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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/24 in all areas

  1. Starting Price: 10M Min Raise: 100K it finishes in 13 hours 00:00 Spanish time Good Luck to Everyone
    3 points
  2. - Welcome, we provide you with a lot of choice and variation pokemon form from multiple event - Enjoy! Contact: PRO IGN : Torarudean Discord : torarudean Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollar CC : 400k Nature Reroll : 250k Iv Reroll : 500k Shop's Rules: ALL TRADE MUST FOLLOW THE TRADES RULE FAKE OFFER OR FALSE BUY WILL BE REPORTED ALL POKE WITH THE PRICE TAG ARE ALLOWED TO NEGOTIATE PLEASE BE POLITE WHEN NEGOTIATE AND OFFER WITHIN REASONABLE PRICE IF FROM SILVER SERVER NEED TO TRANSFER TO GOLD WILL ONLY BE RESERVED FOR 3 DAYS (Note: looking for collector with big budget for Pokemon with tag "Offer")
    1 point
  3. Here is my summary of experience in the past few days Hope to help new players simple preparation: lvl 39 gyarados and lvl 69 gyarados ( h.a and ada or jolly 25+atk 25+spd ) ev atk+spd 252 moves : crunch +earthquake+ ice fang +waterfall ( pp max ) waterfall can Repetitive learning Operation process: Trade two mons to a friend, let the friend lend to you, keep two gyarados level unchanged, Repeat this process,Realize convenient upgrades Suggest elevating trash pokemons to level 20 first only need one gyarados ,A perfect operation can bring 5 trash pokemon together to level 90 or above illustrate: moxie Can quickly defeat NPCs , Mold breaker can defeat sturdy . If your Pokemon is between level 10 and level 40, lvl 39 gyarados can help them Upgrade all the way to 97 If your Pokemon is between level 40 and level 71, lvl 69 gyarados can help them Upgrade all the way to 97 If your Pokemon is greater than level 71 ,You can directly use level 100 Pokemon If your friends also have two gyarados ,This may increase your friendship between the two of you^ ^
    1 point
  4. Start Point/Price : 15mil Auction time : 24hrs after the first bid Update Bid Info Every 6hours, or stay on the thread No Insta Min. Raise : 500k
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. What's your Player name (IGN)? Bopvip12dn Number of hours played? 229 hours What's your favourite Pokemon? Gardevoir What country are you from? VietNam How old are you? 28 Which server do you play on? Silver
    1 point
  8. Hey, im interested in Nidoking shiny. Is it still available?
    1 point
  9. Hey, do you offer same service for legends?
    1 point
  10. Pokemon Shop BoogieBoogie14 Selling Poke of all Prices IGN: Boogieboogie14 Accept CC (360k) and IV Reroll (550k) Prices are negotiable 1 Milion 800 K 700 K 600 K 500 K 400 K 300 K 200 K
    1 point
  11. Price check of Magikarp with Hidden Ability
    1 point
  12. Hey buddies, ty for participated. I'm really busy actually but i will announce winners as sooner as i can. I hope your xmas is good. Take Care and good Luck.
    1 point
  13. There is a lot of thought that has to go into a good suggestion. There are several things to consider, but here are a few things that you should check to see if your suggestion may be considered for implementing. Is my suggestion feasible? This is possibly the most important question to ask yourself. Think about whether your suggestion is possible, is it a good idea or should I rethink it slightly? For a suggestion to really be considered, it must be possible to do despite our technical restraints. You need to make sure that your suggestion is practical. You should also consider timescales. Would it take the developers a long time, or could it be a quick and easy job? How does my suggestion benefit the community? This is where you ask yourself if your suggestion would this be impactful to PRO. Would your suggestion affect the majority of the community or just a small portion? Think about how it would affect everyone. Remember that this game is for everyone and therefore your suggestion must not only benefit yourself. You could specify whether it would be a small quality of life update, or if it is absolutely mandatory that your suggestion happens. Strengths and Weaknesses Every suggestion has a good and bad side to it, therefore it's good to acknowledge the different consequences that your suggestion may come with. It's also good to evaluate the positive aspects to see if the negatives are worth it, or to further explain why your suggestion should be implemented. Your idea might sound good or interesting at the beginning, but there could be a lot of negative aspects outweighing the positives. Suggestions listed in this section have already been denied in the past and are non-negotiable. Any topic created that suggests or is similar to something listed below will be instantly locked. Alternative Payment Alternate payment methods have been suggested in the past several times before. We understand that it may be inconvenient to donate via Paypal in certain countries, but this will ultimately depend on our developer's discretion since there are limitations on his ability to accept donations from other payment methods. Nevertheless, we apologize for any inconveniences. Breeding Breeding has been removed as a way of converting a predominantly single player game into an MMO. PRO has chosen to go for a more social, imperfect pokemon approach. Breeding unfortunately would make everyone self-sufficient, walking around with eggs and have no need to rely on other people. The current hunting system prioritizes hunting and selling. Breeding would also ruin the rarity system and economy. In the case of rare pokemon, like Dratini, if everyone has the ability to breed, they would be worth less than 10k within days and no one would be farming, defeating the purpose of the MMO. Changing Nicknames of Pokemon This is hard to manage, as it's easy to abuse a nickname system and submit inappropriate nicknames. Furthermore, nicknaming would add extra data per Pokemon - this might not sound like a lot, but it all adds up very quickly to overstrain the database unnecessarily. This suggestion has been and will continue to be denied. Community Muting System or Reputation System This is easy to exploit and therefore will be denied. Reputation Systems are also usually vulnerable to many types of attacks. Encounter Rate We will not give any percentage of encounter rate of pokemon. Players will need to find by themselves. Experience and Money-Making Items/Moves This includes the Exp. Share, Lucky Egg, Amulet Coin, Pay Day and anything of the like. These things won't be implemented as they may ruin the economy and ultimately make items easier to acquire, which goes against PRO's goal of being an MMO. Additionally, Membership is also a reason why it's not added. Free Switches in Battle The game is deliberately made to be played on 'Set' mode, meaning you will have to switch Pokemon manually. This also means that you're not able to freely switch when an enemy pokemon faints. This has been implemented to increase the difficulty and challenge of the game. iOS or Windows Phone Client for PRO Unless Apple opens up their OS development to 3rd party applications, this will not be possible to implement. Furthermore, iOS doesn't have enough resources to let PRO work on it. As for Windows Phones, we would require a suitable device to test on. Not only that, but this would push back update releases, which are far more important. Finally, the amount of people who would use it would be too few to outweigh the added resources needed to implement this. Making All Legendary Pokemon Obtainable or Tradeable PRO allows players to catch certain legendary Pokemon with 600 base stat totals or below. Any legendary Pokemon with higher base stat totals are not obtainable. Legendaries are considered rare rewards that players can only obtain after completing long quest-lines or as large event rewards, both needing investment of enough time and effort to achieve. Additionally, legendaries will always be untradeable. This allows them to be in-game without ruining the game's economy. Making Headbutt or Dig Spawns Visible on the Map This is implausible due to technical limitations. Headbutt trees are coded differently, which makes it very difficult to implement a spawn list. We would need to manually write out a huge amount of lines. For every single change, we would need to change and manually rewrite that list again and again. Dig would have the same issues as Headbutt. This is time-consuming work with little payoff while there are many other high-priority items for staff to take care of. Several members of the community have already compiled lists of Headbutt/Dig spawns per route in the Game Guides section, so you can refer to that instead. Reducing Boss Battle Cooldowns If you lost to the boss NPC, that means that you need to prepare properly the next time you face them. Bosses are meant to be challenging, after all. If you crashed during your boss battle, we unfortunately can't provide further assistance for crash issues, since PRO is in beta and bugs/crashes are expected to happen during the development process. Running Shoes You already walk at 1.5x times the regular speed from the Handhelds. That is only .5 slower than the running shoes. If you want to go faster, you are free get a bike by obtaining a Ditto and turning it in for a bike voucher in Vermilion, which allows you to purchase a bike from the Cerulean bike store for 60k. You can also get a mount by buying onne from the Coin Shop or completing the Arcanine Mount Quest. Using NPCs to Trade Evolve Trade-evolving is a good reason to meet with other people, make friends, and join a guild. It also adds to the MMO dimension. If you're concerned about being scammed by the other user, make sure to take a screenshot of the trade-evolution agreement and trade window. Report the user in the Report Center if they do steal your Pokemon. If you don't feel you can trust any other users, you can find a staff member and ask them to help you with your trade-evolution instead. You can also make a post on the Evolution and Deleveling Megathread. Suggestions that fall under the following categories have a chance to be implemented into the game. However, there is no guarantee that they will be implemented due to different technological and time constraints. Nevertheless, you are free to express your opinions, but please remember that they may be denied. Adding and Translating Other Languages In-Game PRO's main storyline will be kept English as the widely accepted "official" language in the game, even by bilingual players. Only minor things (menus, options, etc) will be translated. However, there is no estimated time frame for this, and it's considered very low-priority. Balancing Bosses or Revaluing Boss Rewards You are free to suggest things to be changed or added to a certain boss if you feel that it would be appropriate for said boss, but keep in mind that Pokemon consists of four basic elements: Hunting, Training, Trading, and Battling. The boss battles were created to provide additional, renewable content for players who have already completed their story. They were not created as a means to provide easy, consistent shortcuts to avoid the four basic elements of the game. The cooldown is to ensure that some things don't enter the game quickly, namely some of the more valuable rewards. New Move Tutor or TM If there is a Move Tutor or TM you'd like to see in-game that isn't already, you're free to suggest it. Just keep in mind that some moves are not coded yet, therefore have little reason to have a move tutor for; regarding moves, abilities, evolutions, and so on being coded, we have no ETA as to when they will be added. For specifics on what isn't coded yet or is not coded as intended, please look at the List of Broken Moves and Abilities in PRO. Please keep an eye on the Downloads & Update Logs as well as the In-game Update Logs when they will be. For all of these, you'll need to be patient and wait. Remember that our staff team is constantly working to improve the game: Artists are creating new animations and sprites. Scripters are writing and implementing scripts, and Shane is always working on coding new features and improvements into the client. We need time to fix and update everything, so please be patient. Spawn Suggestions We would like to ensure the best experience for you here at PRO. Therefore, we will be taking your Spawn Suggestions in the Pokemon Spawns Thread. Please take note that your suggestion may not be fully implemented, but we'd simply like to hear from you so we can improve your quality of life. The suggestions listed below are already planned or are currently in-process, so there is no actual need to suggest the idea itself, but if you have specific details that are worth mentioning, feel free to expand upon it. Account resets, Name changes, and Transferring data between servers We plan to give qualifying players the opportunity to reset their accounts, change their usernames, and transfer data between servers very soon, as the implementation for all of that is already done, we just need to solidify a few things internally as PRO Staff before releasing a request megathread. Auction House or Marketplace We plan to release an auction house with our upcoming website, but we're still ironing out specific details about the auction house and also the implementation itself. If you'd like to help PRO Staff with said details, please take a look and give us suggestions at the Website Rework thread. Changing the Dig or Headbutt Confirmation Displays or Adding Coin Shop Tools We're part-way through implementing a shovel tool in-game, but making the shovel be able to interact with the dig spots will take quite some time from our Content Team as we have to edit each dig spot script individually, so please be patient with us! Making more Legendaries Obtainable The Content Team has already implemented a way of expanding the pool of Legendaries that are catchable for players, but the details and fine-tuning of the implementation are still needed before its release into the public. Mass Deleting Pokemon With the addition of our upcoming website, we'll be giving players the ability to mass delete Pokemon rather than agonize in front of a PC for an hour in-game. The implementation along with the website itself is still in process, however. For more information on that, feel free to head over to the Website Rework thread. Mega Evolutions Mega evolutions have been in PRO for a while now, but are currently only only available for NPCs. This is because we are still yet to finalize everything with regards to releasing Mega Evolutions. Nonetheless, they are being considered to be implemented in PRO for players to use. Although, please take note that there is no ETA for when they will be released. User Bank With the addition of our upcoming website, we'll be giving players the ability to have their own bank account not in-game, but on the website. You may put Pokemon, money, and items in this bank, therefore possibly allowing players to store an unlimited amount of game objects, but the details are still undecided overall. If you'd like to help PRO Staff with said details, please take a look and give us suggestions at the Website Rework thread. _______________________________________________________ Contributions: Thor, Pixiu, Hideliet, Windypuff, Neroli, Shaui, Red, Astraea, Fluffles
    1 point
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