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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/24 in all areas

  1. S.O = 300K Min Bid = 30k Duration = Ends 24 hours after start Accepted Payments: PokeDollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 400k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 500k) Good Luck
    2 points
  2. - Welcome, we provide you with a lot of choice and variation pokemon form from multiple event - Enjoy! Contact: PRO IGN : Torarudean Discord : torarudean Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollar CC : 400k Nature Reroll : 250k Iv Reroll : 500k Shop's Rules: ALL TRADE MUST FOLLOW THE TRADES RULE FAKE OFFER OR FALSE BUY WILL BE REPORTED ALL POKE WITH THE PRICE TAG ARE ALLOWED TO NEGOTIATE PLEASE BE POLITE WHEN NEGOTIATE AND OFFER WITHIN REASONABLE PRICE IF FROM SILVER SERVER NEED TO TRANSFER TO GOLD WILL ONLY BE RESERVED FOR 3 DAYS (Note: looking for collector with big budget for Pokemon with tag "Offer")
    1 point
  3. @Toxicsoggy u won let me know when u are online or tell me on dc iivarun
    1 point
  4. Hello @Alexisdl350, @Marouflard and @Malbouffe I'd first like to apologize for the amount of time taken to process this thread here. The issue has been known for a while now and it occurs due to inconsistent internet connection of players, like @Lyn1311 here has mentioned, or the servers lagging. Now there is a workaround in the script that should respawn any missing bosses during such instances. Without it, the bosses would simply not spawn and lock you in the dungeon. About what Marouflard and Malbouffe are suggesting, you are more than welcome to make a thread in Suggestions subforum about it. Finding and fixing of bugs on the content side is solely reliant on our Testers and Content Scripters that in no way coincides with the making of mounts and other cosmetics, which are reliant on our Artist team, similarly the priorities here are very different and you saying that is completely disrespectful to our Content Scripters' work. The issue has been properly addressed now, but there's no hard fix for it as of now. Feel free to add to this if there's any further concerns from any of you all. Have a great weekend y'all, Fusionflair
    1 point
  5. Hello @Sunny123xd I have locked your thread since your auction has no Starting Price, thus it is invalid. If you still want to auction the pokemon, feel free to create a new thread and make sure that both mandatory parameters (Starting Point / Starting Price and End Point) are present. Please refer to Auction Rules for more information about this topic. @86adrian86 Since the auction is invalid, your bid does not count. However, in the future when you place a bid on an auction from the opposite server you will need to transfer in case of winning (Unless it's a Cross-Server auction, in that case seller is responsible for transferring). Kind regards
    1 point
  6. 1 _ The team need 3 pokemons with one of these moves : final gambit, explosion, memento, self-destruct, healing wish, destiny bond, lunar dance. 2 _ The need need to use one pokemon with one of these moves : draco-meteor, overheat, v-create, outrage, trash, leaf storm, brave bird, superpower, flare blitz, wild charge, clanging scales, close combat, double edge, gig dffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
    1 point
  7. I would like to join, my name is rayaan, I am 18 years old, I am from the UK. I like the multiplayer aspect of Pro and the different in game events. I want to join the guild to be able to join a community that focuses on the Pve aspects of the game, my favourite pokemon is infernape, My discord is Goldenrays
    1 point
  8. My name Rayuz I'm 16 I'm from India I like PRO because it's pokemon my favorite pokemon is Mawile(idk why) My discord name is beelzebub5821 And I'm kinda new to this game
    1 point
  9. hi all , this is a small guide to the new pokestops location & rewards Hoenn 1- Lilycove City 2- Salteport City 3- Lavaridge Town 4- Mossideep City 5- Sootopolis City 6- Pacifidlog Town 7- Route 110 (south of Mauville City) 8- Petallburg Woods 9- Route 11 (north of Rustboro City) 10- Route 119A (outside Weather Institute; ouest of Fortree City) 11- Route 111 Desert Trainer Tower (north of Mauville City) Sinnoh 1- Solaceon Town 2- Jublife City 3- Hearthome City 4- Vielstone City 5- Pastoria City 6- Snowpoint City 7- Sunyshore City 8- Celestic Town 9- Sendoff Spring 10- Eterna Forest Kanto added PokeStop to Cinnabar Island & removed from Power Plant Rewards are random: Rare Candy, Revives ,Pp Up ... & the new amazing rewards to gain Exp & level up: Exp Candy we can claim our new rewards in two days (48 hours) n.b = Exp Candy is not tradeable. hope this guide is very helpfull; Feel free to post in here or send me a message if you have any informations regarding reworked Poke Stops. ps = don't forget to like my post & let a comment to encourage me
    1 point
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