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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/22 in all areas

  1. S.o. 1m Min raise 100k Time 48h starting from first bid
    1 point
  2. Hi, Selling this hp fire mag Start bid: 500k Bid raise: 100k No insta Accept ccs at 380k and Rrs at 680k Auction ends after 48 hours after 1st bid
    1 point
  3. 400k and we virtually shake on it??
    1 point
  4. Hello @Isildurr2x@Gravewalkerr The auction has been forced. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  5. Yes yes. I am at work now. I'll pm you when I return home. Cya in 5-6hrs mate.
    1 point
  6. You write min bid 10k lol Raise 200k
    1 point
  7. Are u free now !? Ingame: boomsmoke. Can we meet and trade at Vulcan !?
    1 point
  8. Great, then this thread will be closed. If another issue or question arises, feel free to create a new thread. Have a great day.
    1 point
  9. Hello To avoid any doubt, @Fafouney is correct, the minimum bid is 50k which makes the 600k bid from @Blaggy invalid as the previous offer was 551k. Take care. Manbat.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Hello fellow trainers, welcome to the Official Thread of BlaZe. Join us along to be the part of a proud family consisting of top pvp'ers and shiny collectors. •We are the first guild created in PRO and we are recruiting new members to revive the guild. A guild that has been accompanied by many strong players since the beginning. If you'd like to help out and get help, we are the guild for you, don't think that you're alone. •We are currently recruiting active people from all over Silver Server. We cannot guarantee that you are going to experience the things we are offering if you are not active enough. As player and member you also must do something from your side such as being enough active to find out what is new in you or your weakness so we can help you out. ♦ Must be an active user of Discord! ♦ Be friendly and easy going. ♦ Show interest in PRO. ♦ No toxicity!Loyalty to the guild ♦ Being a member or ''BLAZE'' means u are holding a huge name and u are responsible for your actions , be gentle and fit things well with people around. ♦ Discussion with other guilds about our current guild events and news or any kind of discussion especially hostile is forbidden. ♦ In conclusion we want to build a family, something more then just the game, something special! ♦ Dex Service - We can provide a complete dex service for all regions, free for members! ♦ Monthly events - Hide & Seek, Showdown tournaments and Inferno Blaze gym leader! ♦ Guild Daycare - A guild daycare service provided by a few of our members. ♦ Help regarding PvE content like boss team suggestions, data about bosses and a question channel for u to ask anything. ♦ Lend service for story, Bosses and pvp poke. ♦Monthly giveaways. JOINING SURVEY Lastly i'd like to say that .. We're first a family, then a Team, then a Guild! BlaZe4Victory!
    1 point
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