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Suggestion on banning the Prankster + Defog combo


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Will u guys ever ban something other than players? this is something that makes me think alot, what exactly do you guys know about pvp? u have 0 experts in that matter, yet u keep ignoring great players (like mamathieu, gunners, destro .... not toxic ones at least), and relying mostly on smogon. Pro lacks Code as so: Volt-Turn, Legends, Megas, Abilities, do i need to keep up? U cant follow Smogon blindly, meta is stagnent for years, only rain + ferro + togekiss + manaphy + conks around. if u ban something lets say Manaphy or dump rock, meta will change, that will allow more teambuilding, if u cant see this then this game will crumble.

I'll respond properly besides your toxicity within this post. Your first sentence makes absolutely no sense as literally about 2 weeks we banned Shaymin (Land) due to its bugged moveset. We do indeed ban stuff, before the Shaymin ban we banned Memento+Focus Sash. The assumption that we have 0 experts is simply wrong, sadly you do not know everyone within staff. I am obviously not an expert in those matters that's why I seek the help from others, way more experienced players but I also have the pov of someone who is not an expert yet played a lot. A ban has to be justified and above I explained why a ban isn't needed at the moment, is it justified? If you think that every bugged thing should be banned then yes.


"meta is stagnent for years, only rain + ferro + togekiss + manaphy + conks around."

Years? I think the word you are looking for is months. Back in the day sand teams dominated, then it was Talonflame, Goth, Dugtrio, Blissey etc. I explained that in the other post about a Manaphy ban, the meta shifts on its own when stuff gets coded. As the PvP update is currently being worked on a ban now makes sadly not a whole lot of sense and what comes after the PvP updates? This has to be decided but I hear and read everything that gets discussed. We hear the strong suggestions about more PvP related subjects, banning/votes/PvP council etc but at the moment those things wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

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I'll respond properly besides your toxicity within this post. Your first sentence makes absolutely no sense as literally about 2 weeks we banned Shaymin (Land) due to its bugged moveset. We do indeed ban stuff, before the Shaymin ban we banned Memento+Focus Sash. The assumption that we have 0 experts is simply wrong, sadly you do not know everyone within staff. I am obviously not an expert in those matters that's why I seek the help from others, way more experienced players but I also have the pov of someone who is not an expert yet played a lot. A ban has to be justified and above I explained why a ban isn't needed at the moment, is it justified? If you think that every bugged thing should be banned then yes.


"meta is stagnent for years, only rain + ferro + togekiss + manaphy + conks around."

Years? I think the word you are looking for is months. Back in the day sand teams dominated, then it was Talonflame, Goth, Dugtrio, Blissey etc. I explained that in the other post about a Manaphy ban, the meta shifts on its own when stuff gets coded. As the PvP update is currently being worked on a ban now makes sadly not a whole lot of sense and what comes after the PvP updates? This has to be decided but I hear and read everything that gets discussed. We hear the strong suggestions about more PvP related subjects, banning/votes/PvP council etc but at the moment those things wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

First of all where was i toxic in there? And yes its more than an year now, since talon got nerfed, meta like rain/conk started to raise quite fast, and now with the addiction of manaphy rain become an absolute terror to play against, since it can sweep un unprepared team. u could say, yes any poke without proper cover can do that, but rain doesnt allow us to build more teams,making the meta stagnent. If u cant see this simple part then u have no rights on saying that u guys have good pvp players ( yes i dont know all staffers, but i know quite a few ), and when u have a someone that says Volcarona is a Rain Sweeper, you clearly have 0 pvp skill. Im to honest, you know my opinion about you, and some staffers, but right now all i wanted is a change in pvp, even though an update is comming( cough soon cough ), we need a change till then, many players requested a pvp council, you staff team refused. If u cant see what will happen let me tell you, when that big update will come, u will be left with almost no pvp player (at least good ones). If pvp players with 2000+hrs leave the game, dont u expect others might do the same, just because you dont change ur mentality and accept that we community, we pvp players can actually do a great job on that matter? Dont come with to me saying pvp players ( most) are toxic, even if its true, we are mostly toxic because we are tired of the pvp meta, and even more tired of none caring.


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First of all where was i toxic in there? And yes its more than an year now, since talon got nerfed, meta like rain/conk started to raise quite fast, and now with the addiction of manaphy rain become an absolute terror to play against, since it can sweep un unprepared team. u could say, yes any poke without proper cover can do that, but rain doesnt allow us to build more teams,making the meta stagnent. If u cant see this simple part then u have no rights on saying that u guys have good pvp players ( yes i dont know all staffers, but i know quite a few ), and when u have a someone that says Volcarona is a Rain Sweeper, you clearly have 0 pvp skill. Im to honest, you know my opinion about you, and some staffers, but right now all i wanted is a change in pvp, even though an update is comming( cough soon cough ), we need a change till then, many players requested a pvp council, you staff team refused. If u cant see what will happen let me tell you, when that big update will come, u will be left with almost no pvp player (at least good ones). If pvp players with 2000+hrs leave the game, dont u expect others might do the same, just because you dont change ur mentality and accept that we community, we pvp players can actually do a great job on that matter? Dont come with to me saying pvp players ( most) are toxic, even if its true, we are mostly toxic because we are tired of the pvp meta, and even more tired of none caring.


The compendium has Corsola listed as Defensive Stealth Rock and Donphan listed as Rapid Spin. The goal is not to list everything viable, but rather everything that could reasonably see play.


That aside, Manaphy rain is a different archetype entirely from conventional rain. It suffers against offensive teams able to punish wallbreakers, which is exactly what Manaphy is. You trade percentage points against offense for percentage points against balance and semistall by playing Manaphy. Pretty simple.


... on the other hand, there are other archetypes where Manaphy makes a incredible difference. Until people start complaining about those, I dismiss claims about Manaphy being broken as sheer idiocy.


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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First of all where was i toxic in there?

Will u guys ever ban something other than players?

Your first sentence, are you not seeing that?


we are mostly toxic because we are tired of the pvp meta, and even more tired of none caring.

Toxicity will lead to sanctions, it is counterproductive and if you actually cared about what you are saying you wouldn't act the way you are acting. You wouldn't attack the only staff member who is trying to come forward a bit, be open about the possibility of a PvP council and be open about changes, bans and such. What you guys are doing is quite honestly one of the reasons why staff never did a PvP council, toxic community members who will not accept a decision because they are not agreeing to it.

However once every PvP related update is released we want to be more open to these types of discussions but more to that another time.

This has to be decided but I hear and read everything that gets discussed. We hear the strong suggestions about more PvP related subjects, banning/votes/PvP council etc but at the moment those things wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

With that said, think about your actions and future comments on that matter.



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