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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. I'm assuming the bug restriction also applies to the area you catch genesect. Paras is a bug therefore not allowed
  2. 1-2m
  3. Jolteon started by xRobin05, ends 3days from his post
  4. Shiny pineco sold 3m
  5. Musharna auction won 800k
  6. @GraveWalkerr just above thread on top right is a 'watch' button. Press this if you wish to observe thread @op if you want this thread cleared, just report the posts you want deleted to a mod and they will help you out.
  7. You can relearn moves from pre evolution using a pre-evolution tutor, there is one in every daycare except kanto. I believe staff will not(also mabye cannot) unevolve Pokémon. And it's for this reason pre-evo tutors exist
  8. Not everyone has access to cerulean cave, so that's a slightly pointless point. Anyway goodluck
  9. Also just occurred to me this area already exists. It's called pinken, pokes there are weak to flying and fire and high level. You can take bug into the water anywhere.
  10. Bug is easy, go into the water, most flying types have 0 problem killing arbok/golbat, and are alot faster so can run from the rock pokemon. Fire type are generally the same as flying, just fight arbok/golbat. While I always welcome the idea of a new area. The reasons behind this I think are well intentioned but incorrect. Still wouldn't complain if a new area came out. Current stuff I'm training in cc, after this run growlithe will be able to 1hko stuff and I'll swap a whimsicott out for a new low lvl poke Growlithe is fire Swablu is flying I don't use any 1 use items (sash ect)
  11. Greninja sold 400k
  12. Easter exeggecute sold 100k
  13. Charizard learns flash and cut
  14. 5-10 days seems like short enough so you can make a contribution to your guild when you join. And long enough to be really annoying if ur boosting guild at end of month. +1
  15. Check someone's hours before trading. Right click on them, press 'inspect' you probably want over 200h. Also take screenshots of every trade. Sad this happens, but its not to hard to avoid and isn't respective of the community as a whole
  16. Another thread in need of reading the please read me before posting https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/28245-url
  17. Musharna 1 Started C.O. - 800k by Flaming Aegis Ends - 18:26 23/11/2019 GMT+0
  18. ramparados sold 1.1m excadrill sold 500k
  19. Tyranitar sold 680k Volcarona 1 sold 1.5m
  20. Shiny Pinsir, Shiny Victreebell added Some Prices changed
  21. Talonflame sold 225k
  22. +1 think who contributed the most ivs for wq as a scoreboard would be relativly easy to do, and really rewarding for the game. I would suggest an ongoing 'all time' and the most recent 3 wq's. Think rewards for top places on these would be fine, but also even without rewards this would be cool to implement
  23. nidoking 1 sold 1.2m empoleon sold 90k
  24. volcarona 13 sold 245k
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