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Everything posted by Socksgunner32

  1. 800
  2. 755
  3. 700k
  4. 525k
  5. 1st 250k 2nd 850k
  6. Thanks bro
  7. +1
  8. Thanks for the reply @g3n3r4l i respect all your answers 1) i mean it feels like a downgrade though . why didnt they do that from the beginning ? or they coulnt have done 100 coins for faster shiny mount or 50 coins for normal mount so they dont have to choose just the jet ski.. so for example 100 coins for shiny gyarados mount thats faster and 50 coins for non gyarados mount with normal speed 4) yeah i feel you man. i mean for some players that are short and want some quick cash injection they wouldn't mind doing all 45+ bosses ( doesnt have to be in 1 go of course cause thats just to mauch ) but it will get you around 1.5 - 1.7m if u beat all available bosses in hard
  9. Alright cool ill wait for the video. dont forget to tag me when you do it. Yeah salamence does dragon dance + arceus does swords dance
  10. Good afternoon I just wanna share my thoughts / opinion about latest update First of all i appreciate all the hard work the PRO team is doing and trying their best to improve the game while adding cool stuff and fixing whats broken Although ive noticed lately some of the previous updates that the game is getting slower and slower and i feel its limiting you a lot lately and heres what ive seen that i did not like at all and im sure many players will agree with me 1: Way back when there was fast surf mounts and slow surf mounts ( making it same speed is unfair i believe , you made the jet ski more expensive cause it was faster and then boom.. ) 2: The time were the talking became slower and made the bosses / level up / Ev training much slower due to slow text. I used to finish a poke in safari ev training service 252 252 6 and maybe another 20 points but after that certain update i wasn't even able to finish 1 poke... maybe 252 and then 200 3: Rumour was going around that a player complained that its to easy to get RR ticket at solcaeon reporters quest.. Well that rumour seems to be true because after that complaint i never got ticket again and ive completed it 10+ weeks in a row ( i hope you haven't reduced the chances on that, it would be really sad if you did ) 4: Limiting us from doing bosses freely was very sad. Why do that ? People said that some players are abusing bosses to farm cash . so what ? whats the problem ? that why they were put there in the first place. Lets not mention that hard difficulty you cant heal and the opponent uses mega poke / godly stats and the worse is when they use items such as choice band and it doesn't even lock on the move . can you explain that ? For example garchomp with choice band uses outrage on dragonite and then you switch to clefable. The boss garchomp will magically use a DIFFERENT MOVE meantime it was locked on outrage 5: And for last this is for the latest update.. So ive noticed the game became slower AGAIN when you in battle. It takes to much time now while you in a fight and especially when you click on fight. Theres like a few seconds delay before you can click it. You know how hard it is after 2-3 years playing this game and then this thing changes? it can be really annoying being used to fast clicking on fight but now you have to wait and lets not mention how slow the hp goes down and how much time for that experience bar to move... Woah ! I mean a fight used to go for a few seconds and now it feels like 20 seconds with all the delays. The text also looks slower.. Another thing about lvl up in cerulean cave. Imagine if you power lvl up a lvl 5 pokemon with focus sash.. Lets say it gets 25 lvls in 1 fight... Does that mean i have to see that bar 25 times go up ? come on... That will take a lot of time.. Everything will now outside PVP i believe.. Boss fights / ev training / lvl up / hunting would take more time cause of how slow the fight scene has become. I mean i managed ( after a long time ) to get used to 1,2,4 but what i said in 5 would be extremely hard and it will definitely reduce my time spend on this game So my suggestions is make the battles + text + clicking faster or like it was before... its much slower now and it will take ages to do things in game now.. i mean the Hp going down like shuckle speed i dont care about mounts speeds difference thats over and done im used to that unfortunately. Thank you
  11. And all I'm doing is trying to help! Your woobuffet way it costs + takes longer time + high chances of getting crit on your or doing a status move and wipe your whole team! You should be thanking me ! Xd regards Looking forward for your reply
  12. That team I hunted all those poke and the ones I bought were cheap .. like 50k
  13. wow it hurt my eyes reading this x.X and im sure he can learn cause using 6 revival herbs is not actually a way heres my team @supertrainers dragonite adamant h.a gyarados adamant h.a skarmory impish sturdy sharpdeo adamant h.a + sharpedo jolly h.a gengar timid
  14. I dont need to learn from you @supertrainers :) no disrespect. Im just saying theres easier and cheaper ways to beat cynthias all sets and not just the 2. and wasting revival herbs and hoping they dont critical hit you or use a status move like dragon dance or swords dance. Just trying to help here actually :) and also it shows you in the uploaded picture how many times i beat battle tower despite buying salamence / kyogre / shiny electode / shiny metagorss / nimbuss mounts which those in total cost 2000k + pve coins :) oh and akatsuki robe xd
  15. @Bhimoso i mean yeah you can dig revival herbs but will you get 6 all the time ? and why waste them if theres easier ways to beat that salamence? sharpedo speed boost jolly protect and destiny works so nice :) although i would love to see @supertrainers beat skarmory with wobbuffet :) i mean arceus can also do swords dance xd after 1 swords dance it will definetly 1 shot wobbuffet lets not mention the high chance of critical hit
  16. 1) And what if its skarmory ? it doesnt have any attacks so you cant defeat it with wob ? 2) What if salamence uses x2 dragon dance ? it will 1 shot wobbuffet 3) Why waste so many revival herbs ? they quite expensive
  17. yes dont let that happen again . if you think you might blackout just relog.. it will take u to the last pc u visited . better than losing cash cheers
  18. Sold to @dorkmesh at instant price of 5.5 m
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