Developer Popular Post Eaty Posted November 28, 2024 Developer Popular Post Share Posted November 28, 2024 Changelog 30.11.2024: Added 40 new Pokéballs. Updated to Scarlet and Violet mechanics. Coded Sharpness. Coded Supreme Overlord. Coded Libero. Coded Kowtow Cleave. Coded Rage Fist. Coded Flip Turn. Coded Wave Crash. Coded Body Press. Coded Headlong Rush. Coded Scorching Sands. Coded Expanding Force. Coded Dual Wingbeat. Coded Thunderous Kick. Coded Freezing Glare. Coded Fiery Wrath. Coded Tachyon Cutter. Coded Psyblade. Coded Rising Voltage. Coded Bleakwind Storm. Coded Apple Acid. Coded Astral Barrage. Coded Branch Poke. Coded Breaking Swipe. Coded Dragon Darts. Coded Drum Beating. Coded False Surrender. Coded Glacial Lance. Coded Meteor Assault. Coded Skitter Smack. Coded Spirit Break. Coded Strange Steam. Coded Eternabeam. Coded Jet Punch. Coded Snowscape. Coded Twin Beam. Coded Triple Dive. Coded Overdrive. Coded Esper Wing. Coded Surging Strikes. Coded Wicked Blow. Coded Mountain Gale. Coded Mystical Power. Coded Psyshield Bash. Coded Shelter. Coded Victory Dance. Coded Aqua Cutter. Coded Aqua Step. Coded Armor Cannon. Coded Chilling Water. Coded Flower Trick. Coded Malignant Chain. Coded Make It Rain. Coded Lumina Crash. Coded Pounce. Coded Spin Out. Coded Spicy Extract. Coded Trailblaze. Coded Torch Song. Coded Sandsear Storm. Coded Springtide Storm. Coded Wildbolt Storm. Coded Misty Explosion. Coded Chloroblast. Coded Dragon Energy. Coded Steel Beam. Coded Axe Kick. Coded Supercell Slam. Coded Sappy Seed. Coded Matcha Gotcha. Coded Combat Torque. Coded Pyro Ball. Coded Thunderclap. Coded Raging Fury. Coded Steel Roller. Coded Hard Press. Coded Stomping Tantrum. Coded Temper Flare. Protean will now activate only once per switch-in. Inner Focus, Own Tempo, Scrappy, and Oblivious now prevent the opposing Pokémon's Intimidate from lowering their user's Attack. Terrain Base Power boosts for moves: Electric Terrain for Electric-type moves, Grass Terrain for Grass-type moves, and Psychic Terrain for Psychic-type moves have been reduced from 1.5× to approximately 1.3× (5325/4096). Moody can no longer boost or reduce Evasion or Accuracy. Disguise now causes the user to lose 1/8 of their max HP when it breaks. All healing moves except Wish now have a base PP of 5 (increased to 8 with maximum PP Ups or PP Max). Typing a Pokédex ID in the PC search bar now successfully displays Gen 7, 8, and 9 Pokémon. Battle Bond Greninja can now learn Water Shuriken upon evolution. Substitute no longer gains Sturdy if the user has that Ability. Non-reviving healing items no longer work on fainted Pokémon. Solar Blade's Base Power is now halved under Snow, Hail, Rain, and Sandstorm conditions. An opposing Sticky Barb can no longer replace the held item of your Pokémon if it has the ability Klutz. Rapid Spin now has a Base Power of 50 and raises the user’s Speed by one stage. Teleport now has negative priority and switches out the user for an ally to take its place. King's Shield now lowers the opponent's Attack by only one stage. Corrected the Base Power, Accuracy, PP, Type, Move Category, Spelling, and Descriptions of all Gen 8 and 9 moves. Renamed several moves consistently across all instances. Added 180 new TMs and 100 new TRs. Coded all evolutions except those requiring the Pokémon Let’s Go! feature. Cosmoem evolves based on the day time. Coded Mind Blown. The Pokédex now displays the correct numbers for Seen, Caught, and Evolved entries. Non-cosmetic forms are now linked together. For example, Alolan Vulpix will count toward the Vulpix entry, and the same applies to forms like Hoopa-Unbound and Hoopa. Added functionality to view all non-cosmetic forms (e.g., Hoopa-Unbound, Mega Evolutions, Gigantamax forms, and regional forms) in the Pokédex. All Pokémon with non-cosmetic forms now have a border in the Pokédex. Right-click (or long-press on Android) opens a grid with the available forms. Added tooltips in the form grid showing the official titles of each form. Changed how cosmetic forms are displayed in the Pokédex, now showing more event forms. Chroma and shiny forms now have small icons as identifiers next to the Pokémon’s type. Chroma forms can now be changed directly via items without requiring an NPC. Added Snow weather and its corresponding weather icon in battles. All weather icons in battles are now animated. Reworked the evolution animation and adjusted its effects and layers. The sprites of the Pokémon evolving into are now blacked out if their Pokédex entry hasn’t been unlocked. Added a loading indicator for move-learn if the team update takes longer. Move learning now properly handles its confirmation popup. Improved the YesNoBox to better handle additional asynchronous scenarios. Added a simple helper script to animate dots on a label. Fixed an issue where the move-learn confirmation box would not disappear properly when a move learn was postponed. Item names in the Pokémon selection screen are no longer cut off abruptly and now end with an ellipsis (…) if too long. Fixed a bug that caused strange behavior when using an item on a region-locked Pokémon in the team. Fixed the shop preview in NPC shops not resetting properly after the shop was closed. Added 20 new NPC sprites for Astrella. Made several minor reworks, clean-ups, and optimizations. 54 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developer Eaty Posted December 8, 2024 Developer Share Posted December 8, 2024 Changelog 12.12.2024: Reworked switching between cosmetic forms in the Pokédex, eliminating the double usage of right-click for both the non-cosmetic forms grid and switching between cosmetic sprites. Example video Added Refill used PvP Items in Game Options. It is enabled by default and automatically re-equips consumed held items from your inventory after a PvP match. Snow battle icon correctly vanishes when it ended now. Weather Ball will no longer deny you from clicking on anything when there was no weather. Players have a round counter for weather effects below the weather icon in the battle window now. It doesn’t show how long the weather will last but instead how long it has been active. Players can now see how much HP the Pokémon have left in the enemy team view. It only shows info you have already seen. For example, Regenerator healing won’t update until the Pokémon comes back into battle. Lost HP is shown visually as a red-filled area on the Pokeballs. Example picture Hovering over a Pokémon displays a tooltip showing its exact remaining HP percentage. When a Pokémon faints, its Pokeball changes to a different red color, making it easy to differentiate between fainted and low HP. It's backwards compatible with replays. Example picture The map music and battle music files are no longer stored in the client but are now streamed and downloaded on demand. This allows us to fix music files more easily while significantly reducing the client size. The size has decreased from 620 MB to 350 MB, enabling clients to be cached via Cloudflare again, ensuring faster DDL downloads in the future. If you mute the music in the client options, it will not be downloaded. Players no longer get stuck if they trigger the LoS of two NPCs at the same time and the first one teleports them to another map. Coded Neutralizing Gas. Coded Chilly Reception. Coded Lunar Blessing. Coded First Impression. Clangorous Soul now takes 1/3 of the user's max HP when using it. Being behind your Substitute will display back the right message instead of revealing your Ability when an opposing user's Intimidate triggers. Teleport will no longer end the Wild Battle when it was you using it, but the Wild Pokémon using it can still end the battle. Teleport will now display a failed message when the user had no ally left to swap with. Soundproof users are no longer immune to their own moves, so if a Pokémon uses Perish Song, it will now gain a perish count. However, other Pokémon with Soundproof are still immune to Perish Song. Added 56 new TMs, we should now have every TM released until Gen 9. Added missing Egg Moves for some Pokémon. Piplup family now has Competitive instead of Defiant. Shiftry now has Wind Rider instead of Early Bird. Aegislash Blade Form's Attack and Spatk Base Stats were reduced by 10 points each. Aegislash Shield Form's Defense and Spdef Base Stats were reduced by 10 points each. Cresselia's Defense and Spdef Base Stats were reduced by 10 points each. Zacian's Attack Base Stat was reduced by 10 points, while Zacian-Crowned's by 20 points. Zamazenta's Attack Base Stat was reduced by 10 points. All alternative forms of Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus, Keldeo, Rotom and Greninja now share the same TMs learnset as their base form. The new Pokeballs are now displayed at the top of the item selection in the battle window. Coded Chilly Reception. Coded Meteorite. Coded Gracidea. Coded Oricorio's four Nectars. Coded Ogerpon's three Masks. Coded Adamant Crystal. Coded Lustrous Globe. Coded Griseous Core. Fixed Reflect's and Ice Body's message. Fixed Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, and Fire Fang to ensure their additional effects now trigger independently rather than simultaneously. Weather Ball now correctly transforms into Breakneck Blitz when affected by Normalium Z. Using Gastro Acid to suppress an Ability that can't be copied/swapped by either Role Play or Skill Swap will no longer allow you to bypass the restriction. Role Play will fail if the target has Illusion. Castform now can transform into its Snowy form when Snow is active. Curse now properly fails if the target is already cursed. Enhanced the message displayed when Brick Break removes Aurora Veil, Reflect, or Light Screen. Enhanced Soundproof messages when blocking sound-based moves. Magneton and Nosepass can now evolve when exposed to a Thunder Stone. Eevee can now evolve into Leafeon when exposed to a Leaf Stone and Glaceon when exposed to an Ice Stone. Ensured that all alternate forms of Deerling, Sawsbuck, and Oricorio share the same learnsets as their base forms. Fixed TM learnsets for Paldean Tauros and Galarian Darmanitan. Exp. Candies now fail and are no longer consumed when used during battle. Changed the icon of some TMs. Zamazenta-Crowned's Attack Base Stat was reduced by 10 points, while its Defense and Spdef Base Stats by 5 points each. Made several minor reworks, clean-ups, and optimizations. 27 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developer Eaty Posted February 16 Developer Share Posted February 16 Changelog 21.02.2025: Added PvP Chests. PvP Tokens are displayed on the Trainer Card, and Event Coins have their own currency icon now. Added Win Streak and Highest Win Streak to the PvP window. Re-logging during a battle now has a 10-second delay. Prevents abuse in wild battles and makes dungeon runs fairer. Fainted Pokémon are now grayed out in the enemy team view and replays. Preview Milcery can now evolve into all 63 Alcremie forms. Fixed a bug where players got stuck if they logged out during a battle after leveling up but before the move learn window appeared. Inventory sorting now ignores item colors, ensuring correct item order. Added D-Pad direction indicators. Fixed white Pokeball backgrounds on team preview and enemy team views that were empty at launch but later filled. Fixed a hover issue where clicking and dragging off the PvP loot box icon or spawn list could cause it to stay stuck. Visually updated terrain backgrounds in battles. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developer Shaolan Posted March 6 Developer Share Posted March 6 Changelog 06.03.2025: Coded Alluring Voice. Coded Burning Jealousy. Coded Scale Shot. Coded Stone Axe. Coded Ceaseless Edge. Coded Meteor Beam. Coded Crafty Shield. Coded Retaliate. Fixed Z-Tailwind to correctly boost critical-hit ratio by +2 stages instead of +1 stage. Fixed Magic Bounce, so it can no longer reflect Status Conditions onto Pokémon behind a Substitute. Fixed Battle Bond, so it no longer triggers when an enemy's Pokémon faints due to indirect damage like entry hazards. Fixed an issue where Teleport could end a Trainer battle when used by a Trainer's Pokémon. Fixed Alluring Voice, Torch Song & Psychic Noise to correctly hit through Substitute. Fixed an issue where Belly Drum was unable to maximize the user's Attack stat when it was at -6 Attack. Fixed the healing effect of Figy, Iapapa, Wiki, Aguav, and Mago Berries, reducing it from 1/2 to 1/3 of the user's max HP. Fixed Poison Fang to have a 50% chance to badly poison instead of 30%. Fixed Multitype, so it no longer prevents items that aren't Plates from being removed. Fixed an issue where a Pokémon that changed its form did not revert to its original type after being affected by Soak, Conversion, or Reflect Type. Enhanced Bulletproof messages when protecting from a bullet move. Enhanced the message when a Z-Move is boosting a Pokémon's stats. Enhanced multi-hit moves' super effective/not very effective messages to only appear once after the very last hit instead of after every hit. Fixed Ice Body's healing message that wasn't displaying under Hail. Justified and Rattled will proc at each hit of multi-hit moves. Rattled will raise its user's Speed by one stage when it gets affected by an opposing Intimidate. Guts' 50% boost is now applied to the Attack directly, fixing an incorrect rounding. Disguise will no longer print super effective/not very effective messages the turn it breaks. OHKO moves can now break the enemy's Disguise. The 1/8 max HP loss from broken Disguise now rounds down. Damage-reducing Berries (Babiri...) will no longer be consumed when no damage was dealt, including when Disguise absorbs the 1st hit. The user's Disguise will now break when its held Rocky Helmet KOs the opponent using a contact move. Fixed a misleading Magic Bounce activation message when an opponent uses Toxic on it while the MB user was in a semi-invulnerable state. Removed an unnecessary message when Aroma Veil blocks Cursed Body. Added the Typeless Type. Fixed an issue where a pure Flying-type Pokémon wouldn't become Normal type when using Roost. Fixed an issue where a Fire + Flying type using Burn Up then Roost wouldn't become Typeless. Perish Song will stop putting a perish counter on a Pokémon that was in a semi-invulnerable state. 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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