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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. hi, wts shiny dragonite. IGN: Snowbull Instant price: 30m
  2. I have fought nikola and recatched the latios, ty and u can close
  3. Yes is snowbull again, the unluckyest player of PRO history, so that's what happened to me today after 2 day of grind for 344 evolutions.... can you help me plis? thanks and sorry for being an idiot
  4. i think all the people that commented here don't play much pvp, 15 focus sashed a day for 100k? really? not only 100k is really overpriced but maybe i need more then 15 some days.
  5. Hi, with the ivs reroll being implemented i think those item should be free or not consumed after every pvp, it's already hard to get a lot of pvp coins and if we have to spend tons of pvp coins on those consumables i feel it's just too heavy to handle. i hope you gonna take in consideration the idea to make them free or not consumable. thanks
  6. Nice torchic, good luck selling
  7. do this plis
  8. in the rules is written that " you cannot baton pass speed and another stat" that means i can baton pass for example attack and def and sp def?
  9. Wts shiny cradily, ING: snowbull starting bid 8m, insta price 20m. The bid will last 2 day.s
  10. mmm not really where is it? i mean i went the the locations in the thread suggestions i was exactly in front of the ball but i didnt have it
  11. first of all, your english is awful. secondly, how you think they gonna pay their server, how you thing you gonna play if nobody spend money on it. grow a brain thx
  12. i've talked with professor and dawn, then watched the tv and got rock climb, im champ already but when i go to the forest cave i cant find the adamant orb.
  13. Nice thread if you need to puke
  14. Re: Sinnoh Spawn Guide <t>I hope jumpluff and heliolisk are going to be coded and working correctly</t>
  15. I feel like this tournament is getting super confusing to me at least, I don't see any deadlines, forum is not being used especially the official thread lacks so many informations. I don't understand how can discord used over the forum instead of using both of them. I would kindly ask if some administrator of the ftournament could post in this thread all the deadlines for every single round since I'm not getting it. Thanks
  16. https://prntscr.com/g6rawo Thank you, so when are the deadlines now?
  17. How come some player already played the second round when the first is not even over?
  18. after talking and clearifyng with Sempra, here is my shiny Yanma. thx for your time. ING: snowbull server: Blue Server
  19. i don't really think you understood my problem. I received the yanma(it's in the pc) but i wanted to give the yanma as my pokemon bug contest so i could receive the price (volcarona wings).
  20. So...the unluckyest player in the game is here back again to tell a story... Today, Sunday 23 July 2017...i go to the bug catching area around 14:30.... I was tryng to get genesect so i was catching all the pokes tryng to get 150 ivs...we all know there is a proble...u can throw pokemons only after 4 minute to the npc. So i had my slot full of trash pokemons when that happened... shiny yanma with epic ivs aswell appears...i could have got probably 400+ points but no,,,inventory full... I hope someone can help me somehow because i think is not that fair. Thx in advance.
  21. Genesect---> BAN Gothitelle---> UNBAN Blaziken------> BAN
  22. if you hold choice band and u get a crit, there is no difference in damage as a non crit attack. can't provide any screenshot now but you can try it always fails. Thx
  23. Pvp everyday + bug contest. Pvp troll till last days then switch to hero mode
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