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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Could you name this account? Because it seems not to be the account you are writing with since this account was never affected by the merge. Regards Xylos
  2. I moved the topic into the General Game talk section as thats the proper sub forum. :) Just as a note: There are no plans for a new region neither for legendarys with base stats of 601+ But if there would be a new region we could vote, I´d take Unova.
  3. Hey[uSER=2116855] pokeman111,[/uSER] Im sorry for inconvenience. We are aware of the frequent crashes regarding the silver server, sorry for that. The problem is beeing worked on. Keep in mind the game is still in beta and crashes can happen any time. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey @FilDC Im sorry for the inconvenience like rmulvany already mentioned, the issue is known and is beeing worked on. Regards Xylos
  5. Xylos


    Hey[uSER=758199] aggf,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. Unfotunately it is not possible to refund any lost items, Pokémon, cooldowns or game progress at all. We are sorry for that but there is really nothing we can do in your case. Kind regards Xylos
  6. Aight, glad the issue is solved. Thank you to keep us up to date! :) I will lock this topic now as the issue is solved. Have a nice day. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey[uSER=68078] Diegogo,[/uSER] Im sorry for the inconvenience. Right now it is not decided if a refund will happen in any way and in which scope. If there is any refund or whatever, it will be announced. Take a look at our Discord or our Announcements from time to time. Regards Xylos
  8. Hey, Would be nice if you could test again to login an tell me what happends if you cant. Regards Xylos
  9. Hey, Im sorry for inconvenience. At the time you have created your topics, the server were down due a crash, this can happen sometimes, sorry for that. You should be able to login again, if not, hit me up at this topic and explain what exactly happends. In case you play on andoid, read following: Regards Xylos
  10. Hey you three, Im sorry for inconvenience. At the time you have created your topics, the server were down due a crash, this can happen sometimes, sorry for that. You should be able to login again, if not, hit me up at this topic and explain what exactly happends. In case you play on andoid, read following: Regards Xylos
  11. Hey[uSER=593048] damanhko,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. The PRO server are kinda instable right now and we also had some maintenances which required a locked server. Sorry for that but that was needed to update the game. In case you play on the android version, please read this: Since you you mentioned some very frequent crashes, if you know they are not caused by the servers, take a look at our general issue guide which usually helps for crashes not caused by the server: Keep me up to date. Regards Xylos
  12. Indeed, thats kinda weird. However, Im glad your Pokémon is not lost due a rollback. :) I will lock this topic now as it seems the issue is solved. Have a nice day. ^^ Regards Xylos
  13. Hey @Safkan18[uSER=1739210],[/uSER] you can find a Dragon Scale at following locations: For information and locations of any item, feel free to use our Item Guide. The guide may not cantain all information, maybe not for this item too, which is the reason why I want to keep this topic open in case someone else want to add other locations of a Dragon Scale. :) Regards Xylos
  14. Hey[uSER=2135000] SirTesta,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. We are sorry for that. Like mentioned, crashes can happen any time and there is nothing we can do in such a case. All you could do is to wait a bit and check it the server are really stable in a time after a crash/maintenance. Kind regards Xylos
  15. Hey[uSER=1942415] Cocobutter92,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. You most probably play the android version of PRO which is currently not working correctly, the issue is known and is beeing worked on. Unfortunately there is no ETA for the fix. We keep you up to date at our update log and at our Discord server. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey, Im sorry for the inconvenience. The problem is known and is beeing worked on, please stay patient. We keep you up to date at our update log and at our Discord server. Once again, sorry but at the moment there is nothing you can do but waiting. Regards Xylos
  17. Hey you three, it appears that the game is currently not working for android user. The issue is know and is beeing worked on, please stay patient. Sorry for the inconvenience. :( Regards Xylos
  18. Hey[uSER=2141972] Stoney,[/uSER] unfortunately it is not possible to turn off your Membership neither is is possible to stop the effect of it. Im sorry for that. :( Here a small overview of all features of a Membership to avoid more missunderstanding in future: Once again, sorry but there is nothing we can really do. I will lock this topic now as the question is answered. Regards Xylos
  19. Hey[uSER=1787258] ElMayson,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. Please try our suggested steps mentioned in your issue thread which usually helps in most cases: In case it should not work, can you send us your crash log if there is one appearing? Regards Xylos.
  20. Hey[uSER=1815614] Bermie25,[/uSER] Im sorry for inconvenience. Your account data is not really lost, you can easily "restore" your account by merging it. To know what exatly the server merge is and why it has be done, take a look at our Merge FAQ. Here a quick example how to merge: How to merge: Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required! Step 2: Make sure to select the right main server! :) (Red in your case) In case you can not login after a successful merge, take a look at our Merge Issue FAQ. Kind regards Xylos - Locked as answered -
  21. Hey[uSER=1577892] CreepZ,[/uSER] sorry to hear that. :( It is possible to have another chance for Genesect, but for that you have to beat Boss Nikola who´s located at Unknown Place near to Trainers Valley. After you have won against Nikola, you have another chance to get Genesect by repeating it´s quest - catching a 150+ IV bug at the bug catching contest. I wish you good luck for this time and dont forget your sync Pokémon! :) Regards Xylos - Locked as answered -
  22. Hey[uSER=1394441] stazzza,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. Could you describe a bit more what exactly happened? Is Hannah still visable for you? If yes, could you write down or do a screenshot of the the exact words she has told you? Regards Xylos
  23. Hey, I have informed the Content Scripter about that. The move will be added. :D Thanks for the report.^^ Regards Xylos
  24. Hey[uSER=138228] alfredod2[/uSER], You have already created a appeal. Please stay patient and wait for a answer. You can bump your appeal once every 24 hours. Regards Xylos
  25. Hey [uSER=1744210]ily2,[/uSER] basicly Yanmega can not learn Hypnosis, only Yanma, the pre evolution can and I assume that is the reason why smogon says Yanmega can learn it as well. Anyway, you still have the chance to teach Hypnosis to Yanmega due the Pre-evolution tutor located in any daycare. ^^ I used this page as source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Yanmega_(Pokémon) Regards Xylos
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