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List of Pokemon not to be used in ranked battle


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193309 Banning certain pokemon will drastically sway the meta. I'm more for the banning of certain moves, because it is unclear if they are bugged or not. (Outrage for example, I did not get an clarity on until my guildmate asked Shane earlier when he was on blue.) But bugged moves and abilities should stay banned.

Couldn't agree more... Banning a pokemon or a combination of pokemons it's legit weird.

Bugged moves like outrage with priority after first usage are a whole different things, that should be banned until it's fixed 100% of cases.

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Hah. banning regenerator not Slowbro huh? seem legit.. OK let ban Gale wings and keep Talonflame free. :Smile:

Regenerator is the reason people use slowbro, before regenerator work, rarely I see slowbro in ranked. Now if u ban regenerator, slowbro definitely disappear on the ladder - becuz people are familiar w. the advantage regenerator bring to them, they can't acept a slowbro that can't gain health when switch out. haha.

So I must clear the point for u: Ban regenerator = ban slowbro/Tangrowth/Amonguss..

I myself don't use a Slowbro in ladder - u can ask people. But the idea of banning it is not the right thing to do.


For your question:

Ofc u can't kill Slowbro immediately if ur opponent keep switching it out and replace it w. special def. (unless u have a shadow tag Gothi ) I will list something that can force it out and deal w. its sp.def partner:

[taunt, roost, Fireblast, dark pulse] Hydreigon can handle both Blissey-Slowbro &Slowbro-Ferro pretty well (especally if u can set up toxic spikes);

Gengar w. taunt(+wow) can handle most bliss while keep Slowbro off the ground.

Magnezone w. or w.o h.p FIRE can trap and kill Ferro while scare away slowbro (u need metal sound in case don't have h.p fire)

Special Tyranitar (like mine using last season) can handle Slow-Ferro too, since it can 1hit both of them...mostly.

Manetric, Houndoom - well I admit they're rarely seen on ladder, actually can 1hit both slowbro and Ferrothorn.

That some I have in mind now..


And in case u don't like all those option, simply set up some hazards which discourage switching.

Slowbro may still gain health while switching but its teammate don't, let them suffer.


I get it, many people used Regen slowbro as their core and pivot, because its OP just like that and doesnt have to scare of dying.

I well aware about the advantage of REGENERATOR, doesnt have any problem with it. But, with absence of Life Orb and Choice Item Regenerator is a very different story. Normally you can bring Slowbro down in 2Hit simply with non-resisted STAB from a damage dealer (un-boosted), but here its impossible even with effective STAB because you don't have enough power to do it. That why slowbro can switch in and out freely here, also pursuit move not coded yet just like someone mentioned before, since this is one of best counter for regenerator slowbro.


And those pokemon you listed requires a very specific move pool,

lets take a look on that hydreigon only have 1 dark stab, and you don't always meet these slowbro & blissey/ferro combo in every match, in that case ur hydreigon will be useless since he cant even counter another dragon now. And Tyranitar, if you wanna work with him you need full rework of your team or else he will be a double edge sword, not everyone run a sand team btw. So, will you waste a team slot just for it? and you also have to rework your whole team to make it balance with the new addition, is that worth just to counter a single pokemon that you dont even sure will always encountered in every match?


And for hazzard, i think every top team are prepared for it and not to mention it need some excessive set-up just to take down a single pokemon.


And since you mention talonflame I will just say this,

you can counter talon with any bulky water type, or rock type, and some electric type, stealth rock even one of best method to counter it (its the most popular entry hazard in metagame right now) and almost every team pack it as their entry hazard.

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Hydreigon is not mean to counter other dragons.. It got outspeed by Garchomp, Salamence and can't K.O multiscale Dragonite.. In showdown meta, they often use Draco Meteor + life orb/c.specs to break wall by dealing as much neutral damage as possible.

w.o Meteor and items, it's not mandatory to use a stabs dragon on Hydeigon since dragon type move won't super effective any..

And the set I listed is NOT some specific set I just invented, it's a reference set on smogon


And special tyranitar was pretty successful in my team lately, it's not sand team (it's not like: there're sand storm, we have to use Exca, Ferro.. No) The idea of special Tyr is that: while not hit thing as hard as its physical counterpart, it can bait out its common counters such as Skarmory, Gliscor, Slowbro and 1 hit them, it doesn't care about Wow from Sableyes and deal heavy damage to it w. dark pulse, beat it 1on1 - unlike normal Tyr.. And the reason I used a special Tyr NOT becuz I want to counter Slowbro cores, I just meet one w. good ivs and cheap price (185k full trained :Smile: since everyone looking for a adamant one) , and luckily, it works. haha


And lastly, for me, hazards is love, hazards is life. Who control hazard will mostly win the game :Heart:


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

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193995 Hydreigon is not mean to counter other dragons.. It got outspeed by Garchomp, Salamence and can't K.O multiscale Dragonite.. In showdown meta, they often use Draco Meteor + life orb/c.specs to break wall by dealing as much neutral damage as possible.

w.o Meteor and items, it's not mandatory to use a stabs dragon on Hydeigon since dragon type move won't super effective any..

And the set I listed is NOT some specific set I just invented, it's a reference set on smogon


And special tyranitar was pretty successful in my team lately, it's not sand team (it's not like: there're sand storm, we have to use Exca, Ferro.. No) The idea of special Tyr is that: while not hit thing as hard as its physical counterpart, it can bait out its common counters such as Skarmory, Gliscor, Slowbro and 1 hit them, it doesn't care about Wow from Sableyes and deal heavy damage to it w. dark pulse, beat it 1on1 - unlike normal Tyr.. And the reason I used a special Tyr NOT becuz I want to counter Slowbro cores, I just meet one w. good ivs and cheap price (185k full trained :Smile: since everyone looking for a adamant one) , and luckily, it works. haha


And lastly, for me, hazards is love, hazards is life. Who control hazard will mostly win the game :Heart:


It's not pokemon showndown, true its outspeeded by Garchomp & salamance and cant 1hko Multiscale dnite. My oppinion based on PRO meta not Showndown meta.

jolly garchomp & jolly salamance cant 1hko him at full hp with dragon claw and hydreigon still can deals dmg with Dragon pulse. It still can do around 50% dmg to multi scale dragonite, so he will not be render so useless againts another dragon.

And you see the problem, there is no life orb/c.specs in game which make him less usefull, in other hand makes Regenerator very terrifying


And for tyr, its true you don't have to use sand team. But, why would you cast sand stream and let your team suffer with chip damage every turn instead of make full use of it with steel type or sandrush carrier. It might be work for your team, but its not about your team and if everyone must bring that kind of tyranitar just to counter slowbro game meta will be more boring than now which is full of stall team.


The main problem is lack of held item such as life orb and Choice specs / band

which is encourage stall play style and makes regenerator extremely powerful.

People say "why ban pokemon when you can code the item instead" I can't agree more with it.

But, the problem is only developer can do it and we don't know when. Also, as red stated in the 1st post

193259 I would like the users who do ranked battle to give us an input of which Pokemon should not be in used in a ranked battle.

the main reason of this topic is to give them input about what pokemon/abilities/moves that should not be in used in a ranked battle with a reason, and that's what i am doing here.

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Seem like u don't fully understand what I mean to say.. Well, guess we can never win an internet argument :Cry:

Since discussing is not valid, I think we better make a vote then. Let voting decide the fate of Slowbro. I have try my best to defend it, I would be upset if it was banned. :Frown:


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

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194056 So no moves and abilities is banned ?? Outrage is working properly ?


Not recommended use outrage in battle since is giving priority, have one fellow who got banned (temporally) for using outrage with his dragonite.


Now in the case of slowbro (and others tanks), I don't think they will ban any poke because of the current metatank game, and moreover i don't think they will put a limited of how many stall/tank pokes um can have in the team, the solution is obvious until they dont fix itens like choice band; life/fire/toxic orb; choice specs; white/red/mental herb; quick claw and others, not to mention moves like encore; substitute; trick; protect, and abilitys magic bounce; shell force; magic guard and other stuff.


But like Red said we have to wait for Shane to fix the mentioned things, until there we can only be patient and wait.


I really hope this is being the priority of the game at the moment, since now with the new hardware the game are MUCH MORE instable and a lot of players don't make pvp by the lack of such things, in my case i still make pvp but because I dont care fight against stall, but for the majority is annoying go a pvp and have to fight for 20 min (or more if is a stall x stall).

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Guest YourMomGr

@Red maybe its time for shane to implament a proper focus sash in ranked(never dissappear during pvp,disappear after a pve use)it will change the meta a lot making fast pooke like aerodactyl,jolteon,noivern viable since now it has too much cost to use


EDIT:also berries but berries are not expensive or rare so it doesnt matter that much

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