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Sorry for the inconvenience, but I would like you to restore my breloom.

Server: GOLD

ID: 31695120


I have recovered your breloom. It should be placed at the last slot of your PC. Have a nice day - HappyMango


Edited by HappyMango

I accidently released a Sandslash that belonged to a friend of mine.

It was :

On Gold Server

From Kanto

OT was VineVax

lvl 57

It had DIG which was very important to my friend.

I played on mobile and lost connection before I could take a screenshot of the ID because I didn't realize it was VineVax's Sandslash


I have recovered the sandslash. It should be placed at the last slot of your PC. Have a nice day - HappyMango
Edited by HappyMango

I accidentally deleted my gallade while clearing inventory of natus, sorry for inconvenience, thanks

Ig : ToggleCheats

Server: Silver



I have recovered your Gallade. It should be placed at the last slot of your PC. Have a nice day - HappyMango
Edited by HappyMango

Hello and Good morning. I unexpectedly released my lvl 100 goldeen pokemon.

ID: 42950036

Server: Silver



I would like to ask if it can be restored. Thank you and God Bless!


I have recovered your Goldeen. It should be placed at the last slot of your PC. Have a nice day - HappyMango
Edited by HappyMango

Hello and Good morning. I unexpectedly released my lvl 100 goldeen pokemon.

ID: 42950036

Server: Silver

[ATTACH type=full" width="296px" alt="127878]127878[/ATTACH]


I would like to ask if it can be restored. Thank you and God Bless!


Thank you so much admin, appreciate it <3 much love to pro and the admins nice game

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