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Everything posted by Olker

  1. Tienes que poner pruebas en screenshots de cada oferta que se te haga.
  2. Pon precio inicial, incremento, duración y formas de pago.
  3. This is not an auction Price is 1.2m I accept CCs = 380k RC = 6.5k RR = 650k
  4. "Local" is what its name says. LOCAL, lol. You can't communicate in local with people in other maps lmao.
  5. Ye, this makes me sad too. :c
  6. Time: 24 hours since start offer. Start: 1k Raise: 1k CURRENT OFFER: 150k Keyamin CCs = 360k RCs = 6k
  7. I believe it would be allowed, as it doesn't really do something in game for you. There are tools that count the amount of encounters of each mon you had, and they are allowed, so under the same logic, a tool that makes a specific sound when you hace a specific encounter should work. (I understand we don't pay much attention to the pokémon cries when multitasking).
  8. PM, speak to me in game, or discord, Locrito#6699
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