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Everything posted by Itachiy

  1. hey im here
  2. WTB SHiny Frog pm here or in dc ty
  3. need hallow quest service i just have done only darkrai need the rest
  4. buying shiny riolu or evo pm here or in game
  5. How old are you and where are you from? Ans : Asalamuyalaikum I'm Nur A Alham and I'm 22 years old from Bangladesh. Why would you like to join Trinity? Ans : one of my brother told me about this guild and I heard you all are very friendly What is the highest rating you've ever got? Ans my average is 100-150 and max was 218 How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? Ans I'm here from 2018 and I player 1213 Hours and recently I play 5-6 hours ( I had operation and few problems I couldn't play much ) What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? Ans I can help you with what I learned and what I know and I can make a peaceful bonding with everyone. Add a picture of your trainer card in the application. Ok What is your Discord ID? イタチ#6585
  6. I'm sorry if I'm posting to the wrong side in really bad at this topics but I accidentally Removed my wevile can any moderator help me to get back my poke Im giving the ID of the poke
  7. S.o 1m Insta 6m Min rise 100k Accept cc 300k reroll iv 600k Forum ends in 3 days
  8. Name Djalham Server silver
  9. Name Change Username: Djalham New Username: Kingitachi Server to charge the money from: Silver
  10. ● What's your Name/IGN ---> Djalham ● How old are you ---> yesterday was my 20th birthday ● Are you active in Discord--> yes 20 houes ● Where are you from --> Bangladesh ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO ---> 600 hours ● What's your goal in PRO --> me and my girlfriend loves Pokemon no goal will play for lifetime ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos --> ahem ahem I really like your squad ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why --> azelf because of he is a sucidel bomber ● What's your favorite animal and why ---> cats because my girlfriend loves cats
  11. I fought with him but still this data is showing blank help me
  12. I fight with the latios and latias there is no news in tv but still I can't catch the jirachi the stone is not taking me to him
  13. I did everything like the forum post 3-4 times but still this is showing Everytime I come hero this rock is not telipoting me
  14. I'm not being able to change my bell at tin tower there is only one guy but he is not helping . I want to change my water bell for thunder bell need help
  15. Ing : djalham Server : silver
  16. can anyone kindly send the link of the new update infos of the new legendary time and reat?
  17. sir I got them all ready bkz you gyse were didn't replyed in time so sorry ^_^ okay? dont get angry I was in a rush
  18. Wtb the seaking 100k poke doller and small ms . can I buy it ?
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