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Everything posted by Olker

  1. C.O.: 850k Glanced Increment: 5k Time: 24 hours RCs = 6k CCs = 350k
  2. @Manbat Can you help me with Scyther auction? I think we're having trouble contacting @Guganew12.
  3. Tato, your discord name, is a surname for Antonio, but I know you don't live in spanish speaking parts of the world, so my guess is... Kube. I can't think os somethine else, hehe.
  4. @Guganew12 You won the Scyther, PM me when you are available. ^^
  5. You won the shuckle ^^ Contact me when you are available.
  6. C.O. : 500k (Ozmon93) Increment: 100k Insta: None End Point: 16:11 GMT Saturday Winner: 600k (Ozmon93) End Point: 14:37 GMT Saturday I accept RCs, 6k, ccs, 350k.
  7. 4m budget. PM here, in game, or discord. Locrito#6699 I may also pay for hunting service.
  8. Title, PM here, in game, or discord, Locrito#6699 Will pay depending on how good it is.
  9. +1 adding fun stuff like this, do make the game more alive.
  10. Correct, and in my opinion, I guess it's pretty hard to understand the concept of PRO being somethong else other than only a MMORPG, but opening it up to the possibility of being nuzlocked or speedran, is way more fun and, in the ladder, competitive, than challenging yourseld to beat a boss without "X" pokémon. But let's see what staff thinks. Honestly, other than it being hard to code, I don't see any downside or counter arguement that isn't a "simply no".
  11. Did you read what I said? More accounts wouldn't be made, it's the same account being reset over and over. You could at least understand what I wrote before answering something pointless. I must differ on the first part. Seems pointless for someone like you, but some of us, would like the account not to make it necessarily grow, but to make challenges (as mentioned before) just to reset it later and try again in the same account. The second part of your arguement is pointless.
  12. +1 I understand it is a money sink, but I don't really find it healthy.
  13. I've always been a fan of this idea. Normally they say "create another account, you can have up to four, and in two servers, that is eight story modes". But honestly, I would prefer the reset option, since I'm pretty sure for some people eight isn't enough. This might open a new type of sub community in PRO also, like speedrunners, or Nuzlockers, which would be pretty fun. :] I understand it might be pretty hard to implement though.
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