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Website Rework, Part 2! Suggestion here!


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This should never be lowered a transfer brings in a lot of money onto a new server, this would inflate the money even more. It should be raised but not lowered.


It should show any type of progression, for example how far are you into the daycare tiers or cooldowns for every aspect of the game.


This still should have a limit to a certain extend (e.g 10000 pokemon and 999999999$)


This should be limited to a certain amount e.g You can only recover 25 pokemon per account


It should be only possible to the level 98, you will never need 3 levels to evolve something to the final stage.


I personally don't like this, the value of a pokemon is heavily depending on various factors. This will only lead to absurd disagreements for sellers and buyers.

Let the free market decide the price, a price suggestion from PRO staff or statistics is not the best idea.


This should be a an opt-in feature, some guilds will probably get spammed with invite requests due to their status.


Leaders and Officers should both have this feature.


This should be a non refundable transaction, so if someone decides to donate it should be a donation to the guild and unrecoverable.


Guild leaders and opt-in for Officers, I trust my officers to not do anything stupid with those things.


This should be lowered to a reasonable amount given that quite a lot of stuff was added to drain money of the servers, somewhere around 10-15mil would be fine with me.


There should be one special spawn that you can freely choose from (the Pokemon has to be available)


This should be decided very carefully, I really don't wanna see a spawn like Pal Park again. :P


Tutors, TM Teacher, Pre-Evo Tutor, Event move Tutors, Smeargle Tutor

I feel like they all should be available to choose from.


I think the fee is fine but it should have a cooldown for example just once a month.


This should not matter unless it is tied to server issues, if someone has the 20$mil they should be allowed to buy the island even if it just for himself.

A guild island could be a deciding factor to join a guild.


This will highly discourage newer players, it should be lowered to 100 hours in my opinion. There is virtually no reason to even have an hour requirement


Why? It should be like the Vulcan Island that you can only enter the Guild Island if you are the champion for the region.

There are secret bases only in hoenn. Can there be secret bases in more regions?

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Adding more suggestions... Since the Guild island thread was closed before our leader could edit his post with all our suggestions (´・ω・`)


We see the Guild Island as a place for everyone to assemble together, and it could notably be the perfect place to do a Guild Photo. However, most members don't have the required hours or completed regions. It would be nice to have the entrance of the Guild Island available to everyone without restriction, being a place for members to chill together and wide enough to pretty much hold everyone for a nice Guild Photo. This area would only have the basic features (Pokemon Center, basic Pokémart, ferry NPC) and the main features of the Guild Island would be in other areas that would be blocked with the playtime and completed region requirements.


Another problem we face is that our guild is split into two guilds, so members on the main guild wouldn't be able to meet members of the second guild on the island. It would be nice to be able to link two guilds to the same island. Of course, that wouldn't be cheap, I'd say each guild also needs to pay their 20m to be linked to the main guild.


Finally, a smaller, less important suggestion, I'd like to see the price of the Guild Island split in multiple payments. As in, you'd still need to pay 20m to unlock the full island, but by paying only 5m, you could unlock a small part of the island, say only one area for hunting pokemons (and no Move Tutor yet). This would allow smaller guilds to still be able to make a bit of use of the feature, as well as to get the feature introduced gradually.

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Server Transfer (Fee: 300k or 1 Coin Capsule, can be lowered later on)

This should never be lowered a transfer brings in a lot of money onto a new server, this would inflate the money even more. It should be raised but not lowered.

I actually want to lower the price more and more. I don't want two different economies or even two different servers. My goal is to have channels and you can switch between them while playing. So it's one game, one economy and not the stupid stuff we currently have. That's something I can't do currently due to the access to the needed code but one of the few goals I have in PRO.

Looking at it from this perspective, yeah it makes total sense if that is the greater goal in mind.


User bank (Personal bank where you can put in money, Pokemon and items. This way you can have unlimited Pokemon and save your money)

This still should have a limit to a certain extend (e.g 10000 pokemon and 999999999$)

I don't understand why there should be a limit. You will be able to filter pretty much everything (Pokemon, ID, IVs etc.) to find your stuff and transfer it to your account with a single click. Makes no difference for the server as well.

I always suggest limiting certain things due to the servers being little weaklings in the past, if this has nothing to do with the servers, then sure have it unlimited. :)


Recover deleted Pokemon

This should be limited to a certain amount e.g You can only recover 25 pokemon per account

Staffs get hundreds of requests to recover Pokemon that were accidently deleted. I don't see a problem with allowing them to freely recover them. This makes everyones life easier. From time to time will all released Pokemon be completely deleted from the db and you won't be able to recover them anymore.

Again this was more of a suggestion to not stress the servers too much, if I recall Shamac correctly then recovering a lot of pokemon at once drain the servers performance, if this is not the case scrap the idea of limiting as well.


You will be able to buy a guild island for $20.000.000.

This should be lowered to a reasonable amount given that quite a lot of stuff was added to drain money of the servers, somewhere around 10-15mil would be fine with me.

I want guild islands to be the non-plus ultra for guilds and not every guild should be able to purchase one. That's why it's so expensive. I was originally even thinking about doing some guild events (guild wars etc.) every 6 months and the winner gets a guild island. I want it to be special, something you can brag with as a guild.

I agree it should be the non-plus ultra for every guild but it is such a hugely requested piece of content that it would be shameful if not everyone gets to experience it, don't you think?

I won't have any issues getting the money together, neither do most top guilds. Top guilds have top players who have a lot of money but not everyone is like that.

The casual guild with 50 members who just enjoy the game and don't necessarily trade a lot should have a shot at a guild island even if they are not as rich as others.

The idea is here that it should be affordable even for casual players. I totally see where you are going with this though.


You can choose 5 Tutors that will be placed on the island (Includes Smeargle Tutor, Pre-evo Tutor, TM Tutors)

Tutors, TM Teacher, Pre-Evo Tutor, Event move Tutors, Smeargle Tutor

I feel like they all should be available to choose from.

Agreed, except the event move tutor cause you usually need a quest for it.

The Pre-evo tutor needs a questline as well iirc, we should be allowed to have all available kinds of tutors/teachers if we meet the quest requirements.

Allowing to have a Pre-Evo tutor or a Event Move tutor on the island would be great but you need to have the quest completed to use these tutors.


Only guild leaders can buy the island and change spawns/tutors.

  • Changing spawns and/or tutors costs $5.000.000.

I think the fee is fine but it should have a cooldown for example just once a month.

Not sure about this yet cause I don't see any problems with it but going to think about it.

In theory it makes no difference if someone changes the spawns all the time, it will just get rid of a lot of money from the servers but the choices should be somewhat special, special like the island itself. If you can just freely change everything like you want for a fee it just defeats the purpose of limiting it to 5 tutors and x amounts of spawns.


Your guild needs at least 50 members.

This should not matter unless it is tied to server issues, if someone has the 20$mil they should be allowed to buy the island even if it just for himself.

A guild island could be a deciding factor to join a guild.

I might reduce it a bit but I want it to be a guild island and nothing for one person. It definitely won't be buyable for a guild with less than 30 members.

I would be totally fine with 30 people.




You need at least 300 hours to enter the guild island.

This will highly discourage newer players, it should be lowered to 100 hours in my opinion. There is virtually no reason to even have an hour requirement

I discussed a lot with staffs about the requirements and I might lower it to 250 hours but it's more a countermeasure for some friendly PRO users. I also have some other things in mind that should definitely work but for now it will stay at 300 with the possibility to lower it later on.

The hour requirement for your first legendary is 225 and the hour requirement here is 300 possibly 250, I don't really see the point in that.

100-150 hours I would deem way more appropriate given that you won't change the Sinnoh champion requirement.

So having 150 hours + Sinnoh Champion is enough of a countermeasure for the the friendly PRO users.

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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To avoid major guilds from getting spammed with join requests maybe implement a requirement system for the guild leader or officers to change/incorporate. The requirements could be based of things such as hours the player has, if they finished the story, or if they at least has a certain amount of cash or something.

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About deleveling pokemon,

Sometimes PRO release lvl 50 bosses and by whatever mistakes, the pokemon become lvl 51 or higher, and become unable to run them, could you bring a fonction to lock them at lvl 50 ?

About management


Can you please make computer or even guild bank more Flexible, at this moment to manage the boxes it's kinda complicated and rigid

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Nice to see, all what you want to do for next weeks/months. I have some suggestions


- Server Transfer (Fee: 300k or 1 Coin Capsule, can be lowered later on)

~~> Up the price to 800K or more, or limited the transfer to per caracters. Actually some play go to silver for sell their poke. They won a lot of money and after they will be back on gold for buy cheap pokemon/shynies and after go another time on Silver to sell. i know you want to balance the economy, but its not going to be the same economy. Silver's go down and gold up slowly, but it will change nothing.



- User bank for Pokemon

~~> We need an epic storage system for the storage system. unlimited Pokemon, its nice but the real problem, it is to symplify the storage. We could create some boxes who can contains 30 pokemon. Then we could have a box for water type, for legendary, for shynies, for pokemon to sell, pokemon to train. And we should have to give them the name that we want.



- Guild management

~~> Add some new guild rank, ( 2 or 3 will be good ), And if each guild could choose the name of rank it will be cool.


- Only guild members can enter the island.

~~> Guild leader have to give the access of guild island to each guild rank. Then we could choose who can have the access or not. Some players in a guild can't want to participate for the island then its normal that they don't have a free access on it. Guild leader should be choose who can go there.



- There will be a guild bank log which all members will be able to see

~~> But not able to use? Like i said before, Guild leader have to choose who can have the access


- Guild Pokeshop

~~> Add a NPC only on that island who can buy all fo our useless items, like Moonstone, Poison barb, charcoal, metal coat and other items that we have in huge quantities. After you can determinate the price like 1k/each or5k for the most rare. but i think give a vlaue to each items will be good. It could be a nice reward for guilds islands.


- Guild ladder

~~> Each guild leader should win guild points to reward the guild rank. There can be an NPC on the islands, where guild leader can buy some objects or little buff for his guilds ? It will be nice to reward the guild rank, it can make some challenge to have the best rank.



And for the guild island access, i think you should up the price to 30 000 000P$, if too much guild buy it on gold Server. Our economy will be destroy. And up to 75 members to get access, could be nice to limited

Edited by Abygaelle





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i do like all of this but i have concerns about server Transfer. i read some comments and they agree that the price is too low (at least for the pokedollars the $ amount seems fine.) it just seems too spammable. there needs to be either a limit on it to once every 2 weeks to a month or make it more expensive.

in my opinion




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I am currently creating a list of all new features that will be added on the new website and I need your input.

If you have suggestions that can be added or improved then feel free to tell me about it. If you don't like something you can also tell me about it.




  • Users
    1. Server Transfer (Fee: 300k or 1 Coin Capsule, can be lowered later on)
    2. Account Reset (Fee: 350k or 1 Coin Capsule, only resets the progress)
    3. Able to see your account informations (Username, ID, E-Mail. Membership, Black Membership, Last online, Total Pokemon. Rating, Excavation points)
    4. User bank (Personal bank where you can put in money, Pokemon and items. This way you can have unlimited Pokemon and save your money)


  • Pokemon
    1. Mass release Pokemon
    2. Recover deleted Pokemon
    3. Delevel Pokemon (Can not be lower than 98)
    4. Price check for Pokemon (Will be with assistance of recent trades, still discussed due to possible abuse)


  • Player versus Player
    1. You can search for a Pokemon and get the most used sets in ranked pvp (Pokemon, nature, ability, EVs, moves - similar to Smogon)
    2. PvP log (Opponent and winner of the last matches)


  • Toplists (Silver, Gold, All)
    1. Money, Guild money, PvP Ladder, Guild Ladder, Playtime (Option to exclude yourself from the money toplist)
    2. Top 25 by default, can be extended to top 50 or 100 with a drop down menu (Except Guild Ladder)


  • Guild management
    1. Users can request to join a guild and guild leaders or officers can accept or deny the request
    2. Leaders can invite users to their guild (Option to allow it to Officers)
    3. Guild leaders and officers can send a mail to all members for 50k
    4. Members will be able to check the guild rating


    • Guild Bank
      1. All members can donate to the guild bank (Money, items, Pokemon)
      2. Guild leaders can give the donations to members (Option to allow it to Officers)
      3. There will be a guild bank log which all members will be able to see

      [*]Guild Island

      1. Guild Islands will be the last step and mostlikely released after the website, even after the Auction House
      2. Guild leaders can create and manage guild islands
        [spoiler=Guild island]

        1. You will be able to buy a guild island for $20.000.000.
        2. Only guild members can enter the island.
        3. There will be three dungeon maps with spawns.
          • You can choose your own spawns from a drop down menu.
          • The Pokemon in the drop down menu will be decided by staff members.
          • There will be balanced tiers and you have to choose Pokemon for different tiers.

      [*]You can choose 5 Tutors that will be placed on the island (Includes Smeargle Tutor, Pre-evo Tutor, TM Tutors).

      [*]Only guild leaders can buy the island and change spawns/tutors.

      • Changing spawns and/or tutors costs $5.000.000.

      [*]All guilds will get the same maps with different spawns/tutors.

      [*]You will be able to buy the island and change stuff on the PRO website.

      [*]The guild island will not be accessible until next server restart after buying it.

      [*]There will be an NPC in Vermilion City, Canalave City, Olivine City and Lilycove that can teleport you to your guild island.

      [*]You get points for the daily quest. The more points you get the higher will you rank be (Ranks: Bronze Rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Legendary Expert, Heavenly Expert, Emperor Expert, Supreme Expert - Temporary names and can be changed later on, these ranks will be shown in your profile card).

      [*]Additionally to your rank points you get reward points which can be exchanged for Pokemon and items (Pokemon will be syncable).


      • Maps (Guild will be replaced with the guild name):
        • Guild Island
        • Guild HQ (Daily quest will be here)
        • Guild Spirit Room (Tutors will be here)
        • Guild Dungeon 1
        • Guild Dungeon 2
        • Guild Dungeon 3
        • Guild House 1
        • Guild House 2
        • Guild House 3
        • Guild Pokecenter
        • Guild Pokemart


        1. Your guild needs at least 50 members.
        2. You need at least 300 hours to enter the guild island.
        3. You need to be Sinnoh champion to enter the island.




      • Auction House
        1. Auction House might not be released with the website and added later on
        2. Users can add Pokemon and items to the Auction House
        3. Following formats are possible: Auction and Fixed Price (Auctions requires a start price)
        4. Users can add a minum raise for bids
        5. Your Pokemon will be removed if you put it in the Auction House
        6. Money you bid will be removed till someone outbid you
        7. The money and Pokemon will be added to their new owners after the auction ended
        8. You will receive a mail after the auction ended
        9. Auction will be live updated on the website, similar to eBay
        10. You can cancel the auction within 10 minutes after you put it online or 48 hours before the auction ends

      Since you're adding ms and bms cooldown, i think it would be cool too to add bug, train pass and other cooldown as an alternative to reborn bot. about the poke bank and mass release in my opinion is a nice idea but we can improve it by having an option where we can sort out all the pokemons by their dex numbers. For example i have nidoran M on boxes 1,3,9 basically all nidos on different boxes will be compressed. about pvp log, it would be nice if we're either going to add pvp replay or as in the log of that pvp match where we can see time, moves and items used per turn just like in showdown to use against pvp rule breakers.

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