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  1. How old are you and where are you from? 22 Why would you like to join Trinity? nice players in Trinity, Guild Island Were you part of another guild in the past and if so which one? DarkRising What is the highest rating you've ever got? What do you enjoy most doing in PRO? seeing salty messages by sweaty pvp battlers when i bring stall, searching for porygon, and What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? dont know aye #7929
  2. Thank you for your reply :) I understand losing money is part of the game, I just feel the penalty for losing is too harsh. The reward given by NPCs are roughly between 500 to 2000, while the risk is losing 50,000 for veterans, making it so for every loss, one would have to win against at least 25 trainers, which I feel is a waste of time. I would like to ask why there is no penalty for losing against bosses(with the exception of team rocket)? If money-losing is part of the game, shouldn't players lose 50,000, if not more to bosses?
  3. +1 i think it's a great idea lots of ppl uncheck "allow party inspection" because they pvp, this would allow them to showcase their cool poke on PRO I don't look at all chat because it's obnoxious to spam it and i am jealous, the showcase would be a modest way to show off
  4. I feel the current mechanic of losing in game money after losing to NPCs is detrimental to the PRO community. It punishes players that are veterans in the game that hold large sums of money, as well as beginners that have little funds to spare. Strengths: - Players with greater purchasing power will have a better ability to explore what PRO offers, being able to use their pokedollars for items, pokemon, and cosmetics. - Current money losing mechanic discourages people from grinding, all their hard work has been lost - Able to play PRO without abusing log-in log-out tactics Weaknesses: - Losing money can be avoided by logging out before battle ends While players can avoid losing money by logging out prior to the end of the battle, it is senseless for any game to tell a player to simply quit when losing, and encourages a rage-quit mentality. - "Players should lose money from money sinks, it's healthy for the economy" Money sinks such as transportation fees, excavation sites, and other investments are indeed healthy for the environment as they also give a positive benefit to the player, such as fast travel, or access to rare encounters. Comparatively, losing money to NPCs is an unhealthy money sink, as it is unreliable (can be avoided by glitching), and does not provide a positive benefit to the player, but rather provides the extra curb stomp on the ground. It does not provide a player with any benefit, and feels like theft. - "You should just get good at the game, or always bring your best pokemon, you are complaining because you are bad, just win" Much like any other videogame, PRO should be played for fun. It might not be fun to always use the same pokemon, or to constantly keep log outs in mind. Changing up teams, and experimenting with new pokemon can provide new and interesting ways to challenge players, however, I feel players should not be punished for experimenting or using different mons. Every battler wants to learn new strategies and techniques, and we should not be relegated to practice in PVP. Although I do acknowledge games should punish players for losing such as having to restart the level, the punishment should be one that is healthy, one that can be learned upon, rather than what seems like a time waste. I think having solely a trainer cooldown is a balanced solution, as it punishes the player by restricting experience and money gained, encouraging the player to attempt to beat the NPC once again, all while being not too harsh. It does not make sense for veterans of the game who have accumulated large amounts of money from beating bosses and other activities, with a great deal of pokemon knowledge, to have to lose so much money for not abusing a glitch. If losing money can simply be avoided by abusing a glitch, one should consider what the community would think of this money mechanic if the glitch did not exist. I do believe players would not be happy losing a percentage of their earned currency. I understand a Player Bank suggestion has been consider by the PRO team, but seeing as how it was 2 years ago, I would like to suggest a quality of life fix on deleting the money loss penalty for NPC battles. Please let me know your thoughts.
  5. Awesome I love battling the Suspicious Bot, it's a great way to get more pve coins Why is the Lagging Tail banned? How does it give a greater advantage over the Mega Banette bug?
  6. Togekiss sold in game
  7. Goodra sold to pro MikkelX
  8. ty Pro MikkelX, Goodra is reserved for you. Will trade it when im online in 1hr
  9. not auctioning all EV trained, level 100 -sold- Goodra Sap Sipper Adamant: 80k Arcanine Flash Fire Adamant: 100k Crawdaunt Shell Armor Adamant: 120k Azumaril Bold Thick Fat: 120k Pelipper Drizzle Bold: 170k Kingdra Modest Swift Swim: 170k -sold- Togekiss Timid Serene Grace: 170k Mamoswine Jolly Oblivious: 700k Sylveon Bold Cute Charm: 700k
  10. Dont false advertise Your porygon-z does not have the hidden ability Analytic, it has Adaptability which is one of the normal abilities
  11. Also I know there is nothing that can be done for this. Sorry, and please close
  12. thank you for your replies. A timer would not be beneficial after reading some comments. In this instance, I'm referencing a sale of a scizor sold for 5 million. The buyer immediately after puts the scizor up for auction for 7m starting (however it was reduced to 5.1million). This scizor was sold for approximately 7m in cash+items after auctioning I don't understand how that worked, and I thought that although the buyer was very smart, it is unfortunate to the seller who missed out on the 7m sale. Was it just circumstance that the seller missed out on opportunity? ty Wrong. I'm sympathetic to the people who are taken advantage of/ are given the wrong price check. Yes in hindsight the idea would not help. irrelevant comment. Each pokemon is determined by their individual values, where as an item's value is determined by demand and supply. I think you mixed up the seller and buyer. The seller may have wanted to sell at a price they are happy with, but may be uninformed about a fair price.
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