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Iceflake last won the day on January 22 2020

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About Iceflake

  • Birthday 05/12/1997

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Community Answers

  1. TL:DR, MS pokemon are getting out of hand. This is a chart for Honedge, a Pokemon that is used very much in pvp ever since it got freed from its ban. Recently it got a Valentines form as well.(Which is sick GJ artist team), but if you notice there isn't a single way to get a event form honedge outside of MS spawns. Headbutts don't give out shiny/forms and excavations are shiny/formed locked. Why does Honedge need so many MS spawns? Im all for making MS spawns better than the non MS spawns, makes MS something to seek and buy when you can. But objectifying it as "Needed" for a Pokemon just is unjustifiable. Make the Non MS spawns somewhere the original Pokemon could actively spawn at. For example Cave of justice seems perfect for this. Its late enough in the game for people needing to complete 3 regions and most of sinnoh to get to. Then we have things like this. This is the spawns for Bagon, a popular Pokemon but not very used in pvp but also has a Val form so people are going to hunt for it. The reason why I show this is Why is a HOENN native pokemon locked behind SINNOH. Meteor Falls is where you would get Bagon in the original games. This would be like locking Pikachu in Virdian forest or power plant in kanto behind ms and giving it a spawn at the power plant in Sinnoh and calling it a good way to balance MS. Of course this isn't as bad as honedge as Bagon actually does have a non MS spawn and on the event island and sinnoh. Seems like it should be the other way around. Im sure there are others examples like how Alolan Marowak was a MS spawn ONLY for haloween, but after seeing honedge I had to say something. Bagon spawn been in the back of my mind for years now. My suggestion is to change how you view MS spawns because seems to me its getting out of hand. Seems almost predatory in how its trying to get the player to donate in order to get them 15 days of MS hunting. MS in my eyes should be something players seek when they want to improve their hunting efficiency. MS spawns can be better than others, but they shouldn't gatekeep players from getting Pokemon without spending money. Saying things like "its ok because you can buy CCs and an term MS from other players" is not a fix, its a band-aid to an already failing system. Especially seeing how SMS,MS, and large MS (and bms) all got price hikes its getting harder and harder to justify paying money to support the server and getting something cool in-game as a return for helping out. To improve MS is to improve the satisfaction of players and letting them feel better about spending 5-10USD on MS to help them hunt pokemon they want to get. If anyone else has similar spawns that seem predatory in their nature like MS locked only or Native spawns locked behind ms found in event areas/later areas feel free to post them below to spread awareness on this topic. Thank you.
  2. ""Not Ban"" Think I played almost 70 games last season with a Stall Kyurem, ran a Sub,Roost,Protect,Freeze dry set and overall. Didn't feel like Kyurem was overly toxic towards the metagame. Scizor would use it as set up fodder and Bronzong wouldn't care at all for it and just set up its stuff then boom. With it being weak to stealth rocks and the abundance of lopunny/Scizor around to keep it in check I don't think its ban worthy. Sure its "Annoying" but I don't think annoying = Ban worthy. The metagame isn't shifting towards ways of stopping kyurem. More like there were already ways already being played which kept kyruem in check.
  3. Suggestion has been turned down countless times before. Its just not a good idea.
  4. TL:DR version Lvl 100 cap could be thrown out and let pokemon lvl up to lvl 999 where they can Prestige back to 100. (In battle they will always count as lvl 100. stats included, to avoid moves like seismic toss dealing over max 100 damage.) My suggestion is simple, Unlock the level cap. Then add a Prestige NPC that will revert your lvl 999 (insert lvl cap here) back to lvl 100. This will award the pokemon a unique entrance animation. What I have in idea is a small star that sparkles. You will gain another one for each prestige you obtain. Now for balance reasons in battle the pokemon will keep their stats from lvl 100. This is to avoid moves that do damage based on lvl. Whats the point you may ask? You can see how much you used your pokemon! You could also incorporate PVP into it, letting people get EXP from ranked PVP for their team (since you need lvl 100 anyway). You could also rewards players for each prestige they get. They could be one time rewards or rewards you can get multiple times for each mon you Prestige. You could also tie together Changing the pokeball the pokemon is in after X number of Prestiges. Thank you for reading my general useless Suggestion. Have no idea if its even possible or even worth the time but it might be cool for this to be the only Pokemon MMO to do this!.
  5. Thank you for answering and will be glad to discuss it in a further date.
  6. With the recent Outbreak we got the first Ultrabeast being Guzzlord. Now I love how we are getting new pokemon but there's one suggestion I must ask. Remove the ball restriction that is unique to PRO for Ultrabeasts. I don't want this for the future Ultrabeasts since I find Beast balls and Master balls to be simply unappealing visually. I like using pokeballs that match the pokemon in some way in color or style. If this is a way of monetizing Beast balls it shouldn't be a problem as anything other than a Beast ball/Master ball have less than a 10% chance to catch when 1hp and asleep the exception being balls like the heavy ball for Guzzlord getting a 13% chance to catch. (spoiler below shows Guzzlords) With the Custom Pokeball Event going on it would be a shame to not have these Pokemon in other balls. This shouldn't be a paywall as the odds are just so low to being with. Thank you and hope you take time considering it.
  7. Fire: Cyndaquil Water: Mudkip Grass: Turtwig
  8. 650k
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