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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey [uSER=4794]Temma[/uSER], Im sorry for this inconvenience. It seems like your computer cant load PRO fully. Please try following steps mentioned in our issue thread: Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  2. Hey @shogun30, Im sorry for this inconvenience. You lost your game progress because of a server rollback. Unfortunately we can not refund any lost items, Pokémon or game progress at all in case of a rollback. Like mentioned, there is nothing we can do in your case, Im truly sorry. I will lock this topic now as its answered. Regards Xylos
  3. Hey @NDemascus, Im sorry for this delayed reply. HM05-Flash is not a reward from the Vermilion gym leader neither it is located in Vermilion at all, you may have mixed up something. However, all in all it seems like you have lost your Dig Tm (and Flash Hm?!) because of a server rollback. Sometimes, when you use a Tm, the move is forgotten after a Rollback and the Tm is still gone, we apologize this inconvenience. Like mentioned above, we cant refund any lost items or game progress resulted by a Rollback but you can get back your Tm and Hm very easy. Flash is located in Route 2 Stop House. You can get there in two different ways: Pass through Diglets Cave and follow the way to the south. Pass through the bushes with HM01-Cut at Route 2. TM28-Dig in Cerulen City was unfortunately a one time event only, for another Dig-Tm you have to go to Celadon and buy one in Celadons Mart. Once again, Im sorry for this inconvenience. I will lock this topic now as its answered. I wish you a good day! :) Regards Xylos
  4. Hey vigneshR and welcome to PRO. :)
  5. Im glad your issue is solved. I will lock this topic now. :) Have a good day! - Locked -
  6. As your issue has been resolved, I'll now lock this topic. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey @Pipokid, Im sorry for this inconvenience and this late response. This bug can occur afer the server merge because the Pokémon in your party will have a random order. We can move this Pokémon in your box. Please take a look at your Pokémon and tell us which Pokémon you cant remove. Please tell us the name, level and the two last numbers of the Pokémon´s ID or send us a screenshot of the Pokémon. :) Kind regards Xylos
  8. Hey @B0GEENYU, Im sorry for this inconvenience. To get rid of this problem you have to restart your whole client, a simple relog wont help. :) Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  9. Hey @vigneshR, Im sorry for this inconvenience. At the time you posted this topic, the server was under a small mainentance, please try it again to log in. In case it shouldnt be possible, could you specify your problem a bit more? Is there any login message showing up while you try to log in or any other unusal things? Any information could be useful. [spoiler=Login message example] Regards Xylos
  10. Hey @Vinceraghju, Im sorry for this late response. Since this issue contains some private information, like your e-mail adress, I want to ask you to create a new topic at our General Complaint Aeria. This is a private sub forum where only you and staff members can see your topic´s. Please explain your issue there, I didnt want to move this topic since it includes a whole discussion and it may be also a bit confusing for both sides, Im sorry for this inconveniences. Regards Xylos
  11. Hey @RoboTeddy, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Those casual answeres are justified since they help in most of the times. It may be a bit annoing for you but it is the best way to solve your issue as fast as possible. :) You have already changed your password but please check if you really have done it at your Dashboard and also make sure its alphanumerical. Regards Xylos
  12. Hey @Vallou27, like [uSER=1814449]Lexie13[/uSER] already mentioned, you need a Huntail with your OT in order to fight Hannah and be able to go to Sinnoh. OT stands for Original Trainer, the original trainer is the trainer who caught the Pokémon. That means you cant use any Huntail caught by a other user to solve the quest, it needs to be caught by yourself. If you want to evolve your Clamperl you need, like you already mentioned, a Deep Sea Tooth. You can get a Deep Sea Tooth by: Doing the Rock Smash Spots at Love Island. (220+ happiness required) Doing the Abandoned Ship Quest. Catching some Pokémon or steal the possible held item from them. Deep Sea Tooth,Diamond Domain Main Cave,Clamperl,LandDeep Sea Tooth,Diamond Domain Main Cave,Clamperl,Water Deep Sea Tooth,Knot Island,Clamperl,Water Deep Sea Tooth,Pacifidlog Town,Sharpedo,Land Deep Sea Tooth,Pacifidlog Town,Sharpedo,Water Using the ingame trade chat or our forum trading zone and ask for trades. At the end you need to trade your Clampearl while it holds the Deep Sea Tooth to evolve it to Huntail. In case you should have any further questions regarding this topic, feel free to ask here at this topic. :) Regards Xylos
  13. We can´t de-evolve Pokémon, sorry. :/
  14. Hey, could you tell me your system specs? You can additionally try to: - Run PRO as Administrator - Try both, the 32 and the 64 bit client - Download page - Add PRO as exception at your Windows Defender and if it doesnt work turn off your Windows Defender Let me know what comes out. Regards Xylos
  15. Hey[uSER=2018033] rosstipper[/uSER], Im sorry for this inconvenience. Try following steps mentioned in our issue thread: Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey @Shakouraz, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Make sure you logged in the right server. The Blue and Red server where merged into one server and is called Silver now. The Yellow server will stay alone but is called Gold from now on. Regards Xylos
  17. Glad to see your problem is solved. :) I will lock this topic now as the problem is solved and I wish you a great day! Regards Xylos - Locked -
  18. Hey @Cheee, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Could you specify your problem? Which login message is appearing when you try to login? In case you still get the "Invalid Password" message, take a look at this quote: Keep me up to date. :) Regards Xylos
  19. Hey @BrownGhost420, unfortunately we can not move your Gold data to Silver. The 20 tested accounts you metioned were only choosen in order to test a server transfer and staff will not choose more players. We cant, particularly to keep it fair to other players. The 20 accounts were needed and were already choosen as the test is over. Im sorry about that but there is nothing that can be done in your case besides starting a new adventure on the Silver server. I still hope you have a great day! Regards Xylos
  20. Hey @Wolfaloo, Im sorry for this inconvenience. We already talked at the PRO Discord server but to clarify, I want to ask to take a look at following steps and check if you have done them, If not please follow those. Regards Xylos
  21. Hey @TalosKhant, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The game progress of all not used accounts which havent a high play time, that means all accounts which wasnt used for a very long time and werent played much, were deleted, also your accounts as your playing times didnt hit the limit. Playing with a resetted account, like you do, may cause problems. We have the option to reset your accounts and refund all your possible accessoires which were bought with coins and give you a start budged of 40 coins. You have to start from the very beginning but you can keep your account, your possible accessoires, have a starting budged of 40 coins and a new dex data plus a new starter Pokémon which you should have lost. If wanted, I need a confirmation of you and your girl friend. Otherwise you have to create a new account. Kind regards Xylos
  22. There is currently no way to evolve Swirlix as the ability to evolve this Pokémon is not coded yet. There is also no ETA when it will be coded, take a look at our update log from time to time to stay up to date regarding this evolution and other changes. Regards Xylos
  23. Hey, regarding the forum rules: You can report players in our Report Center. Regards Xylos
  24. Glad to hear that you just have to merge your accounts to solve your issue. :) Thanks to @CheefSweetLeef for the answer! Now as the issue is solved, I will lock this topic. I wish you a good day. Regards Xylos
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