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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey @xisaacCrazyx, it seems like you are doing the Heatran quest, your items were taken at the beginning of the quest, you can get them back when the quest is finished or you have fought the level 99 Heatran by talking to NPC Buck. I hope that clarified the issue. :D Regards Xylos
  2. Moved Pokémon Shops as it is more shop likely. Images may not be shown up as there is currently a problem with the forums regarding the visualizion. The problem is beeing worked on. Adding images via upload may mork.
  3. Moved to Pokémon Shops as the thread is more shop likely. Happy selling o/
  4. Hey @Rharomy, Im sorry for inconvenience. It is a general problem and not caused by you, it is known and is beeing worked on. For me is your image and also those in your shop showing up at the moment. You can try to change your forum style in hope this will change something. You can do that by scrolling down and click on the icon named by your current forum style and change it to titan. In case you can see this image: Regards Xylos
  5. Hey @Erickmichellpkn, Im sorry for inconvenience. Try following steps if you game is crashing: Let me know if it works. In case it does not work, can you add your crash log which may appear after the crash? Regards Xylos
  6. Hey[uSER=119985] Sigh[/uSER], Im sorry for this inconvenience. This is a bug which can occur when you merge your account while you havent finished your current region. I have moved your bugged Pokémon into the Pc box and recovered your Psyduck (I hope that was in favor for you). You can continue your travel now. :) Since this issue is solved, I will lock this topic. ^^ Have a good day and much fun in Hoenn! :D Regards Xylos
  7. Hey @Rheago, it seems like you are talking to the Lapras at the wrong time. At the time you took the screenshot, it was 1:38 am. Those times are also based on the ingame time. I think that clarified the problem, try it again at the rigth time and let me know if it works. :) Regards Xylos
  8. Hey @Royal, Im sorry for this inconvenience. It is probably a bug which can occur when you merge your account while you havent finished your current region yet, like Grand Warden already mentioned. If you name me those stuck Pokémon, I can remove them from your current party. :) Regards Xylos
  9. Hey @pikarush, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Please try to change your password at your Dashboard and make sure it is alphanumerical. Then try to login again. :) Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  10. Hey @Aldor, sorry for the late response. Yes, it is possible to log out an login in order to skip trainers but that is not the way how it is intended to solve the quest. Not only the Pokémon´s level does matter, also your strategy and knowledge of Pokémon at all is needed. It is definitely hard, never said something different but yet everyone has pass throught the mountain, even when it was hard. Also, there is a warning at the start of the quest: The EXP System will remain how it is, of course it is efficiency to not evolve your Pokémon but when your are stuck you may have to do it as you need the strenght of them, you can still pass through the story with evolved Pokémon and even if they are evolved, you can still level them faster as in the original games until a certain level were you can cheat and use some Rare Candys. I can understant your feelings regarding the quest, I also had to invest much more time in this quest compared to other quests and was very angry when a grunt thought to crit me 3 times in a row ;) But it is intended to be hard like that, PRO is harder than the original games and was always planed to be. I know you can do it! Take your time, think about a strategy, train your Pokémon or think about to add a mon to your team, it is definitely doable. :) Kind regards Xylos
  11. Hey you two, due the updates from gen 6 to gen 7 in PRO, some healing items were changed, also Fresh Water which is healing 30 HP now. However, indeed, the discription is currently wrong but will probably be changed with the next client. If you are unsure about the ammount of HP healing items do restore, here is a small overview for you: Super Potion 50HP -> 60HP Hyper Potion 200HP -> 120HP Soda Pop 60HP -> 50HP Lemondade 80HP -> 70HP Fresh Water 50HP -> 30HP I will lock this topic now as the question´s are answered. Have a good day! :) Regards Xylos
  12. Hey @Aldor, Im sorry for inconvenience. First of all, this is not a bug - it is intended that you have to start all over again when you take a visit to a Poké Center or leave this aeria at all. The difficulty in this quest is to beat all those trainers in one rush. You may have to think over your strategy or train your Pokémon a bit more, you may havent visited Route 123 yet (South to Mt. Pyre) where some strong trainer are waiting for you. Also battling skipped trainer may help you to make your Pokémon stronger and the quest easier. Kind regards Xylos
  13. Hey @YOPTV, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Could you check out this guide and look if you have really done all steps? Regards Xylos
  14. Hey and welcome to PRO! I do the same, I like it more to play with my favorite Pokémon than the overpowered ones :3
  15. You can register two Pokémon of the same species. Chansey and Blissey are two different Pokémon, you can use both of them in the same team like in usual PRO pvp.
  16. Will probably updated with the next client.
  17. Okay, nice. As the question is answered, I will lock this topic now. Have a good day! :) Regards Xylos
  18. Hey @kyuubiminato, in case you try to send a picture but only the web link is showing up and not the picture itself, try to use the Insert Image button on your tool bar and enter the link of your picture. In case you meant something different, could you please specify your problem? Regards Xylos
  19. Alright, now as everything is cleared up, I will lock this topic. Have fun in your current region! ^^ Regards Xylos
  20. Hey @Albyxx02, Im sorry for this inconvenience. This is a bug which can appear when you merge your account while you havent finished your current region. Your Pokémon should be removed of your party. Can you confirm that and check if you have any other Pokémon you can not move? Kind regards Xylos
  21. I will lock this topic now as the issue was solved ingame. Have fun and good luck in your current region!^^ Regards Xylos
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