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Everything posted by Olker

  1. There is more than enough space for new players to join. I'm not saying that multi accounting make the game better, since it can affect the economy, but I'm attacking your arguement that states: Stating that the same people play in many accounts make the game die doesn't make sense. If somehow they restricted new players to join because of a long queue (like in PRO's first years) then it would be understood, but there's absolutely nothing that prevents new players from joining.
  2. I always though they could be useful for players before getting bike or mounts (they should work when pressing a button). +1 Why the gardevoir part tho.
  3. Idk how limiting alts will make the game more active lmao. -1
  4. Name: Olker Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Bolivia/GMT-4
  5. Olker

    Mega stones

    On PROs defense, Kangaskhan wasn't even meant to be pvpable, lol, but they banned seismic toss and power up punch for the community to be able to use it and be "balanced".
  6. I'm pretty sure it'll be set to 0. Sorry for the guild, lol.
  7. Realistically, story pokémon don't really sell for anything anyways, so it doesn't really matter your arcanine is lvl 17. You can check where to catch what pokémon in your pokédex.
  8. Yeah don't panic, staff keep track of that, just wait for them to answer and they'll tell you what happened to it. In the case you released it accidentally, they will restore it.
  9. I understand your situation might be disappointing, but what I find funny is this part: I find it funny to try to emotionally blackmail a GAME. Anyways, I hope that you find someone that gifts you a cyndaquil, or that you get over the problem. GL.
  10. Hehe, cute
  11. I think it's something recent. Before it did happen occasionally, but today it happened to me four times in my way from goldenrod pc to bcc, lol. It didn't happen to me again in the rest of the night though.
  12. Movimientos como cuales? Todos los movimientos que aprenden hasta gen 7 deberían estar disponibles para aprenderse. Sin embargo, los que vienen en generaciones posteriores, no se añadirán hasta que el sistema de batalla se actualice al de gen 8.
  13. It happened in my side acc (Reklo) btw.
  14. I got the loss. His poke was faster, his counter reached 0 firs, but fainted second. Iirc, that's not how it's supposed to work, unless something has changed in gen 7 lol.
  15. What do you mean? If you can access multiple of your accounts at the same time?
  16. Git gud -1
  17. 1 - 2. You can see it if click on your mons on the left side. 3. This is intentional, to make the game harder, as said above. 4. Subway would become pointless. However, if they manange to make a quest that can unlock it, and make it work along with subway, it would be pretty interesting. It wouldn't be that cheap though. 5. There is an NPC that tells you this, you can also see it in discord. However, yes, it should be more easily accesible. Maybe in the trainer card. 6. I don't really care about this point, but yeah, why not, I'm sure many people would like ot. 7. I think the trading system is fine as it is, region lock should stay the same. As stated above, though, an automated auction house would be amazing (similar to that of neopets). 8. Can't say nothing negative about this. I think ot would be nice. 9. That would change completely the paradigm behind releasing pokémon in the pokémon universe, lol, although it would be more "realistic" also. However, I think there may be negative consequences. There's a reason behind being able to trash mons in your box after capturing them for 200$, I'm sure this change would affect something related to that mechanic. 10. You can encounter shinies almost everywhere, it's purely luck based. And legendaries are locked behind quests, therefore you will not be able to find them so easily. 11. As stated above, legendaries are locked behind quests, and no, you cannot encounter more than one species of each legendary in each account. That would completely destroy the concept behind a "legendary" pokémon, and the reroll mechanisms.
  18. Ok now I'm sure it's Chat GPT lol
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