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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey[uSER=2167764] neckroz321,[/uSER] sorry for the late response. I moved your topic in our General Support sub forum. In case you are still searching for a answer, take a look at this guide. There are all aviable and not aviable Pokémon listed. :) Regards Xylos
  2. You are able to buy MooMoo milk from the farmer for $600 each bottle. :)
  3. Hey, nice that you found the way to PRO! :D If you want to know about some general information and mechanics of the game, feel free to visit our PRO General Information guide. It will prepare you to the most stuff ingame. :) We also have guides for nearly every quest and game part in our Guide section, feel free to use this aeria in case you are stuck somewhere and dont know how to continue. If you else need support, feel free to use our General Support section. Otherwise, enjoy the game! Take your time, there is much to explore. ^^ I deleted your link since advertising for things outside of PRO is not allowed. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey[uSER=1621037] Equka,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. Maybe your Pokémon wasnt fully saved, even after the relog. The Pokémon is saved at the server, at the moment it displays a ID different than 0. There may was a issue at the time you have tried it. Can you check if your Pokémon has a ID and try it again? Let us know if that often happens for you. Regards Xylos
  5. Hey[uSER=2218869] Kam1to,[/uSER] you should be able to play PRO on any Android device. You can take a look at this installation explanation in case you dont fully know how to install PRO on a Android device. Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  6. Hey[uSER=1929955] Daniello99,[/uSER] your Pokémon has been restored. Please be more careful next time. Make also sure to use our Restore Pokemon Megathread thread next time, which is exactly made for situations like this. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey eltyyy, sorry for the late response. ^^ I always try to keep this thread up to date and it should be up to date right now but with this ammount of information it may happen that I overlook some things. ^^ However, regarding Expert Belt, here are my test results: I always used the same Pokémon to consider the IV´s. Expert Belt should increase the dmg by 20% which I can´t notice here, only the '151' dmg at Pokémon 2 are standing out but may was a crit which I havent noticed. Otherwise, the numbers are very similar. Seems for me that it is not working. If you can provide other numbers I will make another measuring with way more numbers to have a 100% exact result (No need of a video or something, just tell me if you have constant other restults than I have). :) Regards Xylos
  8. Hey[uSER=2165305] PRAVEEN00[/uSER], have you also fought with Red on Mt. Silver? If you win or lose does not matter but the fight it required to enter Trainers Valley. Your Dex data should be fine. Keep in mind that you get the dialogue to enter Trainers Valley only infront of the train. In other words, you have to pay $5k first and enter the track in order to access Trainers Valley with an extra fee of $10k. Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  9. Hey[uSER=171402] Terry104[/uSER], Im sorry for the inconvenience. It seems like you haven´t merged your account yet. If you dont know exactly what the merge is and why you even have to merge, take a look at our merge FAQ. Here a quick instruction how to merge: Make sure to select the right main server! In case you have successfully merged your account but still cant enter the game with the same error appearing, make sure to read our Merge Issue FAQ Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  10. Hey[uSER=2150792] ToXiK4OD,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. Please try following steps mentioned in our issue guide, which are helping in most of the times: Also when you do a system restore, many things may not be up to date, make sure your drivers are up to date and you have no Windows updates to do. Let me know if it works. If not, would it be possible to post this picture you have mentioned? Regards Xylos
  11. Hey[uSER=1566130] zmexxee,[/uSER] Im sorry for the inconvenience. It seems like you haven´t merged your account yet. If you dont know exactly what the merge is and why you even have to merge, take a look at our merge FAQ. Here a quick instruction how to merge: Make sure to select the right main server! In case you have successfully merged your account but still cant enter the game with the same error appearing, make sure to read our Merge Issue FAQ Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  12. Very nice! Glad I was able to help. :) Since the issue is solved now, I will lock this topic. Have a nice day! Regards Xylos
  13. Hey[uSER=1039658] iPainZ,[/uSER] Im sorry for the inconvenience. It seems like you haven´t merged your account yet in order to play with your old Blue data. If you dont know exactly what the merge is and why you even have to merge, take a look at our merge FAQ. Here a quick instruction how to merge: Make sure to select the right main server! (Blue in your case) In case you have successfully merged your account but still cant enter the game with the same error appearing, make sure to read our Merge Issue FAQ Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  14. Hey[uSER=1647954] Skeletonmaster[/uSER], Im sorry for this inconvenience. Please try to download the newest version of PRO again, you can find the newest version at our Download Page. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new. Let me know if it works. If not, could you tell me on which kind of device you are playing and if there is any Crash log appearing after the crash? Regards Xylos
  15. Hey[uSER=2087419] Comerciante,[/uSER] you may play on a Android device, if so, please download the newest version of PRO again. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new. You can find the newest download at our Download Page. Let me know it it works. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey[uSER=2159960] barrizzleplays,[/uSER] apparently all in battle held items with healing or damaging effect are currently not working. The problem is known and is beeing worked on. Please stay patient in meanwhile. Regards Xylos
  17. Hey PhenomenalOne, your Bike should be back in your bag, could you check that? :) Regards Xylos
  18. Done, please check it everything works now. ^^
  19. Thats why I want to move them for you. :) But you have to name me them. ^^ Regards Xylos
  20. Very nice! Glad it does work now! :) Since the issue is solved, I will lock this topic now. ^^ Have a nice day and enjoy. Regards Xylos
  21. Hey[uSER=2155034] Sunachi[/uSER], this is not really a bug, Metronome is unfortunately not coded yet and can´t work therefore. The move may be coded in future but there is no ETA. You can check the update log from time to time to always stay up to date. Now, since everything should be clarified, I will lock this topic. Have a nice day! :) Regards Xylos
  22. Hey[uSER=2055445] Gentletouch,[/uSER] firstly, Im sorry for this inconveniences. Your last thread was answered at wednesday, since wednesday we have another new PRO version for Android users because for some players, like you, it was not possible to catch wild Pokémon. Please download again the newest version of PRO at your Android device, you can find the newest version of PRO on our Download Page. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new. This version should work 100% fine. Let me know if you have any issues. Regards Xylos
  23. Hey[uSER=1391058] gohangaming07,[/uSER] Im sorry for inconvenience. Can you name me this Pokémon? This is a bug which can appear when you merge your account while you haven´t finished your current region. I can move them into your Pc box and you can continue your game. :) Regards Xylos
  24. Hey you two, firstly, Im sorry for this inconvenience. When you get a Invalid username or password message, you most probably have to merge your account, you can do that like at following example: Make sure to select the right main server! If you dont really know what the merge is and why you have to merge, take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you have successfully merged your account but still cant enter the game with the same error appearing (@FantasyKiller), make sure to read our Merge Issue FAQ Let me know your results. Regards Xylos
  25. Hey[uSER=1537351] rashondra,[/uSER] right now I cant see any issue regarding your account. May it be solved as you have merged your account? Let it me know. ^^ Regards Xylos
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