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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. - I´ll close this thread as you get helped in a other thread -
  2. Hey @Eblis, Im sorry for this inconvenience. This is a known bug and appears from time to time. Try to close your Poké Dex and repeat the process of showing your wished Pokémon, it should work. Your Dunsparce´s Dex-entry should also be saved. Regards Xylos
  3. Hey @RohitDalvi, Im sorry for this inconvenience. You have lost a couple of items by deleting Pokémon such as: Flame Orb, Twisted Spoon, Big Pearl, Dragon Fang and Winter Clothes but not a Choice Band. As I cant find any lost, traded or Pokémon which helds this item, we can not refund your Choice Band, Im sorry for that. All I can do for you is to restore your other deleted items if you want. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey @L3LUJ99, Im sorry for this inconvenience. I will forward this issue to our Website Administratores. In meanwhile you can also try to reset your password at your Dashboard (Which is also more recommended in most cases), try it out with this link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ Let me know if it works. :) Regards Xylos
  5. Hey @PinkRos3, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Please try following steps mentioned in our issue thread: In case this steps should not help, let it me know by a reply at tis topic. Regards Xylos
  6. Hey @WoofFood, have you already talked to the Doctor located in the kitchen? You have to give him a Pecha Berry in order to trigger a specific dialogue with Jenson. Out of the walkthrough: A bug with the SS Anne quest is very unlikely, let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey @yaccine1994, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Try following steps out of our issue guide: In case this should not help, please send your crash log right here in this topic for further help. Regards Xylos
  8. Xylos


    There is only one real and right vote
  9. Nice! Glad to hear the problem is solved ^^ I will lock this topic now. Have a good day. :) Regards Xylos
  10. Hey @Conolo, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Take a look at this quote out of our Issue Thread: let me know if it works and if not, please send us the crash log at this topic. Regards Xylos
  11. Hey Chrozmos , our forum rules: As you have created a appeal, please stay patient. You can bump you appeal, with a message sent at your topic, once every 24 hours. I will lock this topic now. Regards Xylos
  12. Nice to hear! I will lock this topic now as it is solved. Have a nice day! ^^ Regards Xylos
  13. Nice! ^^ Now, as the problem is solved, I will lock this topic. Have a nice day and good luck in Hoenn! :) Regards Xylos
  14. Hey @JackOmiel, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Thats a bug which can occur when you merge your account while you haven´t finished your current region. All Kanto Pokémon in your team should be moved into your Pc now, can you confirm that? :) Kind regards Xylos
  15. I personally am not aware of other steps you could try besides waiting for the next PRO client in hope it will work with it. :( I am truly sorry, a Windows System Restore was the last option I saw in this case. However, this topic will kept open for any other input or updates. ~ Xylos
  16. Let´s go! :D And good luck everyone
  17. Hey @SerenaJrdm, you do not get any initial coins when you create a new account at PRO unless you have bought some with real money effort (Wich shouldnt be 40), in this case pleae visit our Donation And Coins Issues topic. Do you have any further questions regarding this topic? Regards Xylos
  18. Hey @goldera, you can not put any Pokémon into the chat which isn´t currently in your team. Put your Gengar in your team and it should work. The additional visual bug you have can be slolved by a client restart (A simple relog wont help). Regards Xylos
  19. Hey @Payaspratham, could you please try it again with this page? Let me know it it works. Regards Xylos
  20. Hey, sorry for the late response. Your case is kinda unique and accordingly hard to solve. Im aware you´ve got help from different sides and also have done most of following steps but please go through following steps and look if you really have done all of them. Run PRO as Administrator Check if you have downloaded the right version of PRO You run a 64 bit PRO version, make sure you have a 64 bit system: Do I run Win32 or 64 bit? A Windows 64 bit version allowes you to run the PRO 32 bit version as well, sometimes better as it does for a PRO 64 bit version. [*]Make sure to have deleted all previous versions of PRO and all connected files including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles) [*]Make sure to have followed the Win7 crash guide: https://prnt.sc/9j9cxx Check if your system specifications are high enough for PRO. Recommended specifications. Check if your drivers are up to date and reinstall DirectX. Try to use the compability mode Scan your computer and clean your cache Make sure PRO32.exe or PRO64.exe is added to your Firewall and anti virus exceptions Try additionally to run PRO with deactivated Firewall and virus programm in case the above step did not work [*]Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip [*]Make sure you have the latest windows updates installed [*]Restart Pc after changes were done. Make sure to close the PRO client after you have changed something and try to run PRO again. If nothing helps you can try a Windows System Restore to a date were PRO worked: What is a Windows System Restore, how do I use it. Regards Xylos
  21. Glad to hear. Nice! :D Now, as the issue is solved, I will close this topic. Have a good day. ^^ Regards Xylos
  22. Glad I could help. :) Now, since everything is clarified, I will lock this topic. Have a good day and good luck for your Heatran! Regards Xylos
  23. Hey @Nofun, yes, you can do that, thats allowed. :) But make sure you still follow our alt account rule: Any further questions regarding this topic? Regards Xylos
  24. Yeah :D You can use the forums by clicking on Members and search for specific users or use the ingame command /pm yourName-=-OtherName or /friend name to open a chat or be a friend with named user but for that, both players have to be online. ^^ For more ingame command take a look at this guide, i can also advice you to take a look at our guide section in general. :D
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