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Everything posted by Amiin

  1. Focus sash? Also it has ability contrary which effects opposite of stat drops like if you use super power with malamar instead of dropping atk and def stat will raise one stage
  2. Amiin

    Sucker Punch BP

    Oh ok thanks
  3. Amiin

    Sucker Punch BP

    Correct me if i am missing something but in bulbapedia and smogon says sucker punch got nerfed in gen 7 It was BP 80 in gen 6 And its still 80 BP in pro it should be 70 as pro is gen 7 Thank you
  4. I switched to genger and he switched to togekiss toge died of rocks genger died of sand then it was stuck in there for like 20 minutes..i had to dc as i cant wait all day for this..i would have won it as he had shiftry and darmanitan.. shiftree would have died of rocks and darmanatan can never beat excadrill in sand... so thats all [MEDIA=vimeo]290050962[/MEDIA] (video proof) thanks for reading and watching :)
  5. I personally dont like my mons fucking around. Jokes apart you idea is trash. Cause no one will like the idea even if they are lazy. hatching an egg for tier 1-4 pokes will take 48h(as you suggested). you can get a better poke by hunting rather then hatching. Tier 8-9 144h you suggested Thats also non sense you can surely farm a better poke rather then hatching with your suggested conditions. Dont be lazy hunting is already pretty easy here with repels. Thanks :)
  6. Is it an auction or you just taking offers without auction?
  7. Two larvesta and one lillipup died cause of takedown...feelsbadman +1
  8. Evolving same poke more then once dosent counts as multiple evos..you will get One evo count for evolving 6x weedle
  9. +1 Cant remember how many battles lost/won For dc
  10. Lmao.. Its not anime where pikachu can can defeat onix by aiming at the horn... -1
  11. Well its not a groundbreaking suggestion but i am sure most (those who does this regularly) will agree with this. Sinnoh teleport list is not ascended serially. also the solaceon town is at the far end of the list which is sometimes painful and time consuming. So it will be helpfull if solaceon town was on the first list instead of eterna city or celestic town
  12. Amiin


  13. Name change request (silver) Change to: EXC4DRILL (all caps if possible) Thanks you <3
  14. Bye bro Hope to see you in fenix again soon!
  15. IGN: Amiin Playtime: 1.2kh pvp rating:300+ Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes. Reason:I rolled gentle over gentle in my latios and its so frustating to depend on luck with a expensive thing like reroll ticket Vote for birth island: No. Reason:Remove the pesudo legends and let players have more then one of each type legends.with this and the selecting nature rerolls, people can have more sets and the pvp will be more interesting.
  16. i beated lugia boss north from thor boss..there you got caught data...its not a bug
  17. snore also brusts airballon even if the snore fails
  18. most of your suggestion is completely useless except for the bad pokemon storage First you complain about the money sink for Beginner's. well its a mmo game and its meant to be hard and trust me it isnt expensive at all. and the subway is cheap compared to the service it provides if you buy the subway pass. server crash is minimal atm the servers were more unstable few months back and needed and mod to look into it. now the server crashes very less and it fixes instantly. Megas are on the way soon or less Gengars ability isnt a pro thing its gamefreak who changed its ability Alola pokemons are also on its way to game and about shinies they were meant to be rare..else every one would had a shiny godly greninja. Also other things you suggested are completly useless and will destroy the games flavour.
  19. I logged into game...went to olivine pc from vermillion port then joined ranked battle after 5 mints found a match then i clicked a move and it showed you blacked out and the rest is in the video.. keep in mind i didnt encountered any wild battle or so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAwzhWi1iSo https://streamable.com/zcw85v
  20. +1 Thats the reason i couldnt hunt in easter event and also froakie..too much lag
  21. Nice idea This way people can make cash and the new players can get help
  22. +1
  23. Farewell friend
  24. +1
  25. Amiin


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