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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. No, the player with the higher win ratio will be rewarded. On another note, congratulations to zarate619 (red), xRevoluxionx94 (yellow) and snowball (blue). All 3 players have been rewarded with the Anbu mask. For this season, I was originally planning to have the Black Absol Mount as the reward, but it seems that it is now obtainable via the PVP coin shop. Therefore, the reward for this season will be the Pancham Hat. -PREVIEW OF THE ITEM WILLL BE ADDED SOON- ....snow.....snowball?
  2. i solved the problem, thanks
  3. hi, i entered a poke center and i got stuck during the loading screen, i tried to relog many times but its always black and the bar won't charge, pls help. NEWS: i solved the problem but is happening almost every map change.
  4. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ <t>Really nice can't wait to try it out when in home, can you join how many times you want during the day?</t>
  5. Roses are red, pikachu is yellow. You guess it right, don't be a marshmallow, come to blue and make your dream come true
  6. nice idea, i completely agree
  7. ciao benvenuto! mai sentito parlare del tuo mmorpg xD
  8. What if 2 players finish at the same point (nr 1 tie), will you be giving 2 prices?
  9. put them only for pvp reward =)
  10. username: snowbull Country: Milan, Italy I would love to win, i love nintendo in general and right now, no cash to buy switch so i hope to win it! keep it up shane and PRO!
  11. first of all, thank you daeon for your effort in helping us, pvp is a really important part of PRO and is growing fast so thx so much, secondly pokemon as a reward in pvp shop with random ivs are such a great idea to me, keep it up!
  12. hi, 95% of the pokemon that should learn dark pulse through tutor doesnt learn it, for example greninja cant learn dark pulse from tutor...and many others....i think is pretty useless...change it pls
  13. In my opinions is pretty fine like that, try to think about it...you are rewarded for your effort. you got 20 drillburs, those are extremely rare pok so even if not good they can sell for soemthing, u can sell 20 drilbur and get a decent one, how is this not rewarding? i mean ofc if you are lucky u just find a good one urself, but is not like u cant sell and buy to get good pok.
  14. Hello Daeon :D, first of all; these new PVP related voting/discussion threads are a really good step into the right direction; would love to see more of these kinds. I will try to make this post as insightful as I can. These are of course just general suggestions for a better PVP environment overall but I will mentioned certain rewards as well since this is the main subject in this thread. I overall appreciate the effort you put into these new cloaks, so keep up the good work you are doing. :) The tournament idea is something I wanted to see become alive anyway; so good to see that this is still on the table :P Suggestions [goto=top25]Top25 rewards[/goto] [goto=top10]Top10 rewards[/goto] [goto=cloaks]PVP Sets[/goto] [goto=mount]PVP Mounts[/goto] [goto=pvpitems]Items out of the PVP store[/goto] [goto=season]Overall Season[/goto] [anchor=top25]Top25 rewards[/anchor] This is overall just my opinion and certain people will most likely disagree but I think the reward of 500 coins is too much hence I suggest to lower the amount for specific ranks. This will not only ensure that the value of PVP coins stays high; it will also mean that "playing just for Top25" isn't rewarded as much as "trying to be the best". #25 to #21 ~ 200 coins #20 to #15 ~ 225 coins #14 to #10 ~ 250 coins #9 to #4 ~ 300 coins #3 and #2 ~ 350 coins #1 ~ remains 500 coins The reward is rather stiff and boring since there is nothing you can't get without being Top25 hence I suggest making certain new things in the PVP Shop "Top25" only (of course people who already were Top25 are included in this), this will also ensure that people are actually trying to be get on the ladder. I saw a lot of people who are actually just playing for the sake of coins and not for being on the ladder hence this might bring the motivation up to be on the ladder. I suggest also some sort of in game "tribute" towards the Top25 players of each season; something similar is already in game but not fully finished yet. The chance of having your own name on the wall of a video game for being a good player, well seems like something I would want to achieve if I am dedicated enough. I am just throwing ideas around but some sort of forum "border/rank" would also be nice, at least for some (like the PRO Member thingy); for the Top25 finishing players (old as new, since there was something in rewards mentioned a couple seasons ago "Users will receive achievements. (Visible in a future version)." ). I also suggest some sort of extra item rewards for for certain ranks; (example) #25 to #21 ~ 200 coins + 2 Masterballs #20 to #15 ~ 225 coins +1 Widelens/Muscleband/WiseGlasses/QuickClaw/Lagging Tail/Scope Lens #14 to #10 ~ 250 coins + 1 Toxicorb #9 to #4 ~ 300 coins + 1 Lifeorb #3 and #2 ~ 350 coins + 1 Lifeorb #1 ~ remains 500 coins + 2 Lifeorbs [anchor=top10]Top10 rewards[/anchor] This is about the Guild reward in general; I do actually like the 25% XP bonus for every member but I still think it could be better because some guilds put minimal effort into PVPing but are on the ladder just because nobody else is hence trying to be in the higher guild tier ranks doesn't actually mean anything; this is why I am suggesting a change in the rewarding XP %. #10 to #7 ~ 10% XP Bonus #6 to #4 ~ 20% XP Bonus #3 to 1 ~ remains 25% XP Bonus The XP reward is overall pretty good and I enjoy it much but something like a tribute in game would also be nice hence I am suggesting the same thing for the Guild ladder. I have to admit that the 25% XP Bonus is overall pretty generous so there is nothing else I would want to add on top of it. [anchor=cloaks]PVP Sets[/anchor] This might not be the best suggestion but for someone who started playing when yellow was created the frustration is big that we can't unlock the older PVP cloaks; hence I suggest to make ALL PVP cloaks obtainable for everyone at every season this will also ensure that people don't have too many coins over; means they can buy more (not tradable stuff) -> value of PVP coins doesn't fall further. [anchor=mount]PVP Mount Kyogre[/anchor] I guess you already know what I am talking about (I suggested it already) but for the sake of a complete suggestion list, I will throw it in here again. The Kyogre mount needs special trails like all the other PVP mounts, this kinda makes them a bit more special and I don't even know why this wasn't done in the first place. I know that this suggestion is right now not possible but keep this in mind for the future when we have full active artists team again. [anchor=pvpitems]Items out of the PVP store[/anchor] I suggest to change the price of masterballs (I changed my opinion on that) to 2 to 5 coins; still will ensure that people who already have everything can use this balls for certain things (e.g Beldum hunts). I suggest also lowering the price of Widelens/Muscleband/WiseGlasses/QuickClaw/Lagging Tail/Scope Lens to 35 coins each and increasing the price of the orbs to 65 coins each, this will balance things out a bit since people mostly buy the orbs. [anchor=season]Overall Season[/anchor] This is a rather old suggestion but applies here too. The PVP season should have a set day; meaning that it will end after 6 weeks, 1 off week and then again 6 weeks. The reason behind this is that people will fight for their spot, PVP in the last minute if they see that they are dropping; will be overall more competitive. [offtopic]#EDIT: messed upped the goto/anchor commands, fixed it #EDIT2: fixed a typo[/offtopic] that is a really well made answer, i agree on every point, i would maybe change some prices especially to top1 since is not easy to get. thx daeon for ur attention to pvp!!!
  15. what they mean with "achievements"?
  16. i buy for the insta price. IGM snowbull
  17. hi, to avoid incomprehension, i would love to suggest a change for pvp, players in same guild can't face each other. Why that? Well, first of all guild points doesnt get lowered, secondly it's always bad to take away points from friends and third, i think it would be a way to avoid people boosting each other, i hope youw ould consider my idea, thank you
  18. Cioè io me na vado 3 giorni per lavoro e qui succede il delirio? Bump P.s qasar 2m mandi sei pazzo? Troppo poxo
  19. Re: BYE PRO!! <t>Bb han, its bene fun</t>
  20. many people having the same issue and they need a video? are u kidding me
  21. even tho i read it was fixed, sometimes gengar absorb the toxic spikes. maybe try to see if it is when there are toxic spikes + stealth rocks. i dont know sometimes it just absorbs them.
  22. i dont understand a word
  23. Hi everybody, im selling this 2 shinys, i can refuse the offer if is not enough for me. I start a 2 day auction insta prices would be: 10m weavile and 5m ditto. Good luck :thanks:
  24. i dont see why is important and i dont know if he wants so no sorry.
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