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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Wasn't a dig, I think you guys do a brilliant job. Was a mabye helpful suggestion that might mean you don't have to spend hours reordering things. Mabye it's a bad idea, idk was just an idea. Keep doing a good job :)
  2. I think it might help you guys out to have two forums for reports, into the 1st goes everyones report threads(exactly how it currently does) except instead of it being newest at the top, the oldest stays at the top and the newest join the bottom. Into the 2nd goes every thread that a mod has replied to. This one is ordered newest to oldest. Threads leave the 1st forum and enter 2nd either once mod replies, or once it's resolved. Through this method reports can't get lost untill a mod has replied to them. Reason for suggesting, in a recent report I was told to bump my thread daily by a mod, or it gets swamped. Dunno how possible/not possible but makes sense in my head
  3. ~1m Edit for ~ lines = crossout
  4. Ferrothorn sold 650k
  5. Currently my shop has these two lines in. So I was wondering: 1) If the starting auction timers from my acknowledgement is still ok. 2) If yes to 1) can I still cancel auction before my acceptance of the starting bid since timer hasn't started. 3) I also want to add the rule 'Only one poke with a starting offer of over 2m is allowed to be on auction at a time'. Is this rule compliment also? Cheers for time. Ty
  6. Bought 2 bands 1 specs, upped offer on remaining items
  7. Presumably I have won volc at 130k? Also may I ask if English is a first language, it's not a criticism, I just want to know if this might be contributing to our lack of understanding each other.
  8. excadrill 1 traded for event pawn, no ss
  9. 6-7k is more normal. You can buy for 5k but it's not that common
  10. try, log off and log on restart client Running in circles screaming :) Usually if you're stuck, or you cant exit a pc (mostly esc rope bug) just logging off and on solves it.
  11. Bump more ppl need to see this, have been using leavanny's as the fastest die rs in cc, but this is way better
  12. Works like this on gold(restores 100%), thought it was ment to be 100% I'm sad, a) because it's not, and b) now they know xD
  13. Ferrothorn 650k by akamarup
  14. upped the offer :)
  15. Ferrothorn 1 auction started by Howie323 at 600k Ends 25/05/2019 13:22:04
  16. Haxorus sold insta 700k
  17. Haxorus 1 started 600k by Howie323 Ends 25/05/2019 11:49:17 gmt+1
  18. Island 4 horsea carry dragon scale at 1/20 rate. Your looking at paying between 10-20k if u just spam trade channel abit u should get one in under 10mins
  19. U can just use the tunnel shortcut, so it's not that bad. But also would be good QoL
  20. Offering a 1m start for timid, gl selling if not.
  21. Wtb choice specs 3x 120k ea Wtb choice scarf 2x 120k ea Wtb flame orb 2x 40k ea
  22. Given an auction time of 3 days, price of Insta differs now.
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