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  1. Zowens


    por favor pueden poner el juego en español?
  2. ign = algerie31 silver server i see that there are many abusif & unuseful heal items that can be replaced with only two cure items full heal & lum berries especially they are headbutted and placed in many places
  3. Hİ We would like to have a new payment system other than Paypal. Our country closed to use paypal please consider the issue Waiting for a nice reply please.
  4. First time Ii'm writing a post, I'm not an english person so forgive my grammar/syntax mistakes. Basically my idea (not just mine, i think most of help-chat players would agree with this) is that rules about help chat should change. We all know that Battle Chat is dead, and by being dead I mean that if you ask for help there about PvP things (as EVs spread, movesets or rates) you will have to wait for 15 to 30 mins if you're lucky, up to 5 hours if you're unlucky. Almost half of the requests on help-chat channel are about those topics and most of the time help chat is full of Mod's messages (like: "Things around movesets and EVs are to be asked in Battle Chat") which are annoying to see and fill space that could be useful to answer to Story-related answer. It takes about 6 to 10 seconds for a Mod to copy-paste that messages, while there are always 2 to 8-9 players (very good in pvp) that can just answer, quick and simple. As many of my friends pointed out, telling someone how many EVs someone has to assign to a pokemon is ACTUALLY an help, so why shouldn't we just help that guy, instead of redirect him in a dead channel? Also think about this: Making an answer will take 2 to 5 seconds and the guy is happy. Redirecting him in another dead chat takes the same amount of time, if not more, and the guy is sad because of no answer and has to ask again, and again, and again. I just can't find any logic sense about that rule, that's why I think it should be changed: Just make help chat a place where ANYONE can find help, maybe not with rate or price checks but AT LEAST let people ask about pvp things. Not sure if I wrote it right, but I tried to explain what I think. [X] EDIT HERE [X] We arrived at the point where people get litteraly muted for helping other people and where players start making fun of Mods because of their messages. That's also another point of view, where you can clearly understand that's something is wrong here. P.M. It's also really sad to say "Ask in Battle Chat" when you know that that question won't have an answer and you could've answered in 3 millisec. Ma77ix
  5. Dear PRO team,please can u make more easy to top up coin for indonesia player like me....i want to buy coin but i not have credit card or pay pal.Please add anothervwayvto top up please..........
  6. Im aware of the current status of the servers, i cant complain about the issues . Silver server keeps crashing from time to time, while the other is not. So i suggest an account transfer, i cant enjoy the game with a lot of crashing happening. And im not thinking of server merges as merging was already done. Ty plz kindly consider this
  7. Im kinda tired of this bs about 'we cant show you the evidence' that got you banned. Why arent u willing to show the proofs that you got against the person appealing? I know i cant speak freely about MY BAN, which is other thing i dont quit get well, but anyway, imagine a case, where u get banned, you dont know why, and none shows you the proofs that have against you, how would you feel? You would think they are trying to f* me over. Its like going ot the court, and defendant dont know what he is being accused off. I dont see the problem of showing the evidence against someone, (some evidence ok, when they are appealing (some evidence ok, lets say about BOTs, or macros u shouldnt), but about trade bans, mute bans, i dont see a problem, if there is explain me.
  8. I would like there to be a new rule under "Chat Rules" that makes the action of asking for free things via PM report-able. Otherwise known as "begging." THE STORY Ah, a kind soul in need of some help. We are having a good day, let's ask what they need help with. [spoiler=Message From Stranger] We don't really like giving out money for free, but we don't want to be rude. Let's tell them sorry that we cannot help them and move on. Our friends are waiting for us to hunt! And we still need to select those pokemon we want to sell in trade chat. Another message pops up! [spoiler=Message From Stranger] The same person... we ponder as what is that is they desperately need the money for. Regardless, we do not give money for free to people we do not know. We kindly reject them and move on. We have our syncs and pokemon ready to sell in our party and meet up with some friends to hunt that elusive Christmas Mareep! After some time, we finally sell a pokemon we have been posting in trade chat. We are so happy we rush to the PC to meet our buyer. They are waiting for us and we happily make the trade. As we are browsing for more pokemon to sell, a new message pops up. [spoiler=Message From Stranger] It is the same strange that was asking for money... We thought we told this person that we do not give things for free. Regardless, we tell them no and hope they understand. However, they do not seem to understand... [spoiler=Message From Stranger] Now it is getting annoying. Twice we have told this individual that we do not give things for free and they continue to harass us. Feeling frustrated, we think about what we can do. We can ignore this player by typing "/ignore playername" into the chat. Yeah, we can do that. This way we can continue to farm and sell pokemon without fear of being harassed by this player. After some time, another sell! Amazing, let's return to the PC and sell our pokemon. However, as soon as we enter the pokemon center, we are met with a new message. [spoiler=Message From Stranger] "No!" We scream to our self. "Not this again." We kindly reject their request and try to move on with our game play. However, after leaving the MSG, the new stranger messages us again insisting me give them money! We think about what we can do. We can ignore this player as well, yeah. But what if another person tries to do it? We hate getting harassed by people for free things. Can we report these people so they will stop? Our logic is simple for reporting them. They are harassing us. We will compile lots of messages from people like this and report them all in once. Some time goes by and we finally get a response. [spoiler=Message From Staff] It seems we are out of luck. We have no choice but to turn off our PMs while we play PRO because of this form of harassment. We cannot post in trade chat because it requires us to keep our PMs on. And we cannot socialize with everyone else because we fear being harassed by beggers. Our experience playing PRO has diminished and maybe tomorrow we will not even play. RESPONSES TO ARGUMENTS AGAINST IMPLEMENTING THIS RULE Just /ignore this person. Logging out resets this feature. It is not possible to remember all the people to /ignore each time you relog and it is not fun. This creates an inconvenience for a player in a negative away. [*]What if they really need the help? There is a "Help" channel in game. There are rules to prevent staff from getting individual PMs for help based on similar reasons. The same should apply here. If someone needs help, its best they ask in a public area in case others have the same question or concern. Asking for money or free pokemon is not the same as asking for help or a favor. [*]This is not a form of harassment. It is. No one should be pressured into giving free things to other players. This creates a negative stigma and general unwillingness to continue playing after being asked for free things.
  9. Just a little thing. Add grass in that small patch in the red square. I don't think I'm the only one, but it's way healtier to hunt in a "closed line" where you can go left rigth while watching something else without risking to end up outside the grass like a dumb. That one is the only small edit required to make this map good too. PS: I would also suggest to make a main topic with this kind of suggestion, like the pokemon restoring topic, instead of having always people to open new topic.
  10. In any event would be cool if it had a boss who gave reroll nature to any pokemon, the requirements would be: to have all insignias and to have at least 200h of game.
  11. As the title suggests, I would want to suggest a separate Trade chat meant for those who do not speak English as well as the average English speaker, Its incredibly difficult speaking to someone who doesn't speak English well, or in general. Now i'm not trying to be racist and say that all non-English speakers are terrible at trading, but i noticed that a lot of non-English Trader don't even bother reading the entire post. For example I am wanting to sell a shiny and i want offers, a non-English speaker messages and says how much i want for it in broken English, clearly showing that he didn't even bother reading the post fully, as soon as you explain that you want him to offer, he leaves rudely without a care in the world, without even saying sorry, or even bothering to offer you anything. Fun Fact: It isn't nice at all, just makes you feel like your never going to sell this Pokemon. Here's another example, lets say you see a Pokemon in chat, you message the player, hoping you can offer this player something, and as soon as you offer him he leaves chat rudely, you message him again asking why he left rudely instead of telling you why he left, he just says he doesn't like your offer in broken English or in Spanish, or a different language to which you try to google translate, now google translate doesn't exactly give you a right translation, as soon as you finish what you wanted to say, you come back to find that the player left long ago. Now this feeling isn't exactly the best feeling, you lost the ability to manage to buy a poke you want, but you had to waste time in trying to translate what he said, and what you wanted to tell him. These two examples prove that having a mixed language chat isn't exactly very fun, and it makes trading absolutely impossible, now i'm not trying to say that all Non-English speakers are like this, i imagine some of them try their hardest to translate what they try to say in order to get what they want, however the biggest issue is that its impossible to communicate with these people. Unless this problem is solved and a extra trade chat meant for those who do not speak English can actually benefit those who wish to just trade with English speakers, and those who speak different languages can trade with those who speak different languages as well. This may sound like segregation, but i just want to make sure that the person i'm trading with, understands me, and i in return can understand this player, Same goes to the player who speaks a different language. - LobsterCorgi
  12. Can you please change battle system so that we can battle like in the anime by using our skills and strategy and not only by using moves
  13. I guess most people would say this is not a complaint but I do not believe that When you beat the Kanto Elite Four and you go to Johto and all your Pokemon are locked I think you should only lock them up to level 20 and above It would give a player a chance to level up the Pokemon that they didn't get to level up when they first caught them in lower areas
  14. Thought it would be a fun idea to have. Since the only way to really play with Randomizer is to hack your game or play a pokemon fan game with the option already. And lets face it. Most of us prop can't even figure out how to even hack. Having a extra server that is just randomized would be lots of fun. And more challenging than it already is. Trust me. Even as a vet of the pokemon series. I'm having a hard time on this. And I'm loving it. I hope this would be possible.
  15. For people that have a hard time at the start of the game, restricted to new players. Equalized exp gain in comparison to solo to prevent abuse. Basically two people teaming up and dropping Pidgeys like.. Pidgeys. For a looong time. It could encourage new players to stay through the beginning that might have otherwise given up and gone to.. well, no names but somewhere else. Not that I would personally, I love the look right from the start in comparison to others I've seen, and the lack of lag in my swag. Not to mention to inclusion of storyline details. I don't know why I'm not mentioning it though, it's an important part.
  16. Hello, It would be nice If player who doesnt meet the requirequirements (3 badges or less) havent any access to the trade chat. Cause today I had around 5 guys who pmed me for buying a poke I used train + boat to get there and the message "the person doesnt meet the requirements for trade" so if its possible to disable the trade chat for them would be pretty nice. Thank you :)
  17. Im suggesting ban the use of softboiled, moonlight, rest, roost. Why? Regen with slowbro/amoonguss, tangroth is already good. But I get sooo tired of playing against blissy-chansey-snorlax teams that just toxic and heal or rest and sleep talk. If we cant use OP Pokemon (genescect,speed boost blaziken, darkrai, ect) why is op stallers a thing? Makes for a looong and annoying game when some is running 2-3 stall healers and spamming heal.
  18. I have only complete johto and kanto story but i've see some cons in the gameplay : -hardship for selling pokémons (auction house would be a nice things) -quest that are too Much expansive,exemple:60k for a bike ,for Subway,200k too fight lance... Furthermore After Subway quest,u Still need to pay to use it and it's 2.5k each Time.Travel between different regions is also too much expansive and players prefer to Walk instead of paying=loss of Time and loss of fun -servers crash -bad pokemon storage Some others suggestions :implemanting mégas,levitate for gengar,Alola's forms,double chance to find a shiny for contributors,shiny ball to gain as extreme event reward(pokemon caught became a shiny),reroll nature ans ivs for non legendaries pokémon(much less expansive but attend fair price),a fakemon that would represent Pokémon Revolution Online(maybe with a community vote?),why not few fake evolutions that should be released by original game(like new eeveelutions,dunsparce's,farfetch...)
  19. I thought about this for a while now, I currently play on Android and my Windows PC and the game is a lot of fun :), and I may be apart of a small minority, but being able to play this on my Xbox One would be pretty neat. I know on the Xbox One we have the capability to activate and launch Dev-mode on the consoles. I know there are emulators that are already published and downloadable for the said user to use by side-loading the app on the console. PROs: By PRO being in UWP format, it'll still be compatible with current windows platform (Tablets, Desktop, Laptop) and possibly a new way to distribute the game to the public. Dev-kit for Xbox One is accessible to anybody that owns a console and easy to activate. It can open the door and expands to new and current users that will play on current and future Xbox Consoles. Consoles are controller ready, and the current game already allows controller input via the settings, which I think it would be easier to implement. CONs: Small minority of users that may not take advantage of their console and use it. I'm not familiar with the difficulty to convert the game to UWP format, could be tedious/troublesome to the devs More bugs may arise when trying to make the game compatible for the Xbox platform I think it would be a great idea, and I hope the way of doing this isn't too difficult to develop/convert for the devs.
  20. Public Listing of Players and their pokemons in PC boxes I will like to be able to search players on the offcial site, not only to see theirs details (Game Hours/ In-game appearance/ Badges owned e.g.) but also to see what (OT) pokemons do they have in their PC boxes! Trainer Class names for in-game chatbox I will like to see players able to obtain special names (infront of our username in the chatbox) via special quests/ new function. For example, the "BUG CATCHER" special name, can only be obtained if you have more than 500 bug types in your PC boxes! Hunting Team with your guild members I will like to see a feature that allows members of the same guild, forms a party that last until all players leaves the map. Maybe just one party player needs to bring a "sync" pokemon, then the others will get the "sync" effect as well? Changes to Pokedex interface I will like to see buttons in replacement of the scroll-bar for the pokedex and background of pokemon icons highlighted, in terms of region or rarity. I believe this will make the pokedex more user friendly. Records of pokemon trade and mail transactions I will like to see a archieve of my last few sucessful (maybe 15) pokemon trading window via a new NPC in the game. Also, a history of the last few mails (maybe 15 too) that I received and sent from/to other players. Item-for-item mass exchanges I will like to see a new NPC that exchange items for items, instead of coins or pokedollar. For example, I can exchange 4000 ICE HEALs I found by digging, which I never needed, for a Nevermeltingice! This is all I got for now.
  21. So I'll start by saying I think lending is by miles the worst idea ever implemented in the game, but that's a different discussion The problem Im here for now is.. it took about 5 minutes of this being implemented for trade chat to be bogged down by people trying to make money off of lending, majority of the people in trade chat are not interested in renting and it's just getting in the way of those who are looking to make actual deals The solution is very easy, make a rental channel in chat, keep it seperate from trading
  22. 1. Given how many fossils are obtained from excavation sites, make them tradeable. It'll help stimulate the economy. Many players have dozens of them just sitting around, and I have tons on alternate accounts that I will never use because those accounts dont have privileges to use excavation site re-animator. 2. Add an additional Silver Disc NPC in another region. Being on Cinnabar is an isolated enough place.
  23. Hello im Kosci Ich will Make sugestion that can the team add other pay method and not only paypal Good will be for me and others paysafecard and pay Direct on online bank And sorry for false worts i can't good english Thanks for understanding and for answer
  24. One of the problems with hunting is getting the right ability, it may not be as much of an issue due to Role-play being in the game but sometimes you either want to change the ability because the poke has another good ability for a different set, you don't have a roleplay poke or in an extreme case say your Vivillion didn't get Compound Eyes upon evolution as it randomly gets either Shield Dust or Compound eyes upon evolving, and I cannot stress how frustrating that is. So to make this balanced what I propose is have it work the same as Ability Capsule in regular games only for non H.A abilities, you can't change it to an H.A ability, and can only be obtained in the PvP shop for say..50-75 coins? might be a bit much but I'm not just thinking for myself here obviously something like this should have some sort of restriction.
  25. Considering how hard it is to level Shuckle due to his lacking damage and lackluster offensive pool, shouldn't it's base exp. (experience needed to level) be reduced ? I mean, considering that killing a wild with half its level can take like several turns.
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