontrai Showdown name: Noob.boo Server: gold Timezone : GMT+ 5:30 Rank on ladder :15
  7. HI EVERYONE : I want to suggest that there should be an option to view ladder ingame so that everyone keep updated in game as in last hours of the season its very stressing changing apps to view ladder and sometime its updated later which can be very bad. we can also add an feature which keep updating the chnges in postion in the ladder via notifications ingame in allchat mayb or seperate chat THANKS FOR READING
  8. I am interested in weavile max spd
  9. +1 Greninja should be unbanned its best pokes to kill stalls due to versatile moveset and people giving reason that gren can kill defoger like with hp gras thats [heck]. These days we can predict its hp grass or anything and its not even available to all u gotta hunt it hell and u should get advantage of ur effort and u can counter gren easily u just need good team buildup unless u battle with random teams .with gren ban most of the current mega got not checks and easily sweeps with good support . So please unban greninja
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