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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey @PokemasterPeter, this issue may appear because you have to many friends in your friendlist. After a certain number of friends, the friend list is not working correctly anymore. Try to clean up your friends list and delete some old, maybe inactive friends or friends you do not know anymore and it should work again. Regards Xylos
  2. Hey @ReaperPKC, try following steps, you can skip those steps you have alread done: In case nothing should help, let it me know and tell me if you have any Pokémon in your party. Regards Xylos
  3. Hey @CurryIift, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Indeed, your Rattata has no OT shown but wasnt originally caught by yourself anyway. Admin´s do set OT´s in some cases like when the OT of a Pokémon is really needed - for a quest for example. As you are not the original trainer of this Rattata, it´s OT wont be changed as there is no significant reason for it. With this being said, I will lock this topic as its answered. Have a good day! :) Regards Xylos
  4. Hey @ThePastamancer, Im sorry for this inconvenience. A refund wont happen in your case, Im sorry. Mainly because of the simple value of this items, 5 Tm Rest have a value of $24.000 which may be much for the start at your adventure but isnt much at all. You have different methods to get back your money really fast. How, you can see at this guide, some methods may not or may not fully accessible for you yet but maybe in a short time. I can highly recommend to do Dig Spots and Bounty Quest which are, in my opinion, great ways to get money in a very short time. Once again, Im sorry for the outcome but your money wont be reimbursed. Have a good day. Regards Xylos
  5. Nice! :) As the issue is solved now, I will lock this topic. ^^ Regards Xylos
  6. Welcome back and welcome to the forums! :D
  7. Hey Ayana, welcome to PRO!
  8. Glad to see that your issue is solved. Thanks to @GrandWarden for the answer. :) I will lock this topic now, have a good day! Regards Xylos
  9. Xylos

    Merge Glitch

    Here :) I will move your Pokémon in your pc box then. Im sorry for this inconvenience, this bug can occur when you merge your account while you havent finished all regions. Regards Xylos
  10. Hey @reiling02, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Indeed, you have merged the right account - this one. If you still get the invalid password or username message, take a look at this quote out of our merge issue FAQ: In case you get a other message when you try to login or have other, different issues, please try to describe them or even send a screenshot. Kind regards Xylos
  11. Nice! Glad I was able to help. :) Now, as the issue is solved, I will lock this topic. I wish you a great day. Regards Xylos
  12. Hey @frightstrike04, Im sorry for this inconvenience. When you have updated your game, that means you have downloaded the newest version at our Downloads, make also sure to open the new version. You should also delete all old PRO versions before you download the newest to avoid any problem that may occur. In case you have done that already or it is not working, could you exactly name the appearing message at your client? Regards Xylos
  13. Glad the issue is solved. :) There are two pretty similar links to the Dashboard but only one works, this may was the problem in this case. However, the issue is solved and I will lock this topic now. I wish both of you a great day! :D Regards Xylos
  14. Nice. :) Since the issue is solved, I will lock this topic now. Have a good day! Regards Xylos
  15. Hey @Hooshin, yes, the merge is still possible. Your friend should try this link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ In case it shouldnd work, he may have typed the wrong username. His e mail could help in this case, the notification mail includes the original username. Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey @Itskam, its not needed to talk to Jenson anymore. Here, a quote out of our Conplete Kanto Walkthrough: Try to do that and let me know if it works. :) Kind regards Xylos
  17. Hey @XDXLiberators, Im sorry for this inconvenience. This bug can occur when you merge your account while you havent finished all regions. However, all Pokémon should be moved in your Pc-box now. :) Regards Xylos
  18. Hey @alcavbr123, it seems like you haven´t merged your account yet. The Blue and Red server were merged into one server and is called Silver now. The Yellow server stay´s alone but is called Gold from now on. To know how to merge, take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you should have any problems, take a look at our merge issue FAQ. Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  19. Nice! :) Now, since the issue is solved, I will lock this topic. Have a great day! Regards Xylos
  20. Hey @TrainerZer0, dont worry, your player dara is not lost. The Blue and Red server were merged into one server and is called Silver now. The Yellow server stay´s alone but is called Gold from now on. To be able to play on the Silver server and continue your game, you have to merge your Red and Blue account profiles. For that, take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you should have any problems, take a look at our merge issue FAQ. You have played on the Blue server and never played on the Yellow one, so its normal that you have to create a new profile on the Golden server since your old data is on Silver. Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  21. Hey [uSER=1414027]jolle18,[/uSER] it seems like you haven´t merged your account yet. The Blue and Red server were merged into one server and is called Silver now. The Yellow server stay´s alone but is called Gold from now on. To be able to play on the Silver server and continue your game, you have to merge your Red and Blue account profiles. For that, take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you should have any problems, take a look at our merge issue FAQ. Let me know if it works and you can continue your journey. Regards Xylos
  22. Since it seems like your issue is solved, I will lock this topic now. In case you have any further questions, feel free to create a new topic. Regards Xylos
  23. Alright :) I will lock this topic now as the Pokémon are moved into the Pc box. Have a nice day! Regards Xylos
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