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Everything posted by Olker

  1. Lol. I'm pretty sure you need to go back to ask for your masterballs.
  2. Said someone who just started playing. You can evolve them. Just that it's not recommended.
  3. I'm pretty sure this one could have been sold for around the same price of the other one (31 spd). Oh well, too late. Congrats to the buyer. :c
  4. That part I circled in white is the exit.
  5. I'd say 30k. Even for a story mon, it's a tier 1 of tier 1s, and one which won't even take full advantage of what it makes it good for story (dragon dance) because of its nature.
  6. I don't understand what you are trying to say about my suggestion. In fact, I think you didn't even read it. 4th badge to trade in every region HAS BEEN implemented, I'm trying to give another solution.
  7. I don't really know what the devs are looking for when they said they added the 4 badge requirement to trade in everh region. However, I think this is a good solution if what they wanted was avoiding people to rush through the regions. Nevertheless, it's a story lover the one who is writing, so maybe my opinion is too biased.
  8. I don't think many people will like this due to the fact their sets will be revealed.
  9. I've seen this is a change that was recently applied. This would, of course, avoid people from rushing a region with a lvl 100 mon. However, wouldn't it be better to do it like in the main series games? Like, after getting certain badge, pokémon over certain level starts to obey you. I don't know how hard this is to implement, but at least for me, it sounds like a good alternative. :] Any thoughts, or comments?
  10. Probably tailwind or paralyze?
  11. I asked this before, but it got lost in the flood of hate, lol. What is the punishment policy towards multi-accounting? What are the variables taken into account?
  12. Discord: Locrito#6699 Post poke here, in game or via discord.
  13. Then your initial opinion makes no sense, lol.
  14. Again, imagine saying that without having done a WQ before the bidoof ones.
  15. Imagine saying that without having done a WQ before the bidoof ones.
  16. Try to go to "Discipline Appeals" section in the forums, there you will be able to try to recover your account.
  17. Enter the dashboard through the main webpage of PRO, and merge your account. Then you'll be able to access it.
  18. There can't be two accounts with the same name on the same server. Xd
  19. You probably have to merge. Go to Dashboard, enter your old username and password, and you should be able to merge.
  20. After thinking it up a bit, I thought this new type of wq was probably a "test" to make it possible for more people to participate (due to timezones, it was horrible for some of us, I had to wake up at 4AM for one of them, lol). Clearly, people dislike having to hunt tons of pokémon, so I think this method isn't going to work. In Pokémon Go, Community Day is divided into timezones, so I was thinking in doing something similar. How about doing three World Quests in the same day (we can call it World Quest Day), with the same mon? Each one would last eight hours, you wouldn't be able to get a ticket from more than one of the three. Of course, IVs would be something reduced, like 60-80k per WQ. Let me know your thoughts about it.
  21. Now that we're talking about imsults, I have a question. How do you handle the punishments according to culture? For example, in spanish chat, it's more common to "insult" those who ARE your friends (I guess it's pretty common in latin culture), when you talk to them, but in a "I'm kidding" way (Of course, not all of the insults have this "friendly" intention), but those who do, are they punished anyways?
  22. +1, specially on full heals/antidotes/burn heals/etc.
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