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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/24 in all areas

  1. I feel like there's a dungeon and dragon event brewing. So here is my version of dragonite :
    3 points
  2. Alo, wts these two mons, accept pokedollars, cc(400k each), rr(520k each) : Start offer: 1m mind bid 100k 48 hours after first bid Start: 300k min bid: 50k 48 hours after first bid Timer: https://www.webcountdown.de/?a=6Vb3NWG
    2 points
  3. Welcome to MAD'S shop This is CrazyMaD, welcome to my new shop xD. Here you'll find pokes with fair prices as in my last shop. Before wandering in the poke list make sure you go through the shop rules, payment methods and contact info. And more pokes will be available soon xD. Shop Rules - 1. Once you offer to buy a poke it can't be withdrawn. 2. Fakes offers will be reported without mercy. 3. All prices negotiable, except those tagged "Fixed". Payment methods - 1. Poke Dollars/cash 2. Coin capsules = 400k 3. Reroll = 550k 4. Nature reroll = 260k Contact info - Ign - Crazymad discord - Crazymad786 Notice - No Reservation Allowed !! PvP pokes - Untrained pokes - Exclusive pokes- PvE pokes- AUCTION HOUSE - Thank you for passing by and have a good day XD And don't forget to drop a like
    1 point
  4. Start Price: 300k Min Raise: 50k Insta: 1.5m Ends in 48 hours after 1st bid GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE AND THANK YOU! CONTACT: Discord: MaxYSaxY#5265 Ign: MaxyisOP9
    1 point
  5. start 50k min bid 20k insta 1m end 24 hours after the 1st bid accept cc 400k ivrr 500k -Need to enter the exact amount Any false bids and any changes to the bids are strictly prohibited - Forum: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end.
    1 point
  6. Greetings all, Using GMT+0 i will be determining the winner of the Bisharp Auction here, to clear up any confusion. Auction ends 72 hours after starting bid was met as mentioned in the initial thread Auction start 30/01/24 at 2:38pm by @Mvnschaalke with a bid of 100,000 Auction end 02/02/24 at 2:40pm by @Elijope with a bid equivalent to 1,200,000 <--- Winner @Kenniuuu You are not the winner of the Bisharp being sold on this thread. As stated in our Auction rules, which is a universal rule applicable on every auction thread, the end point can be extended past the scheduled time for 15 minutes, every 15 minutes until the current offer has been held fully for that time. This allows auctions to be extended past the normal time if a bidding war is occuring. @Viscabarcaa @Elijope Please state your timezones and availabilities to each and finalize this Bisharp auction when possible. As always remember to post evidence of trade completion down below Innerfocus
    1 point
  7. @Safadinha This is incorrect. In accordance with our Auction rules, the bid extension(if necessary) is only applicable within 15 minutes of the most previous one. I have edited the incorrect information stated on your initial thread to reflect how its correctly perceived within our ruleset. Innerfocus
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Greetings @Jinzoooo I am sorry to hear about your situation. Your request has been forwarded and will hopefully be processed soon. Have a wonderful weekend, Fusionflair
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Hey there @Ibluayasaki, Sorry for the inconvenience, We have forwarded your request to our Developers. It might take sometime for it to be processed as to which you’ll need to wait patiently for this as I hope to get back soon with you on this. Have a great day. Kind regards, Duraludon
    1 point
  14. @Sterlinghau won
    1 point
  15. Dear Staffs, the player @Zumnt21 came online n transferred the leadership back n now the leaser of the guild in game is @Auramasterbank as we wanted. So the problem has now been resolved on our own. Please close this thread/topic. Thank u
    1 point
  16. Greetings @Yash2006 and @Miacraigharv, Sorry for the inconvenience! We are aware about a possible bug concerning Mysterious Candy and Happiness Evolution. Normally, Riolu should evolve if you have maximum Happiness, during Daytime. Let's try to solve your problems! Would you faint your pokemon again? iTo make the Happiness decreases. Then you will bring your pokemon to the Groomers. They can be found : - in Kanto, in Cerulean City House 5 - in Johto, in the Goldenrod Underground Path - In Hoenn, on the outdoor market of Slaleport - In Sinnoh, in Hearthome City You are going to use the Groomers to raise happiness again. Don't forget to do it during daytime for Riolu! Please, try this and let me know if that works! Kind regards RockyRaccoon
    1 point
  17. Hey, I will answer this thread as the leader of the mapper team because I wont accept accusations in that form based on uninformed assumptions. First of all I would like to clarify that its not the devs who are working on content, instead there are different staff roles like Scripters, Artists, Mappers, Testers that are required for content projects like Astrella and any other content addition. Many resources, work and time is required from these different teams. We are not a company with a set employee count and worktime, instead we are regular people who have their own real jobs, school, studies etc., with families, children, hobbys and other interests., we are working for free and in our own free time, next to all IRL-responsibilities to provide PRO more content. Anyone out of the different content-teams could have less time for any reason at any moment or anyone could also leave the staff team completly for more important matters in their real life. That is why it is really hard or rather impossible to predict how long a project like that may take and to give updates about the project in general without either leaking more than we want to or to give the community false hope. We have to take so many different factors in mind, so in the end giving updates about the project would just make the situation worse. I understand the players frustration on this but you also have to keep in mind that Astrella was passed through so many different staff members already, many left and many joined. It is not easy at all to keep track of a project like that unfortunately, we are trying our best though. The fact that it was announced this early was obviously a mistake back then and the content-team suffers from it a lot as the playerbase was expecting it soon, leading to many comments that can de-motivate anyone working on it. The people who are currently working on Astrella are the ones you are blaming but we werent the ones to announce it or built hype around it, instead we are the ones trying to save the project and bring it to the players regardless of anything else. We were short-staffed, presented with low free-time or other unforseen events a lot over the last few years and it was and is still hard to meet the expectations of the playerbase. It is hard to release new content for events and content in general (new forms, mounts, cosmetics etc. from artists, new maps from mappers, new quests from scripters etc.) every year while still working on a big project like Astrella which requires full focus usually. As you probably noticed in the past, we skipped some event-content releases to focus more on Astrella but there was still other stuff we released, however I can assure you that the progress on Astrella didnt suffer from that, we only worked on other things if we couldnt work on Astrella for some time for different reasons (resources needed from another team first for example). Many things had to be reworked as well because it was simply outdated or wasnt correct (story- and map-wise for example). Personally speaking I am looking forward to still put my time, love and effort into this project, together with the others from the content-team. Astrella is the main focus for the coming time but please try to understand the current content-team for all the things I explained in this message.
    1 point
  18. sure. what's ur ign/ discord or u can dm me in given contacts.
    1 point
  19. Starting Price: 300k Min Raise : 50k Auction will end in 48h
    1 point
  20. 0 points
  21. Hello, @Dorade In the future please read the Trade rules when it comes to posting Variant-themed pokemon in the Selling Pokemon sub-forum: I have moved your thread to the proper Shiny and Special sub-forum. You may proceed as normal. Innerfocus
    0 points
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