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i kinda feel uncomfortable(pun not intended) to disable antivirus so a trojan can pass through while others dont even detect/downloaded the file, could you please clear it up why there is a file detected as trojan?
Hi there,


The reason why there is a false positive in the system is due to how we obfuscate our code to make our client more secure. As most viruses are also hidden in the same manner, the anti-virus detects it as a potential threat anyway. I hope this clears up your concerns; if you want to do any further testing, you are free to test do some testing; here's a Guide on Troubleshooting False Positives; VirusTotal is also a good site as another check to determine a possible virus.


Kind Regards, Astraea.


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HERE.- Trojan detection is inoffensive. is not a trojan but detects like one.


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Hi, today when i tried to open PRO, the computer blocked the program because it detected a Virus Trojan. So I unistalled and reinstalled the game again but it detect the virus anyway. Help please? (I installed the game from the official site: www.pokemonrevolution.net)



follow this : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86857-url

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