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Cosmetic and hairstyle suggestions, do not suggest clothes for now!

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More face items could be a good idea.

They added a crying face item, it would be very cool to get more emotions.

But what I am specially waiting for is a beard only face item.

Actually, if you want to wear a beard, you must deal with the sunglasses.

Even just a mustache could be fun too.




-Green Pacifier!

-masquerain wings

- celebi hat pls best

- gen 2-3 starters 1st evo hats in the style of 1st gen starters hats on head

- pikachu tail

- ashs indigo cap obtainable for everyone 😢

- millenium items from yu gi oh like the eye of pegasus xD




-darumaka hat on head

- kingdra vibrava cofagrigus shedinja wings

- mega sableye ruby backback or better full cloth set

- pikachu mimiyku ears and tail

- mini wailord hat xD

- spoink pearl hat

- swoobat hawulucha zygarde zapdos wings 

- ho oh wings to pvp shop

- the famous slowpoke tail xD

- liligant flower hat

- akatsuki headband

- scar in 1 eye

- mega alakazam spoons accesoire

- numel mount octillery land mount magcargo mount relicanth mount

- ninetails tails / vulpix tail smeargle tail 

- more food plsss xD waffles crisp fruits berrys or sth the food is so cool xD

- tropous skarmory wings

- spheal / swinub hat on head

- sandile hat

- xD

finn.gif.d450244a79435b8983a25a5b72cff0b1.gif                 Youtube Channel xD                 cruci.gif.0344cffa73dea39fea2bd65a11f291ef.gif  

Make Hacking clothes with binary digit animation going on the Headgear 

Edited by HelloWorldBot

   .                               A Silent Gamer and a Coder 

.                     I Often see myself as the flames burning just like 

.               The Charizard's flames whenever I code I feel a warrior (+)


- Ho oh tail
- Scar in eye
- Hylia Shield 
- Majoras Mask
- Lugia Surf Mount
- infernape hat (with torchlight tool function :D)

- Banette mouth
- Archeops Wings
- Crawdaunt Gloves

- Cotton candy, Green Pacifier, Candy Cane, Moomoo Milk .. from lunchbox
- Gogoat Horns, Pinsir Horns
- Pachirisu Tail
- All other ash caps from anime
- Hat from the guy u play in Gen 2 games
- Rhyperior Arms
- Shedinja Halo
- Larvitar, Togepi Hat
- Sunflora Leafs around face xD
- Venomoth wings
- Zoroark Hair as a hat
- Conkeldurr nose, Probopass nose
- Aron Cacnea Trapinch Hats

Edited by finnderboss
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For the face:
- The mark of laxus's face from the anime Fairy Tail
- Sasuke Uchiha's Curse Mark
- Demon or unicorn horns
- And many more anime character brands

- Lunala's Wings
- Ultra Necrozma's Wings
- Rainbow wings
- The swords of chaos or the ax of kratos
- or a type of accessory that comes out flames or spark on the back

- Dialga
- Palkia
- And to make you agree, that of Mega Salamence


And as a suggestion, try that some of the new things that you are going to put, not only for the pvp store, but also for the pve store, that there is more variety, since the pve store is a bit forgotten regarding new things. Thanks for your attention.



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