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Can you stop putting ridiculous PvE requirement for PvP pokemon? Can you treat PvP players equally as PvE players?


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And one more reason I made this post is because I'm a selfish and I can't change my fking Landorus form just because of a stupid idea to put the NPC on 3k+ points requirement site and I rarely did excavation site before


It literally takes only 15 days to get 3k points considering you're doing the first 6 sites each 22 hours, and on top of that, you can get items and potentially good pokemon like Sneasel or Heracross.

I'm not sure why you made this post apart from the fact that you're selfish.

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First of all, I was kinda mad when posting this but I really don't mean to offend anyone, especially PvE players. I understand ppl can like whatever they like but between PvE and PvP players, we should be treated equally. And I made this because this game is completely ruined PvP players experience. The fact that there are so many good PvP players left this game just because this isn't the right community for them and the fact that almost every staff members or players are PvE players who never PvP or take it seriously. I don't deny that this game itself have been so successful because of the heavily PvE aspect from the game. I don't want you to change what you have been success on, I want you to have a different look from PvP players perspectives and to improve. And what you left behind is a whole community whom can't even argue about anything pvp related. Ppl only say what is more suitable for them or what they like the most and then we have PRO PvP community:

- "You idiot, please following smogon rules"

- "PRO sucks, ladder are full of stall"

- "Plz unban blaziken it's my favourite pokemon"

You realized that no matter which changes coming to PvP, people always complain about it for no reason because the amount of players who taking PvP seriously are getting lower and lower. This is just completely how PRO works because this game is way in favour for PvE players.


+So, are you a new PvP player to PRO, Welcome to the game where you spending years just to catch a legendary pokemon you want.


+You want legendary for PvP? sure, you only need 1 year of lifetime and 300 evolve for it, after that only need to own every single pokemon in this game and be a champion in every regions. And then after you caught it, let's spend just one more years to do PvE quest and got your free reroll ticket to reroll it. You Sure gonna enjoy making it pvp ready and start your PvP conquest.


When do you start realize that Evos, hours or dex requirements are so stupid and super bored (I dont really mind if it is just a long quest but those requirements are suck) And new players will never have chance to bring it on PvP before they are able to enjoy this game. You want it to be special and people have to work their a*ss off to have it just because some 5 y/o kid who only watch anime and think legendary pokemon are cool?

Then PvE player whom able to get thing like latios, latias are actually players that never PvP or do that for fun, cuz they only enjoying PvE. PvP players are the one who need it but they can't really get it because they hate PvE even when they are PvP 24/7.


To all those PvE players who still think Evos, hours and dex requirements are needed then how about we change that to PvP requirements instead. To be able to catch latios, you need to be top 10 on ladder at the end of season. To be able to catch mew, you need 400+ rating. To be able to catch jirachi, you only need 1000 wins and 100 hours spent on ranked ladder. definitely sound more fair to me and I thought you are the one who love grinding?


And one more reason I made this post is because I'm a selfish and I can't change my fking Landorus form just because of a stupid idea to put the NPC on 3k+ points requirement site and I rarely did excavation site before. You ask people to do all the quest to catch it and then you put the fking form changer NPC on that site just to sh*t on players who never PvE???


And I know thing like this gonna keep happening in the future. So can you please give us some reasonable requirements on things that impact PVP so both PvE and PvP players can really enjoy it?


I am a pvp player and it took me 2 days to get from 80 to 300 evolutions, it's not hard at al I know many players that have done around the same time some even faster.

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This is not a pve or pvp only game, and legendaries should be hard to earn. I actually thought they made the last trio's quest TOO easy.


It's nice having something challenging and time consuming to work towards.

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If anything they already treat PVP players and PVE players equally.


Both kinds of players can catch and evolve Pokemon and increase their playtime, but with PVP requirement, only PVP players can do it and get the reward, while PVE players cannot.


Also as others said, the dex data grind isn't even that ridiculous. Takes probably 2 days at most. Just spare like, 1-2 days for once, out of your 30+ days of PVP. You can even do it inbetween PVP sessions.

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Imagine whining about not being treated fairly.

But, if anything, PvP players are nothing compared to everything else that's going on behind the scenes in this community.


Its an already toxic and broken community... There are exploits everywhere.

I don't need to look further than a bunch of demotions, kicks, and re-hiring of the same person on the staff team several times...

Now, if you still want to complain, you should complain about the much more essential stuff that really is the root problem of this game community.


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