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Shorten the path to the PCs' teleporter system in Hoenn and Sinnoh


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Like any Pokemon game, travelling is a heavy part of the gameplay - even more in PRO since they is no outside flying. We therefore spend a lot of time entering and exiting Pokecenters in order to use the transportation system. Kanto and Johto are perfectly fine but is it possible to shorten the path to this system in Hoenn and Sinnoh? We have to walk all the way to the back of the building + talk to the guard so that we can use it, which is kinda long given we do this multiple times a day.


I guess bringing the system closer to the entrance would require some mapping, but at the very least can we remove the guard once the quest is completed and have some stairs/door so that we don't have to open any dialog?


Cheers! :PikaLurk:

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I don't really understand why the guard hasn't been removed and was done like in Kanto/Johto being honest. I've been looking forward for this to happen but nothing has done yet mainly because if it isn't broken there is no need to fix it. Of course it's just players being lazy and not wanting to read some dialogues but it's not like those dialogues contribute anything to the gameplay anymore after you've done the quest.

I would love to see this changed in the future since, as mentioned, traveling is a really common thing in PRO and with each update, more content is added, specially in these 2 regions and it starts to get a bit annoying just having to skip these dialogues for nothing over and over.

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