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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey[uSER=1834051] n9ne1987,[/uSER] Mega Pokémon are planned to be implemented but the is currently no ETA. It still needs a while. You can always stay up to date by checking our Update Log form time to time. There are also no plans yet how to get the Mega Stones etc. Regards Xylos
  2. Hey[uSER=548649] trungneo,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. Please download PRO again to get the newest version of it, make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you start the download. You can find the newest downloads at our Download Page. Let me know if it works. ^^ Regards Xylos
  3. Es sollte jetzt gehen, du kannst dir die aktuelle Version von PRO in unseren Downloads herunterladen. Stell sicher, dass du alle alten Versionen löschst, bevor du die aktuelle Version herunterlädst. Wir halten euch immer auf dem laufenden in unseren Update logs und auf unserem Discord Server. The Android version should work now, you can download the newest version at our Download site. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download the newest version of PRO. We keep you up to date at our Update Logs and our Discord server. Um auf die Initialfrage zurückzukommen, es ist im Prinzip genau wie[uSER=1376782] Kingpin19[/uSER] es beschrieben hat. Es gibt keinen direkten deutschen Support, anderssprachige Website Versionen sind geplant und werden auch bald online kommen, was aber nichts an der Hauptsprache ändert, welche immer English bleiben wird, genauso wie im Spiel. Ihr könnt mich immer gerne kontaktieren falls ihr mit der englischen Sprache nicht so zurecht kommt, hier im Forum via PM oder in Discord. Mein Discord tag ist: Xylos#3166 To answer the original question, like @Kingpin19 already mentioned, there is not really a german support, a multilanguage website is planned and will come online soon however, main language will remain english. Since all questions are answered, I will lock this topic now. Have a nice day! ^^ Regards Xylos
  4. Hey @MrMoonCar, the item Lucky Egg is not ingame and will never be aviable, the same with all items which affecting EXP, money or Pokémon spawns. I hope I could clarify that. I will lock this topic now as it is answered. Have a nice day. ^^ Regards Xylos
  5. Welcome to PRO! :D Nice that you came already in touch with the forums ^^
  6. Hey[uSER=2154825] Claaax,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inceonvenience. Please try following out of our issue thread, which is usually helping for general crash issues: In case it should not work, please send us your crash log. Let me know the outcome! :) Regards Xylos
  7. Hey [uSER=2127077]Michele99,[/uSER] Im sorry for inconvenience. Please tra following: You can skip the steps you have already done. Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  8. Moved! Good luck and have fun in Johto! :) Regards Xylos
  9. Nice!^^ Glad the issue is solved. I will lock this topic now as the problem is solved. Have a nice day. Regards Xylos
  10. Hey[uSER=1116913] Borutal[/uSER], Im sorry for inconvenience. It is a bug which can appear when you merge your accounts while you havent finished your current region. When you name me your wrong placed Pokémon, I can move them to your PC box. :) Regards Xylos
  11. Nice, since the proble is solved, I will lock this topic now. Thanks to xXBlackAshXx for the nice support! :) Have a nice day. Regards Xylos
  12. Hey[uSER=429346] BlackBarbare01,[/uSER] Im sorry for inconvenience. Unfortunately we can not refund any lost items, Pokémon, cooldowns or game progress at all. Please read following: Like said, there is unfortunately nothing we can do in your case, sorry. Regards Xylos
  13. Hey[uSER=1924940] Deo92,[/uSER] yes, the problem should be resolved. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download the newest version at our download page: https://pokemonrevolution.net/download.php (Aviable since yesterday) In case you have done that and still cant play, please try to re-download the file and let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  14. Hey[uSER=2160088] Kropeczka13,[/uSER] in case you feel a bit unsafe by trading with random players, you can request the help of a staff member for a trade evolution, of course you can do that ingame but in case there is no staff member aviable at the moment, we have created this forum thread. Make sure to visit it. :) Otherwise do always a screenshot of the trade you have done, in case the traded user dont want to hand back the Pokémon for no reason, you can report him at our Report Center - Evidence needed! I hope I was able to help with that. I will lock this topic now as its answered. ^^ Have a nice day! Regards Xylos
  15. Hey[uSER=1246930] Plucas1[/uSER], Im sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately we can not refund any lost items, Pokémon, cooldowns or game progress at all. Please read following: Like already said, there is unfortunately nothing we can do in your case. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey[uSER=1391058] gohangaming07[/uSER], the server were down due a update. It should work again, test it. :) Regards Xylos
  17. Hey[uSER=1968890] SIO2020,[/uSER] it seems like you have the seen data of Mega Latias, which is enough to move forward regarding your current quest, Sorry for the EXP you lost, however I think that´s not the worst thing. ^^ Everything should be correct. In case you try to end the quest but something is not right, means you can not end the quest, let it us know in our Bug Resolution Center. But for now Im closing this topic as it seems everything is alright. Have a nice day! :) Regards Xylos
  18. Hey, please try disabling your full-screen optimizations of the game. You can do that by clicking on the application, properties, selecting compatibility and mark the box that says 'Disable full screen optimizations', click okay and apply the change. [spoiler=Disabling fullscreen optimizations] If that doesn't resolve your issue, then you may try the following options: • Run the game in compatability mode • Update your Display/Graphical Drivers • Update your Windows Version (Particularly this one because it works on your Windows 10 PC and not your Windows 7) • Add an exception for the client in your Firewall and Antivirus • Clear out your Physical Memory or Ram to free up space • Terminate processes you don't need in the Task Manager Let me know if it helps. Regards Xylos
  19. Hey[uSER=2142760] Kaios2Carol,[/uSER] Im sorry for the inconvenience and the frequent updates and bug´s. However, a new phone version of PRO is out! Try it out, you can find the download links right here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/download.php Regarding your problem on your PC: Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  20. Hey[uSER=287863] 1ydal5Jacob,[/uSER] I have no idea if it is the same way in PokéOne as it is a complete different game and this forum is only for Pokémon Revolution Online. In PRO it is like in the normal games, it does not learn any move by level up if eolved to Raichu. To know how it is in PokéOne, you have to try to contact their support. Here is their Discord server: https://discord.gg/bNYRTFn This is all I can do for you, I hope it helps in some way.^^ I hope you have a good day! :) Regards Xylos
  21. Hey[uSER=1460967] VelocityKinq[/uSER], Im sorry for this inconveniece. Indeed, you have successfully merged your account. Take a look at this quote out of our merge issue FAQ: Please try to change your password how mentioned. Let me know if it works. :) Kind regards Xylos
  22. Hey[uSER=2166098] donatorlover,[/uSER] this is the General Support forum, a forum to help people who need some support in a general wise. Your topic just was moved in a proper sub forum as it does not fit in the General Support subject, we havent deleted it or edited it in any way. I hope I was able to clarify that. Have a nice day. Regards Xylos - Locked as answered -
  23. Thanks, and indeed, you have merged your account successfully and dont have your Pokémon on it while your progress is saved. This happened due a server clean-up. Is there anything special you like to have? Because this account didnt even had the first badge and has a very low game progress at all. Regards Xylos
  24. Hey[uSER=759750] Sayra,[/uSER] Im sorry for inconvenience. Firstly no, there is no problem with the pc version, except some server crashes. You should not have any problems to play on your pc. Since you are trying it already for 2 days, may it possible that you havent updated your PRO version yet? In case you havent, you get following login message: Your Pro Version is out of date and should download the new one at our downloads. Make sure to delete all old versions first to avoid any problems. :) In case you already have downloaded the new version, is there something special happening when you try to connect to the server? Please try to describe what you see and what happends. Make sure to try to from again since the server was on maintenance for some time. Let me know the outcome. :) Regards Xylos
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