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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/24 in all areas
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10k per 24h for every pokemon Pokedollar Coin Capsule = 450k Reroll Ticket = 550k Nature Reroll Ticket = 250k Rare Candy = 5k IGN = Norex Discord = norex1234 Note: Some moves my differ from the ones shown in the images, but you can always change them. (some of the most used pokemon in PvP from my collection)1 point
Payment Accepted Pokedollars Coin Capsule - 400k Reroll Ticket - 500k Nature Reroll Ticket - 250k Black Medallion - 160k 15 Day Membership - 200k Fearow Forms: 100k each Easter Chansey: 1M+1CC SOLD V-Day CHansey: 1.7M SOLD Hlw Volcarona HP Ice: 9M Chandelure-250k Garchomp-400k Dragonite-350k Alolan-Ninetales-500k Venusaur-400k Klefki-300k Scizor-200k Klefki-300k SOLD Umbreon-700k Chansey-250k Medicham-350k Roserade-200k Pelipper-325k Mamoswine-200k Aerodactyl-225k Charizard-200k Breloom-150k Bisharp-400k Charizard-300k SOLD Ferrothorn-200k Gyarados-75k Empoleon-180k SOLD Feraligatr-400k Clefable-250k Tyranitar-450k Tyranitar-350k Weaville-350k Offers are also welcome Contact me on here or PM me in game Rudedingo221 point
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Auction Details: Start Price: 800k End Point: 72 hours Insta Price: N/A Minimum Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 400k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 500k) Important Reminders: This is a Silver Server auction. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!1 point
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I apologise for naming another Pokemon MMO, it was just a reference to their iOS download comparability, my apologies.1 point
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hi, im on gold server now and will be online all day!1 point
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