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[mention]00adambennett00[/mention], Bulletproof is coded in the next update

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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344028 ------------------------------------------



Move/ Ability/ Item Name: NA/ Drought/ heatrock

Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): cant tell with sun is up

Description of Bug/ Not Code: No text poped up indicated sun was active, no weather notification

How it should be: should have a sun active text + weather picture

Evidence (video/ others): I can if needed


on going bug with weather, currently the faster mon's weather get's put out(should be slowest), also the weather symbols and message function only part of the time. Until the bug can be fixed, assume it is present and that it will last 5-8 turns. The bug is known.

Thank you for your report.


4 months later and it still hasn't been fixed, pretty annoying :/

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337043 will pass this on

why pass? since the discrition said the user can still swap but when i use it i cant swap

meaning i will submit it to the ppl who can actually fix it.


Have you submitted this already? Just found out in a PVP match that this is bugged and almost lost the match due to it. 5 months have passed since this was brought to the attention..

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why pass? since the discrition said the user can still swap but when i use it i cant swap

meaning i will submit it to the ppl who can actually fix it.


Have you submitted this already? Just found out in a PVP match that this is bugged and almost lost the match due to it. 5 months have passed since this was brought to the attention..


Yes I personally made a video with a GM regarding the weather bugs, we are aware.

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I think the Baton Pass Clause in first page is not clear enough.

It does not indicate that only passing increased speed and another stat simultaneously is banned.

Actually we can pass decreased speed and another stat simultaneously.

When Palpatine was GM, he said that we can use Curse then Baton Pass


captured 2 months ago


just capture


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