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Ban unaware+softboiled


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Since apparently me voting is nit good enough, I have to defend myself (only brcause I disagree) here it is. I dont care about what smogons determination of if it over powered or not is. Theh are smart but they only work with metas where EVERYTHING works. I voted no because Id like to see how it works in PRO, the game we play not showdown. If it is too meta breaking then I would vote for a ban. To just ban everything according to smogon/showdown is stupid because there is access to things there that we dont have here. But to have to defend my -1 vote is actully ridiculous, for no reason other than you wanted everyone to agree and were going to flame everyone who didnt. I took the lets see how if goes first approach and you disrescted me over it. If you have a problem with people who only pvp in pro, go leave and play showdon.


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