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  1. Considering how hard it is to level Shuckle due to his lacking damage and lackluster offensive pool, shouldn't it's base exp. (experience needed to level) be reduced ? I mean, considering that killing a wild with half its level can take like several turns.
  3. The value of coin cases are slowly recovering from their horrible 200k value (silver server) , but its still bad at 250k/300k value. We don't know when will megas come to PRO or how its going to be when Megas do come like what will the requirements be to get a Mega stone? so I suggest that when they do come, to have the option to buy a certain mega stone for 1 coin capsule that will for sure raise the demand and value of the coin case. and can for sure boost the buying of Coin Caps with real cash and there for assist PRO with the extra collected money from players
  4. With the possible implementation of super bosses I thought it would be a fun idea to throw in a super boss concept. Boss: King Midas Location: Mirage Island Possible Rewards: Nature Re-roll ticket, Stat Re-roll ticket, Turn a legendary pokemon into shiny variant Requirements: 1m per challenge attempt, Complete pokedex for all regions including evos Cooldown: 2hrs on player loss, 24 hrs on player win (in effect you may only win against him once per mirage island appearance) The idea is about creating a super boss that would entice more accomplished players/collectors and at the same time serve as a viable money sink. The boss would have a team full of shiny pokemon to be more fun and to fit his theme, and would be located at Mirage Island to serve as an additional barrier to accessibility as well as give mirage island additional content apart from zorua. Players would be required to pay a sum of 1m JUST TO CHALLENGE the boss. I believe this sum requirement helps in creating an extra money sink for people that have managed to gather a big sum of currency. The boss would follow difficulties and rules set for super bosses to be comparable to the possible rewards suggested. Possible rewards would be pve tokens. a chance at either nature re-roll tickets, iv re-roll tickets, or (at a small chance) being able to turn a legendary pokemon into its shiny variant. I believe the amount of rewards given in terms of re-roll tickets should not be more than the required sum to challenge the boss and at the same time not too few that they would affect their trade price. Why legendaries? Legendary pokemon are shiny locked and this would be a great opportunity to add content for collectors who want their shiny legendaries. Also this makes sure that pokemon affected by this boss are UNTRADEABLE and purely for the sense of accomplishment of the player. Other ideas would be locking the npc behind a quest that requires the player to show him a shiny pokemon with 150+ iv's, or a lvl 100 OT ditto xD
  5. Hello, I know the game is pretty tough in the beginning and its hard to rush the story without any help. But im tired to go to a pokecenter and get 100 trade request and messages with beggers who need money or poke (pls me poor gib moni) . It is okay to ask one time but when the people say no they should accept it stop begging 1000 times and I dont want to disable my messages every time I log in. Thanks for ur attention
  6. How about adding destiny knot and power items in the game ? this way breeding and pvp will get more interesting
  7. Hello Everyone, So this suggestion deals with a noobier issue I have had recently. I only just learned about the joys of what blacking out does to your money and had no idea you lose a PERCENTAGE amount in a game that can deal with millions and every little bit matters. Just because of not knowing about one simple little mechanic around 500k has been lost which is a huge deal to me. SUGGESTION: We need to seriously cap or address the amount of money lost from blacking out for a number of reasons. I believe that it seems unreasonable to lose more than 100k at any given point to blacking out. This can be implemented on a hard roof limit or an in game item that acts like a get out of jail free card. There are plenty of ways to implement this for a healthy MMO gaming experience. PROS: You cannot accidentally lose massive amounts of cash for an honest mistake that you may not even know exists until it hits hard Noob as it is to admit, I did not have the slightest clue this feature existed because I never really had a lot of money whenever I have blacked out so I never would notice the slight change it caused. For a feature like this it would probably be very helpful to make sure there is a ingame message or SOMETHING when you black out so it teaches players early on that the more money you have, the more you lose. You still keep that MMO "death penalty" that should exist in the game and even losing 100k stings quite a bit when you have the money to lose that much This suggestion I have learned was rejected in the past for removing the feature altogether, which makes perfect sense, an MMO SHOULD have a "death penalty" but a ton of MMO's also have death penalties that can be reduced or nullified if you deal with some annoying task like coming back to your dead body so you do not have a debuff timer on your stats and such. Similarly, if we are going to keep an uncapped penalty, it really feels punishing to not be able to reduce it in any way like having a get out of jail free card item of sorts that you lose should this accident happen. It makes the log out to avoid blacking out more of a game exploit and less of a feature that just one day needs addressing If you are reading the suggestion thread without knowing yet about this, congrats you are a very rare individual. To explain for the few that might not know when reading this, you can log out during a battle encounter which acts like a free escape rope to a Pokemon Center. Until a learned about blacking out, this seemed like a harmless feature that is hard to address but is not terribly important to deal with since it just acts like an unique mechanic for the more hardcore players who learn to use it. However, now learning about this exploit completely changes my perspective on this as a total EXPLOIT of the game. If this feature exists to avoid a "death penalty" already, why does the penalty exist at all in the first place? Why do we punish our newer players who already have bad retention rates to stick it out in this game with yet another problem that older players avoid through exploit. CONS: The rich get richer, while the poor are still hit like normal by this It is true that one of my earlier points about newer players getting punished the worst by this penalty would still be hit the same with the suggested change while the rich benefit from it. Seems hypocritical I agree, but that is because newer players who stick it out can honestly come to appreciate the comedy in how trivial it was to lose 5k from blacking out which means nothing at the end of the day. The penalty may hurt at the time but looking back on losing maybe 30k as a whole from all the black outs as a noob is just a funny afterthought in my opinion. Half a million by comparison is a third of what I paid for one of the best Diggersby's on the silver server, THAT is a big deal! I feel like it is fine to have a game with a high skill floor if the skill gap for a veteran and a noob is not the difference between knowing a log out exploit or not. Makes the game "easier" than it already is I know I personally meme a lot about how dumb boss AI is and how easy it makes the game, but that is because coding AI is hard. I have a serious beef though with the shortcuts we take to get around this but that is a rant for another day. The TLDR on this topic is to look at the AI for Hearthstone as a perfect way to segway into this bulletpoint. Everyone who plays that game knows how absolutely stupid the AI's thinking is and the devs answer to this is to just make ridiculous AI only cards and buffs to what they use rather than make the AI smarter, I get that it is way above their pay scale and time and similar to PRO it has a similar problem that makes the game "easy" on the PVE side. The question comes up then, if the game is already easy, why make it easier then? I honestly agree totally with this argument and concede on that one. My one comment if that is our sticking point is "WHY CAN WE LOG OUT EXPLOIT THEN?" make the game harder fine I will not cry over it like a ton of others will, but level the playing field and make it a black out for logging out in a battle. That comment will get a ton of hate I bet but who can reasonably argue favorably for what is essentially cheating the game. Removes a type of money sink from the game which is important for MMO's MMO's need money sinks. It's a fact and without it, money can balloon from a single change like this.... is what I would say if we could not already log out and avoid the money sink in the first place. C'mon guys you make it too easy to swat these down..... SUMMARY: I just want to see more balance brought to the game from this, it sucks I lost money over it but I now learned my lesson. You will not see me making this dumb mistake again so fine do not change it, unless I am not paying attention I will not be affected again by this silly mechanic. I openly watch all my threads so I have no problem discussing what I missed or did not completely think about below because I am sure I missed something considering I am typing this out as a form of venting my frustration over losing around half a million to stupidity and ignorance.
  8. Recently a conversation has been done in all chat in the gold server.People usually ask for rates in the all chat and there are both trolls who call every pokemon(even if they are good) trash and some people that are just annoyed by the fact that their convos are getting interrupted by "<Pokemon> rate?" spam.To fix all this I suggest putting out an official rate channel.Of course we can create one ourselves but rating is a serious topic and can help new players alot and prevent some players from getting scammed by someone who says their pokemon is trash even when they are good. Some of you may say; "Everyone in that channel will be asking for rates no one will answer" well I present to you the "Help" channel.Dont you think that would have been the same case with the help channel?However,its not and its a fully functioning channel. Please put some thought into it having a rate channel could be really beneficial for this game and its community.
  9. Hello, I think it could be cool that Sap slipper could be correctly codded. Actually Sap slipper give a boost when the pokemon get hurts by a special or a physical grass attack like ( Power Whip / giga drain ). But in the game or in Showdown, you get the boost when the poke is hit by a grass attack or statut ( like spore/leech Seed/stun spore ). Same argument that all player, but if its in showdown, it is correct :) Second things add the possibility to make 2vs2 fight. I know its probably more hard to make it but pvp Pro is still boring, lot of player don't make a lot of PvP just cause staller team who play only on time and not with skill. It could give more fun in PvP and a lot of differents team.
  10. Hello, lately there was a lot of huge and appreciated updates, thanks for PRO's team hard work. However everyday the server go offline many times because of updates, crash, maintenance etc... I think an online game should aim to be online as much as possible. And to improve that point i suggest to group the new content coded in 1 huge update every week instead of many smaller updates every day or 2 days. Let me know if you agree with me.
  11. plz made a story or jackson feint so we can get rayquaza
  12. Location: Goldenrod City on his Family's house, Johto. Requirements: 200 hours, all Eeveelutions obtained on the pokedex. (except Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon; should be caught not seen.) Team: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Clefable. Possible Rewards: 10k-20k, Evolution Stones, 5 rare candies, Eevee, Cleffa, Shiny Eevee (rare chance) Third Reward: Eevee (10% to be Shiny) , Cleffa, Togepi,, Riolu. Speech: Challenging him: Hey, <Trainer> How was my Invention? it is been greatly used by Trainers worldwide and it really helped me to be known to the industry, So what's up? need something on me? (I want to battle you.) Proceeds to Pre-Battle (Nothing just saying Hi.) Oh, Ok. Pre-Battle: Ohoho.. A battle? why not, also you filled up your Pokedex with the Favorite Pokemons i like. So shall we start? Pre-battle (Requirements not meet): Oh a battle?, but you didn't have obtained every evolutions of Eevee yet, Come back when you get them all. Win against him: You got some moves there <Trainer>,well atleast i enjoyed it so... (Rewards given) ...you beat me once/twice i will give you something special. Lost against him: Woops, i think i still got it!. I won the battle, Try Again sometimes. (You will pay him instead) Rebattle him: Oh <Trainer> you came back, Are you ready? (Choosing Yes) Alright! lets go. (Choosing No) Oh, i see. Third Battle: Oh! hi there! lets do this. (You have no options to deny his battle this time so be prepare.) Third time you win: Wow! you really are good!!!.. You always amazes me, <Trainer> (Rewards given) Oh here please choose one of my Pokemon. (Choose to his Pokemon) Well then, lets battle again sometimes. Reason: I came up to my mind to make as a Boss due to his lack of appearance in the game due to you will encounter him in one place but due to he is the creator of Pokemon Boxes he should be having his own Boss Battle. And also... i love seeing Bill as a Boss. that is all. :D
  13. To begin with, I think that the staffs should make the ( "Sell PvP Items" Section ) the same price PvP coins we paid instead of making it half the price we paid for the PvP cloak, hood, mounts, and jet-skii because gaining PvP coins is hard work especially when your farming them because you can't make ladder. For example, it's only fair that getting the same amount PvP coins we paid back because what if someone wants to sell the PvP cloak, hood, mounts, and jet-skii they have to the PvP Coins Master for a new item and only getting half the PvP coins back not having enough for the item they want, it wouldn't be fair for them to work for more coins.
  14. dont yo think if you beat sinnoh you should be able to access a different game mode? Randomizer. Nuzlocke, Randomized nuzlocke, Metronome only, Spinner hell,? and add multiple ones together, for inctance Spinnerhell+nuzlocke+randomizer, I feel like this would make the game more fun for the people who have already beaten it.
  15. remember to take into account what I mentioned, to put the machine to make (repel's) .. with "berrys" .. cherries be a success ^^, also place potions creation separate inventories of (potions and berrys) .. By : Akran Server ( Gold ).
  16. I have an idea for an Update about in game Pokemon League Tournament (PLT) Just like the pokemon anime the PLT is a PVP battle which runs on tournament rules and tournament styles. When you are any regional Champion you can participate and register for an tournament to best of the best like no one ever was and you can able to Spectate other players tournament for battle improvements. winner of the tournament receives awesome rewards like free one member pass or free mount and rare pokemons. if you all like my idea please leave a comment to fell free to improve the PLT ideas. I hope Staffs will hear and trying to implementing soon as possible. I'm always welcome for staff replies too
  17. In many MMO's a weapons worth or rarity is determined by Grades. A big Issue in Pokemon Revolution is the scattered unreliable economy throughout the trade chat. Even veterans with thousands of hours struggle to determine the correct price regularly. I think if we introduced a type of grading system to the IVS of Pokemon it would improve Trade. Here is an example Better Grades mean better Stats, or more rarity Crude would obviously be single digit IVS Mythic would be 30+ IVS If a Pokemon is Basic it would have WHITE IVS Numbers If a Pokemon is MYTHIC it would have RED IVS Numbers We could have a certain x amount of IVS to be Mythic etc This would not solve the trade issues but I think it would improve it. Let me know if you like my idea and feel free to add suggestions!
  18. 1- Change the teleport list system. Now, in Sinnoh Canaleve is fixed at the first place of teleport list. That is how it should be in the other region too. I suggest to fix at the first place: Vermilion and Saffron for Kanto, Olivine and Goldenrod for Johto, Lilicove for Hoenn. It would also be amazing to have a system that remember our last choice. I mean, those stay fixed at the first spot, but, don't know, if we choose Ever Grande.. next time, we will see Ever Grande as the first option after the fixed one (Lilicove in this case). Also, is the guardian before transmat station really necessary? Kanto and johto doesn't have it once you unlock subway, it disappear. Make it disappear from Sinnoh and Hoenn too? 2- Some other end game exp area as cerulean cave, but not only with the same water poke, like dragon shrine. We need a generic area, maybe with both grass and water. 3- Change 5th (or is 4th, don't remember) day solaceon quest reward. The reward seems growing each day till the full week, but having a 5th day giving 2 RC (12/14k reward) as reward seems a decrease, maybe it can be changed to 15 energy root, more rewarding and useful. 4- Be more harsh ONLY in trade chat. I'm kinda tired to see kids start laughing and spamming everytime an epic poke/shiny get linked for very high prices. And I don't think to be the only one annoyed by this. 5- A revamp for excavation sites. With the new spawn edits, I can say they lost their value, since now there is nothing exclusive. Can be worth only for trying for some Riolu or Timburr, but still pretty rare make them worth hunting in grass. 6- Add a perma system message fixed in many channel. in Trade chat you will have the link to trade rules, in Battle chat the link to pvp rules, etc.
  19. So, i think you guys should make it like the newer games where you would use the Power items (power belt and all those) to EV train the pokemon and boosting it from 2 - 4 EVs per battle to 10 -20 (like Gen 7 does as of now)...It is getting annoying where you have to spend 2+ hrs ev training a pokemon when you have others you have to do as well
  20. Greetings! I had thought of this suggestion maybe a week ago, but had forgotten to post it, so here it is. I assume introducing something similar to 'Information (or) Status' would be fun. The meaning of this is when others view someone's Trainer card, there should be a player information which we can edit via our a command like '/info 'X'. This might be fun and maybe also useful. For instance, 'Do not PM'; 'From Japan'. 'Buying A Shiny Pokemon' and so forth. Feel free to comment. Thanks! Regards, Warden
  21. in short: Giovanni is too strong for casual players who just wanna play their story their way. you get stuck and frustrated since you cannot "really" level up when stuck at giovanni first time. (without trading pokes) I feel like many people quit because they get stuck at giovanni or even misty (gym8 / gym2), because they cannot find a good spot to level up their pokes. PS since pokes scale way better with levels than evolutions casual gamers will just evolve their starters and getting eventually stuck in story or frustrated in general id like to know the PRO point of view on balancing and "GUIDING" new players. [spoiler=Spoiler]i know some people will say "there is alot of walkthrough guides on forums" but most people infact never use forums so i dont think thats a valid point.
  22. I was thinking about make a PvP zone in each center pokemon in all regions, that can make the trade better to us. Think... If you have 2 pikachus to sell but the buyer are in pewter and you are in cinnabar, is hard walk all the way, but if we have the PvP zone they can just enter and do the trade. Is a good idea, please make it for improve the game.
  23. Since dig spots give a lot of useless items (I.e status medicine, that is useless because of Lum berry being so easy to find) we tend to have a lot (and I mean a lot) of thrash on the bag. It would be helpful to actually being able to sell all that, and a reasonable price; since everything in this game is so damn expensive, this could be a good opportunity to make money.
  24. It's fustrating that there're areas where the gym is 30+ levels over the mons available on the wild, this makes it harder to raise a mon against that gym. Also why E4 gives no exp? Makes no sense whatsoever.
  25. Since we have PvE coins, the PvP reward system get nerfed so much. I think there is no exclusive untradable pvp reward-items I could get from the PvP shop anymore. I worked hard to get Kyogree and Entei mounts and also a Pangoroo set. Now it's much better to keep doing this PvE to get a syncable pokemons chance. The only valuable items I can grind for in PvP system are reroll tickets.. I think there should be some more exclusive rewards in this shop. Maybe other page with syncable pokemons, but more rare than in PvE shop? Like Vulcan island starters. Or extra items like super black medalion with 50% for h.a, or some shiny chance booster for wild pokemons. Do u have some good ideas how to make this part of game more profitable? Maybe just the simplest way that for PvP match we would get a 1 PvP coin + 1 PvE coin? There is so much to do outside the ranked battles, IMO the PvP reward system should be better.
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